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Black Pope posters appear in Rome

Vote Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson at the conclave!, said the posters in bold above a photograph of the cardinal, a favourite among bookmakers to succeed Benedict, who on Thursday became the first pope in six centuries to resign.
Read full story   by Eko Armunanto - 3 comments
Top News: Religion

Op-Ed: Pope Benedict's sudden retirement and St. Malachi’s prophecy

Pope Benedict XVI announced his retirement from the papacy in February 2013. The Pope’s sudden retirement reminds many biblical eschatologists of St. Malachi’s famous prophecies for the 112 Catholic popes.
In the Media by Eliot Elwar - 3 comments

Pat Robertson: Second-hand sweaters could have demons attached

On Monday's episode of the 700 Club, controversial TV Evangelist Pat Robertson shed light from a new angle on the risk involved in buying and using second-hand clothes from Goodwill and other second-hand shops.
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 13 comments

Pope gives final general audience as controversy still looms

Rome - In his final public gesture as leader of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict says goodbye to tens of thousands gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
In the Media by Greta McClain

Mexican priest getting kids’ devotion with superheroes, water gun

Saltillo - Humberto Alvarez, clergyman at “Ojos de Agua” Catholic Parish in Saltillo, northern Mexico, uses atypical methods including superheroes and water guns to advocate the Catholic faith among the younger members of his congregation.
In the Media by Igor I. Solar - 3 comments

Norway donates $600,000 to fight witchcraft in Malawi

The headline is not as far-fetched as it may sound. Belief in witchcraft is pervasive in this southeast African nation - extending even to the government – resulting in witch hunts victimizing women, the elderly, and even children.
In the Media by Martin Laine - 1 comment

Pope Benedict XVI to become 'pope emeritus' after resignation

According to the Vatican sources, Pope Benedict XVI will be known by the title of "pope emeritus" after his resignation and will still be referred to as "Your Holiness."
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus

UPDATE: UK Cardinal resigns following misconduct allegations

Edinburgh - The recently embattled Archbishop of Edinburgh, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, has announced he is resigning his position effective immediately.
In the Media by Greta McClain

Pope Benedict XVI's last Sunday blessing draws tens of thousands

Rome - St. Peter's square was packed with tens of thousands of pilgrims as Pope Benedict gave his last blessing to the faithful and others that came to see the Pope. The Pope will steps down on Thursday, saying his health and age meant he could not continue.
In the Media by Karl Gotthardt

Vatican denies rumors involving sex, money, gay priests

The Vatican lashed out at the news media Saturday, addressing for the first time reports that Pope Benedict XVI's resignation was linked to an emerging scandal involving gay priests and high-priced blackmail.
In the Media by Eko Armunanto - 1 comment

Not only the Catholic Church set to elect leader

Sofia - In the midst of all the hype over who will be the next Pope, another ancient church is deciding on its leader. The little-known Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod has tied two candidates who will likely be elected in a runoff at a later date.
In the Media by Christopher Szabo

Catholic Church raises ante in fight vs. Philippine ‘death bills’

Manila - MANILA - After losing the fight in 2012 to stop the passage of Reproductive Health (RH) Law and the rising public support for the approval of a divorce law, the Catholic Church is holding a four-day congress to raise awareness on “death bills.”
In the Media by Antonio Figueroa

Pope Benedict XVI's resignation linked to network of gay bishops

Rome - The Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica has linked Pope Benedict XVI's resignation to a Vatican report that details the discovery of a network of gay prelates in the Vatican, some of whom are allegedly being blackmailed by "outsiders."
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 2 comments

Pastafarian refuses to remove strainer for driver's license photo

Police were called after a New Jersey man citing religious beliefs refused to remove a spaghetti strainer from his head for his driver's license photo.
In the Media by Brett Wilkins - 9 comments

Vatican will protect Pope Benedict XVI from sex abuse prosecution

Rome - By remaining in the Vatican after resigning later this month, Pope Benedict XVI will enjoy immunity from prosecution in connection with the global epidemic of clergy sex abuse claims.
In the Media by Brett Wilkins - 11 comments

Op-Ed: What am I giving up for Lent

London - What will I be giving for Lent, chocolate, beer? Even as an anti-theist I believe I every right to take part in this tradition!
In the Media by James Dickenson - 6 comments

Documents fuel conjecture of Pope's resignation, immunity request

Providence - The release of court documents involving a Roman Catholic organization is fueling speculation that Pope Benedict was forced to resign.
In the Media by Greta McClain - 4 comments

Pope Benedict XVI's leaked documents reveal Vatican intrigues

The leak of of Pope Benedict XVI's personal correspondence by his butler Paolo Gabriele revealed the Byzantine machinations that took over internal affairs of the the Vatican during the papacy of Benedict XVI.
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 1 comment

Op-Ed: Farewell to Pontiff — U.S. Bishop share his respects

A Pontiff excuses himself from the most revered post in the world drawing questions and speculations while the search for a successor draws candidates from around.
In the Media by Christopher Wager

Op-Ed: Four Christians arrested in Libya on charges of proselytizing

Benghazi - Four Christians have been detained by Libyan authorities. The four are suspected of proselytizing according to the spokesperson for the Protective Security Service of the Libyan military.
In the Media by Ken Hanly - 3 comments

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