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Look: Jodi Arias poses for camera in modeling pics

  • Jodi Arias claims she killed her ex-boyfriend in self-defense
  • Paul O'Keefe hired Jodi Arias to model for his clothing line
  • Arias discussed her 'rocky relationship,' didn't say with who

The man who hired Jodi Arias to model his clothing line talked with HLN’s Nancy Grace on Thursday night, detailing how Arias at first seemed smart and bubbly, but became more distant as their working relationship progressed.

Paul O’Keefe discovered Arias when she was his waitress, and was so taken by the “All-American blonde” that he and his partners offered her a job modeling for their clothing line. O’Keefe told Grace that Arias at first seemed very bright, but became more aloof after they arrived in Las Vegas for a trade show, preferring to take photographs on her own.

O’Keefe also revealed that Arias discussed her relationship, calling it “rocky” and claiming that she was not being treated right. Jodi Arias has accused ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander of physical assault and emotional abuse since taking the stand in her murder trial. Arias and her defense team claim that Alexander’s killing was self-defense, although Arias’ stories have changed numerous times. Immediately following Alexander’s murder in June, 2008 Arias claimed she was not involved, but later claimed to witness two intruders break in and kill Alexander.

O’Keefe told Nancy Grace producers that Arias “seemed like she was all over the place with her relationships”. He continued, “She seemed socially awkward… After it happened we all kind of said we weren't that surprised. We all thought she was a little bit kooky.”

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Life or death: What's next after Jodi Arias verdict?
Jodi Arias | See all 273 items Life or death: What's next after Jodi Arias verdict?
