Dr. Drew On Call

Driven by current events, "Dr. Drew" on HLN focuses on the human - and human behavior - at the center of the story.

Dr. Drew, patients talk misunderstandings of 'Celebrity Rehab'

  • Dr. Drew explains misinformation about Mindy McCready, her issues and his reality show
  • 'My thing is ask the patients,” he says

This week, there has been many questions about Mindy McCready, her death and connection to "Celebrity Rehab".

On Tuesday night, HLN’s Dr. Drew explained that there has been misinformation about the country singer, her issues and his reality show.

“People still get this misunderstanding that somehow people should be able tobe ‘fixed’ or ‘cured’ or ‘conquer’ -- all words that make no sense when you're dealing with chronic, severe, dangerous, life-threatening illness,” Dr. Drew said.

He added, "A lot of people have been saying that the show ‘Celebrity Rehab’ exploits people.  So my thing is ask the patients.”

Hear from some of those patients in the video player above.

Dr. Drew On Call airs Monday through Wednesday on HLN at 9 p.m. ET.  Follow the show on Facebook and Twitter @DrDrewHLN.

READ: Dr. Drew: McCready’s death is about illness

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