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Great white sharks now protected under Endangered Species Act

Florida legislators introduce bills to legalize medicinal pot


Whistleblower News

CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou reports to jail today

Thursday, February 28 sees CIA whistleblower, John Kiriakou, report to jail to start his 30-month prison term for whistleblowing on the federal government's torture program.
In the Media by Anne Sewell - 2 comments

Whistleblower John Kiriakou parties before going to jail (video)

Washington - Former CIA officer and accused whistleblower, John Kiriakou hosted a party prior to heading to jail to serve his 30 month sentence. RT was there. The video shows some of the party itself, as well as interviews with Kiriakou and another whistleblower.
In the Media by Anne Sewell - 1 comment

Russia tries to prosecute a man who's been dead since 2009

Moscow - Russia has adjourned the trial against Sergei Magnitsky until February 18. The weird part? Mr. Magnitsky has been dead for over three years.
In the Media by Layne Weiss

Police investigate theft from and defrauding of Salvation Army

Toronto - A month before Christmas, Toronto police are investigating the alleged theft of toys worth $2 million from a Salvation Army warehouse. And police in Ottawa are looking into allegations that $240,000 has been defrauded or stolen from the charity.
In the Media by Arthur Weinreb - 2 comments

Op-Ed: Power price surge based on misleading data? Lessons for the world

Sydney - Australia’s experience of the mysteries of power costs is getting more mysterious by the second. The 50% price rise is costing everyone a lot of money, and it now emerges that data provided to justify price rises may have been seriously flawed.
In the Media by Paul Wallis - 4 comments

Video: Whistleblowers — Are they an asset or a liability?

Being a whistleblower means different things, depending on whether you are an asset to the U.S. government, or an embarrassing liability.
In the Media by Anne Sewell - 10 comments

Video: Veteran's rally for Bradley Manning in Oakland (update)

Oakland - A rally and occupation action for accused whistleblower Bradley Manning was held at President Obama's campaign headquarters in Oakland and Portland on August 16. 12 people were arrested. Updated with photos.
In the Media by Anne Sewell - 1 comment

Whistleblower: NSA had secret deal with White House after 9/11

Washington - The video features an interview with a former National Security Agency executive in the U.S. who sacrificed his career to blow the whistle on wrong-doings inside the NSA.
In the Media by Anne Sewell - 11 comments

Video: Former NSA official admits gov't collects most U.S. emails

In his first live TV interview last Friday, National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower William Binney blew the lid off of the secrecy surrounding the agency's ongoing surveillance of phone calls and emails inside the United States.
In the Media by Elliott Freeman - 1 comment

Why 70% of U.S. ground beef includes 'pink slime'

An ABC News report interviewed a former United States Department of Agriculture scientist who knows almost three-quarters of American ground beef contain "pink slime," beef trimmings that once were only used in dog food.
In the Media by David Silverberg - 30 comments
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Thomas Andrews Drake  Whistleblower
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Thomas Andrews Drake, Whistleblower

Whistleblower Blogs

KGB agent in 1985 gives the "4" steps to destroy a country, happening now in USA

The times are changing in the U.S. and many are wondering what has happened. It seems that Yuri Bezmenov an "Ex -KGB"...
Apr 27, 2012 in  MYSTERY by Mindy Allan


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