Fuzzy details

Simon Pegg launches a video blog behind the scenes of Hot Fuzz

So just what have Shaun Of The Dead co-writer/star Simon Pegg and co-writer/director Edgar Wright been doing since their zom-rom-com exploded into our lives? If you believe Pegg, the answer is… mostly partying.

All right, that’s not really fair. Aside from finding time to realise a long-held ambition and appear in a George A Romero film (Land Of The Dead), we know they’ve been hard at work preparing for their next work of comedy genius: Hot Fuzz.

In the style of Peter Jackson, he’s planning a series of video blogs from behind the scenes of the police comedy thriller. In the first entry, Pegg reveals all the hard training he’s undergone to prepare to be an action star: he’s learned judo, worked out at the gym and has apparently been practicing skidding his bike in a really cool, cinematic style. Is it just us or does he seem to be having way too much fun? Still, it makes us want to fast-forward through time so we can watch the movie now. Check out the diary here.

Source: (Working Title)

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