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Florida legislators introduce bills to legalize medicinal pot

Parrish - Legislators in the Florida state House and Senate have introduced bills that would allow residents of the state to use marijuana for certain medical conditions
Top News: Politics

Op-Ed: Stop The War to protest against killer drones

Lincoln - Most people are not happy about their government being complicit in the murder of innocent men, women and children. Some are prepared to do more than tut tut about it, and have decided to take action.
In the Media by Alexander Baron

Op-Ed: Journalist's March 5 Court of Appeal case tests free expression

Phnom Penh - Cambodia's record on human rights and freedom of expression will be freshly displayed March 5 when a Court of Appeal considers over-turning a journalist's conviction for “instigating an insurrection” regarding a land conflict in a Cambodian village.
In the Media by Robert G Cope - 5 comments

Barack Obama calls sequestration he signed a 'dumb' idea

Washington - After railing against Republicans and Sequestration for months, President Barack Obama failed stop a relatively small blend of cuts that he signed into law before deciding to campaign against them.
In the Media by Larry Clifton - 9 comments

Detroit officially declared 'fiscal emergency' by governor

Detroit - Detroit has been declared a region in fiscal emergency, and Michigan is set to identify a top candidate to take over fiscal management of the financially bedeviled city.
In the Media by Larry Clifton - 4 comments

Obama meets congressional leaders — No sequester deal

Washington - President Obama met with congressional leaders and when they emerged from the meeting, the president announced that no deal had been reached. President Obama blamed Republicans for failing to agree to additional revenue.
In the Media by Karl Gotthardt - 12 comments

Op-Ed: French forces to stay in Mali until July at least

Bamako - In spite of the rapid advance of the French in taking the main cities in northern Mali and driving rebels into the mountains, militants are fighting back and launching surprise attacks.
In the Media by Ken Hanly - 2 comments

Op-Ed: The Quixotic John Boehner

In an era of austerity and budget cuts the dreams of every politician are reduced to the reality of governing for the survivability of their constituency and not for their own self interests.
In the Media by Edward Rochelle - 1 comment

Controversial Catholic poster reaches Supreme Court

Manila - MANILA – A controversial Catholic poster reminding voters to support only ‘pro-life’ candidates that voted against the divisive Reproductive Health (RH) Law that President Benigno S. Aquino III signed last year has now reached the country’s highes
In the Media by Antonio Figueroa

Canada: Quebec MP crosses floor from NDP to Bloc Quebecois

Ottawa - A federal member of the New Democratic Party has crossed the floor to join the Bloc Quebecois, becoming the fifth member of the separatist federal party. Claude Patry on crossing the floor said that some things are not negotiable.
In the Media by Karl Gotthardt - 8 comments

Obama to SCOTUS — Overturn California same-sex marriage ban

Washington - President Obama asked the Supreme Court of the US to overturn California's ban on same sex marriage. In a legal brief the Justice Department said that gay couples in California have equal protection right to wed, which voters were not empowered to ban.
In the Media by Karl Gotthardt - 2 comments

Clint Eastwood signs legal brief in support of gay marriage

Washington - Hollywood superstar Clint Eastwood has once again come out in support of gay marriage, adding his signature to a legal brief urging the United States Supreme Court to overturn California's ban on same-sex marriage.
In the Media by Greta McClain

Op-Ed: Lord Rennard — Here comes another witchhunt

London - There is a new scandal brewing in British politics. A leading Liberal-Democrat is the subject of unspecified allegations of sexual impropriety. But is it all smoke and mirrors?
In the Media by Alexander Baron - 3 comments

US pledges $60 million in food and medical aid to Syrian rebels

Rome - US Secretary of State John Kerry pledged $60 million in aid to Syrian rebels. The aid will be in the form of food and medical supplies, not arms, Kerry said. Western and Arab countries have also pledged more political and material support.
In the Media by Karl Gotthardt - 18 comments

Study: Racial wealth gap tripled since Reagan era

Waltham - A new study has revealed that the wealth gap between white and black Americans has nearly tripled since the Reagan years.
In the Media by Brett Wilkins - 11 comments

Op-Ed: Woodward vs Obama on sequester - Who would you believe?

Washington - Known for his ability to shift blame and appealing to the public, President Obama has run into an obstacle. Well-respected journalist and author Bob Woodward put the blame for the sequester in the lap of the President. Who is more believable?
In the Media by Karl Gotthardt - 28 comments

Op-Ed: Canada's Supreme Court redefines hate speech

What constitutes freedom of speech and hate speech has often been an emotional debate in Canada. The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) has redefined the definition as it applies to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In the Media by Karl Gotthardt - 11 comments

Op-Ed: US Conservatives and liberals buy very different products

New York - A new and irritatingly interesting study has found that conservative and liberal buying habits are very different, almost polarized. The main dichotomy is that conservatives buy well established brands, while liberals are more adventurous.
In the Media by Paul Wallis - 17 comments

Stéphane Hessel, inspiration for the Indignados, dies aged 95

Stéphane Hessel, the former French resistance fighter, diplomat and political activist, often regarded as the inspiration for the Indignados movement, the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring, died in Paris on Tuesday at the age of 95.
In the Media by Robert Myles - 2 comments

The UN says Malians are in desperate need of aid

A top official of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) stressed that, as Mali is stabilizing after a period of violence and economic collapse, the international community should deliver the aid that Malians desperately need.
In the Media by Raluca Besliu - 3 comments
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