An illustration of a stereo cabinet ©Toby Whitebread Feb 22, 2013

The Diary: Dave Eggers

Let’s make more stuff: memories of a beloved stereo cabinet fuel the American novelist’s handmade revolution

Food & Drink

Ingram Pinn's illustration of Valdeorras wine ©Ingram Pinn
I have a new enthusiasm – beautifully balanced fine whites from the local Godello grape grown inland of Rías Baixas
Coya exemplifies London’s love of new flavours
‘Head to east London on your next visit, I urged my audience of New Yorkers’
chickpea soup ©Andy Sewell
By the time you reach Milan, chickpea soup has become positively sybaritic with pancetta, vegetables and a shredded pig’s head
Tyler Brule: The Fast Lane Tyler Brule Tyler Brule Feb 22, 2013

Please hang up and try again

New research shows that people who use touchscreen devices appear dumber

Harry Eyres: The Slow Lane Harry Eyres Feb 22, 2013

Let the fields of the mind fall fallow

What a mind-changing, even mind-opening experience being ill, or allowing yourself to be ill, can be

Dinos Chapman ©Jake Walters Peter Aspden from ARTS Feb 22, 2013

An artist finds his groove

Dinos Chapman, purveyor of infernal images that make your flesh crawl, has made his first album

Susie Boyt Feb 22, 2013

How not to make a mark

I have given up ! for Lent, so please insert if required

Illustration by Luis Grañena of folk devil exaggerated in media ©Luis Grañena Simon Kuper from FT MAGAZINE Feb 15, 2013

Carry on panicking

Moral panics serve to express the desired social order: brave policemen good, independent young people bad

Wrecking ball illustration by Shonagh Rae ©Shonagh Rae Gillian Tett from FT MAGAZINE Feb 15, 2013

Are library books on borrowed time?

Since 2009, the New York Public Library has spent $1m on 45,000 ebook copies

An illustration of a man finding a horseshoe in his hamburger by Lucas Varela ©Lucas Varela Robert Shrimsley from FT MAGAZINE Feb 15, 2013

Horses for (main) courses

There’s nothing like a good food scare to send angsty parents scurrying back to the natural food counter

rock pigeons ©Courtesy Sydney Stringham From FT MAGAZINE Feb 15, 2013

Darwin’s origin of the pigeon

A new study unravels the genetics of the bird species, which were bred by the English naturalist for his research into evolution

Vanessa Friedman at The Modern Vanessa Friedman from STYLE Feb 8, 2013

The catwalk in your living room

If things look weird on the catwalk, then imagine seeing them on Netflix