Peter Jackson joins Spielberg for Tintin

Hobbit-wrangler on Spielberg's dream project...

There are some legendary teams in the movies: Laurel and Hardy, Pearl and Dean and Turner and Hooch to name just three. But now there’s another power pair ready to straddle Hollywood like hairy colossuses. Colussi? Colussssss… Our head hurts.

Fresh off of snagging the rights to finance and support his next film, The Lovely Bones, Steven Spielberg is teaming back up with Peter Jackson, as the Spielbeard is dragging the LOTR director on board his long-harboured Tintin film series.

The plan is for Spielberg and Jackson to each direct an instalment of the franchise, which will follow the adventures of the young Belgian reporter, his faithful pup Snowy and his lecherous Uncle NoPants. We may have made that last one up for fun.

Based on the Belgian graphic novel series by Herge, the movies will be made with motion capture technology. "Herge's characters have been reborn as living beings, expressing emotion and a soul which goes far beyond anything we've seen to date with computer animated characters," Spielberg lipped to Variety. "We want Tintin's adventures to have the reality of a live-action film, and yet Peter and I felt that shooting them in a traditional live-action format would simply not honour the distinctive look of the characters and world that Herge created.”

While the presence of two of filmland’s biggest players means it will surely hit the screen, there’s still no script written for any of the adventures just yet. So all you Tintin enthusiasts will have to wait for the next chapter in the story of a boy and his dog. But here’s a suggestion for a man to wield the megaphone for the third outing: David Cronenberg. Call it Tintin’s Adventures In The Septic Tank Of Mrs Johnson’s Psychic Gut. The kids will love it!

Source: (Variety)

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