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Great white sharks now protected under Endangered Species Act

Great white sharks in California are now a protected species under state law. This means that anyone who catches or harms the sharks may face fines and even jail time.
Top News: Environment

Op-Ed: Sea Shepherd '80 percent sure' whaling season 'may be over'

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is reporting that "The Japanese whaling fleet has left the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and is heading north." Watson said he estimates that the whaling fleet killed "no more than 75 whales."
In the Media by Elizabeth Batt - 4 comments

The ambivalence of Britain’s urban foxes

Sydenham - Last month, a fox attack on a baby in Bromley prompted talk of culling the animals. Not everybody takes that view; some even blame us for feeding them.
In the Media by Alexander Baron

Environmental damage unknown in Motherlode fuel spill

Jamestown - The ecological damage is as yet not completely known, with respect to the fuel spill which occurred on February 20th, in the California Motherlode.
In the Media by Gar Swaffar - 2 comments

Photos: Monster sea lamprey draws 1.2 million views on Reddit

A New Jersey man Doug Cutler, caught a sea lamprey recently. The photo of the creature has gone viral on Reddit with 1.2 million astonished Redditors gawking over the monster spotting an oral cavity filled with fearsome-looking teeth-like structures.
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 4 comments

Monster cyclone Rusty hits Western Australia, nation

Sydney - A big category 4 cyclone is parked off Western Australia and it’s not budging. It’s moving extremely slowly and feeding rain and cloud all the way to Tasmania. Rusty is expected to dump more rain on the north west in 3 days than Perth gets all winter.
In the Media by Paul Wallis - 4 comments

Forty-six black killer whales stranded in southern Chile, 20 died

Punta Arenas - Forty-six black killer whales stranded Sunday afternoon in the Strait of Magellan, Chile; 20 of them died despite intense efforts by local fishermen, Navy personnel and scientists who tried to save them and return them to sea.
In the Media by Igor I. Solar - 9 comments

New video: Conflict escalates between Sea Shepherd and whalers

The conflict in the Southern Ocean between Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) and Japanese whalers has escalated dangerously once more. SSCS claims that the Bob Barker has once again been rammed amid the arrival of a new Japanese Naval ship.
In the Media by Elizabeth Batt - 2 comments

Bali restaurant dolphins kidnapped ahead of release for rehab

Bali - Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) is reporting that two dolphins held in a Bali Indonesian restaurant have been kidnapped ahead of an agreement by Indonesia's Forestry Minister to release them for rehabilitation.
In the Media by Elizabeth Batt - 1 comment

China admits pollution-linked 'cancer villages'

The Chinese authorities for the first time in years admitted the existence of so-called “cancer villages”— villages near factories and polluted rivers where cancer rates have reached alarmingly high levels.
In the Media by Kesavan Unnikrishnan - 6 comments

Video: Japanese turtle Yu Chuan swims with prosthetic flippers

Tokyo - Fishermen discovered a sea turtle off the coast of Japan in 2008. The turtle named Yu, had lost both front flippers, possibly to a shark attack. A group of researchers at the University of Tokyo designed prosthetic flippers to help her swim better.
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus

Sea Shepherd fires back at whalers' claims with new video footage

After a collision in the Southern Ocean between Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ships and a Japanese whaling vessel, the conservation group has issued new footage of the Nisshin Maru pushing the Bob Barker into a South Korean fuel tanker.
In the Media by Elizabeth Batt - 6 comments

Another massive green meteor fireball blazes over California

Hundreds of Californians reported seeing a bright light streak across the sky late Thursday. Authorities believe the sighting was a meteor. The incident comes a week after a sighting over the Bay Area , California
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 1 comment

Some mosquitoes ignore DEET repellent

New observations of mosquitoes suggest that the widely used insect repellent DEET appears to be losing its effectiveness.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 2 comments

Glowing shark found deep in the ocean

A new species of shark, found deep in the ocean, has been studied. What is unusual about the shark is that it has two bioluminescent arcs on its dorsal fins, which 'glow' to frighten predators.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 1 comment

Conservation group rescues baby orangutan ripped from mom

Banda Aceh - The Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP) is reporting that they recently confiscated another illegally kept orangutan that was torn from its mom in the Tripa Peat Swamp forests of Aceh, Indonesia and sold as a pet.
In the Media by Elizabeth Batt - 3 comments

Watch a cat battle an Indian crocodile at a Jaipur zoo

Jaipur - A domestic cat came a whisker away from death but did not know it. The animal challenged a gharial crocodile to a fight after it strayed into the crocodile's pen at a zoo in Jaipur, India.
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 1 comment

Group pushes fund drive for Marineland whistle blowers Special

Niagara Falls - Cetacean conservation group Fins and Fluke is urging the public to take a stand and support former Marineland trainers who blew the whistle on the conditions of the Canadian park's animals.
Digital Journal Report by Elizabeth Batt - 1 comment

World’s largest croc’s next ‘home’ is US$120,000 museum

Davao - ‘Lolong,’ holder of the Guinness World Record for the largest captive saltwater crocodile that died last February 10, will get his second ‘home’ in a museum presently constructed by the town that hosted him when he was still alive.
In the Media by Antonio Figueroa

Whale hunt called off amid alleged ramming of Sea Shepherd ships

Tensions have been riding high for several weeks in the Southern Ocean between the Japanese whaling fleet and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS). After alleged repeated rammings of SSCS vessels, Japan has temporarily called off the hunt.
In the Media by Elizabeth Batt - 9 comments
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