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Digital Journalist Application

Digital Journalist status will allow you to write articles and get paid for it. It's free to apply, but we are looking for quality writers and bloggers. You will be paid based on how much you contribute, but quality writing is key. We also work with other publishers and brands so opportunities extend beyond just

1. Submit sample of news writing
Please provide a sample of your writing. It has to be written by you, and be at least 300 words.
2. Bio
Please provide a short bio (25 words or more) about yourself. You can update this later through your account settings. Bios are made public.
3. Tell us why you want to write for Digital Journal
4. Tell us in at least 50 words why you are passionate about news
5. What was one of the most powerful or memorable experiences in your life?
6. Your Blog's URL (Optional)

I will not upload copyrighted images, and I understand images on the Internet are not all free to use (See this tutorial for info on images you are permitted to use, and how to properly credit the source)
I will not copy and paste text written by others. I will write my own articles, and in a case where I "quote" a sentence or short paragraph, I will provide a link to the source where I found that information (See this tutorial for info on how to link to a source)

As soon as you submit your Editorial Board will review your application. As a news site, Digital Journal is looking for writers who have a good understanding of spelling and grammar, and can show an ability to find and research relevant news. Once we review your application, confirmation will be sent by email (make sure you add to your address book so it does not end up in your spam/junk folder).
At the present time, we only issue payments via PayPal so please ensure your country accepts payments via PayPal before writing. You can check PayPal's complete list of countries in which it operates here.
I would like Digital Journal to promote me as a subject matter expert in the following areas, and contact me with paid opportunities in the future.

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