CNN Hero of the Year

Anderson Cooper sits down with Pushpa Basnet, the 2012 CNN Hero of the Year. Video video

2012 Live Performances

Watch Ne-Yo and Phillip Phillips perform at this year's tribute show:
Phillips: "Home" video
Ne-Yo: "Heroes" video

Homes for 'Motel Kids'

Bruno Serato, a 2011 CNN Hero, has expanded his efforts to help families who live in motels. Video video

Inspiring Celebrities

In the spirit of CNN Heroes, celebrities are giving back to causes close to their heart.
Gloria Estefan video
J.R. Martinez video

Young Wonders

Meet three kids who saw a need in their community and stepped up to make a change. Full story

Nominate a 2013 Hero

Do you know an everyday person changing the world? Nominate them as a CNN Hero. Here's how!
A show for the selfless
Celebrities joined CNN in Los Angeles to pay tribute to the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2012. Full story | Live blog | Video video
Day in the life
Get a glimpse into the lives of this year's top 10. By seizing the day, they're making a difference that lasts a lifetime. Full story
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