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Indonesian woman drowns son, 9, in bath for having small penis

Jakarta - An Indonesian mother reportedly became so concerned about her nine-year-old son's small penis that she drowned him in the bathtub to prevent him from suffering the consequences of the "handicap" later in life.
Top News: Odd News

Tampa man swallowed by deadly sinkhole in his bedroom

Tampa - Late Thursday evening an east Tampa man was swallowed by a room-size sinkhole that opened up inside of his bedroom as he slept.
In the Media by Larry Clifton - 3 comments

College students caught playing 'abortion battles'

New York - A group of Hunter College students caught the attention of a few anti-abortion groups after they posted a video showing them playing "Abortion Battles" in a cafeteria.
In the Media by Owen Weldon - 1 comment

Sinkhole opens up under home, trapping one man now presumed dead

Seffner - Rescuers in Florida are attempting to reach a man trapped in a sinkhole after the hole opened up late Thursday evening, swallowing the man as he slept.
In the Media by Greta McClain

Watch 'World's Most Insane Rope Swing Ever,' across 400ft canyon

The footage shows a a group of adrenaline junkies swing back and forth on a 400 ft long rope over a canyon in Utah. The video titled "World's Most Insane Rope Swing Ever" is sequel to the 2012 viral hit "World's Longest Rope Swing."
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus

Art student's semen exhibit modified following bio-hazard concern

New York - A student at New York's School of Visual Art had his thesis project confiscated by university officials after they learned the project included a refrigerator containing 68 vials of semen.
In the Media by Greta McClain - 1 comment

Passenger in China forced to leave his leg behind

Guangzhou - An air passenger in Guanzhou, capital of Guangdong province, had to leave his amputated leg behind when airport security personnel barred him from taking it on board.
In the Media by Valerie Benguiat

Lost wallet with $800 cash returned to man three years later

Milford - A Delaware man lost his wallet about three years ago and had long given up hope up on finding the wallet. Recently, the wallet was returned to him, fully intact with the $800 cash that had been in it at the time it went missing.
In the Media by Leigh Goessl - 7 comments

Ignoring history of dogs and letter carriers, mailman rescues dog

Kory Cantrell is a mailman in Hendersonville in Tennessee, and like those who deliver mail door-to-door all over North America he watches out for dog attacks. This week though, Kory went in the opposite direction - he watched out for a dog by saving one.
In the Media by Marcus Hondro

Texas: Students told to call 9/11 terrorists 'freedom fighters'

Lumberton - The 9/11 hijackers, who conducted the deadliest act of terrorism on U.S. soil, should not be called "terrorists" but "freedom fighters,” a teacher told shocked students at one Texas High school.
In the Media by Yukio Strachan - 50 comments

American man makes an igloo as a 'man cave'

A man and his group of friends decided to make a man cave. However, the men did not build an indoor man cave, instead they made one out of ice.
In the Media by Owen Weldon

South African hair thieves targeting dreadlocks

Johannesburg - Jack Maseko, a 28-year-old man from Zimbabwe was recently mugged by three men in South Africa, wanting nothing but his cell phone and his dreadlocks.
In the Media by Layne Weiss - 1 comment

450-million-year-old fossil found in Tennessee woman's yard

Smyrna - A Tennessee woman discovered the 10 pound rock she has been using as a door stop for the past 15 years was much more unique than she first believed.
In the Media by Greta McClain - 4 comments

Mother sues drug company over inactive contraceptive pills

A mother in the U.S. has initiated a lawsuit against the drugs company Qualitest Pharmaceutical after an error occurred whereby placebo drugs took the place of active birth control pills.
In the Media by Tim Sandle

Op-Ed: A straight look at the ‘rape’ of Landen Gambill

Chapel Hill - Landen Gambill is big news; this poor, victimised student was raped, and now she is being persecuted for outing her rapist. As usual, the story is not that simple.
In the Media by Alexander Baron - 18 comments

Iowa man breaks into lingerie store, leaves wearing dress and wig

Davenport - The fact the man was caught naked on the store's surveillance cameras and had his surname prominently tattooed on his back helped police make an arrest.
In the Media by Arthur Weinreb - 3 comments

Car goes airborne, hits one house, somersaults onto another

Houston - Residents in one Houston, Texas neighborhood were awaken by loud crashes and an unbelievable sight early Sunday morning, finding a car stuck upside down in the roof of a home.
In the Media by Greta McClain

Ohio man finds Jesus... in bird poop

An Ohio man who claims to have 'found Jesus' in the form of bird droppings on the windshield of his car has given a whole new meaning to 'holy shit.'
In the Media by Brett Wilkins - 2 comments

Video: Chinese official misses plane, trashes airport in rage

Kunming - A video showing Yan Linkum, a Chinese Communist official, losing his temper and trashing an airport boarding gate in rage after missing his flight has emerged online
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 3 comments

CCTV captures moment naked man gets locked out of his hotel room

Footage of a naked man placing the leftovers of room service outside his hotel room door but inadvertently locking himself out after forgetting to hold his key has emerged online
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 2 comments
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