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The Twicsy API is here!!

What is the Twicsy API?

The Twicsy API is a programmatic interface for developers and hackers to gain access to Twicsy's services. We want to make it easy to create cool tools off of Twitter pics, why not let everyone join in on the fun?

What features of Twicsy can I access through the API?

We are going to roll out the API in a series of phases, largely based on the feedback we receive from developers.

Here are the features today:

  • Browse a list of pics tweets by a user (sorted by date)
  • Search all Twitter pics (sort by relevance or date, right now we limit searches to the past 30 days of tweeting... but we hope to expand that soon)
  • View tweets/users of a pic
  • JSONP callbacks of all the above functionality (great for widgets!)

And here are some planned features:

  • Submit pics to Twicsy
  • Realtime stats of Twicsy pics
  • List of friends' pics
Do I need an API key?

Nope. We hope this never becomes necessary... But we do ask you be responsible about using the API. When displaying pics please link back to Twicsy so we can get some benefit from all this work!

And please no automated crawling of the Twicsy API! Each request to the API should be initiated by an end user. Non-compliance will result in large frowns upon.

How do we get started?

The Twicsy API is designed to be as simple as possible, and hopefully we don't need to create API docs, we just want to give you some examples and let you go to town. Through the use of pre-constructed ref and next tags, we hope to make various calls a breeze. We will explain those and then get to the good stuff. We hope the other fields are self explanatory, but please let us know if that is not the case!

The ref field

The ref tag is a pre-constructed request to get more data from the API. Currently there are ref tags for pics and users, when you see them you can just throw them back at the api to get more data.

The next field

This is an easy one. When there is another page of results to grab, we pre-construct the request for the next page. Just grab it and go.

Ok, that's enough boring stuff, get to the examples!


Example requests

We recommend JSONView for Firefox to view the JSON! IE sucks for JSON, Chrome is ok...

Browse a user's pics

Get the tweets/users for a pic


Search with max 10 results (max max is 24... did we just stutter?)

Search sorted by date

Search just the past 4 hours

Search just the past 7 days

Note: the max parameter applies to all the above

JSONP Callbacks!

Yes, we support callbacks for JSONP for all request types! Woohoo!!!!


I want to make me a widget!

Javascript isn't our strong point, but here is a very simple javascript widget to show you how easy it is to use the Twicsy API! If you are new to JSONP we suggest you read up on it and come back here and play!

And here is the widget in action!

Now get out there and play!

And let us know if you have any feedback!


Or show us an example of how you've used the Twicsy API!