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ESO's VLT captures first photo of giant alien planet forming

Astronomers say they have obtained photographs that provide what could be first direct evidence of a giant alien planet forming in the orbit of its parent star embedded in a thick disc of gas and dust.
Top News: Science

Op-Ed: Virus with its own immune system discovered

Sydney - Virology isn’t a subject for the weak-minded. The world’s most changeable forms of life keep coming up with new tricks, and this one, an actual arsenal of immune capability of viruses against immune responses, is a real eyeopener.
In the Media by Paul Wallis - 7 comments

DARPA-funded scientists 'mind-meld' rats across continents

Scientists have achieved a crude form of "brain link," or "mind meld" across continents. They have been able to send the thoughts of a rat in a lab in Brazil via the Internet to the brain of a rat in the United States.
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 10 comments

Mystery ring of radiation briefly encircled Earth

Last September most people did not know that a previously unseen ring of radiation encircled the planet for almost an entire month.
In the Media by Owen Weldon

Large canyon discovered beneath Red Sea

The U.K. Royal Navy's HMS Enterprise discovered a canyon more than 800-foot-deep on the floor of the Red Sea, and an echo sounder produced 3D images of the feature.
In the Media by Owen Weldon - 1 comment

Dennis Tito unveils plans to send married couple to Mars in 2018

An organization founded by the world's first space tourist, the American millionaire Dennis Tito, is embarking on an ambitious project to launch the first manned mission to Mars in 2018. The organization says it is seeking a married crew for the mission.
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 2 comments

Invisibility cloak appears at TED Talks

On Monday, Baile Zhang, an assistant professor of physics at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, debuted his "invisibility Cloak" at the TED2013 talks.
In the Media by Owen Weldon - 1 comment

Antidepressant drug has potential to treat sickle cell disease

A widely used antidepressant drug called TCP has, according to new research, the potential to treat sickle cell disease.
In the Media by Tim Sandle

New test for leprosy developed

U.S. scientists have developed a simple, fast and inexpensive new test for leprosy. The cost of the test means that it is targeted at the poorest countries in the world.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 2 comments

Op-Ed: Ancient micro continent traces found in Indian Ocean

Sydney - It’s the Holy Grail for the Earth sciences. An ancient micro continent has been found. The Seychelles are believed to be the modern remains of this continent, submerged during the breakup into modern continental land masses.
In the Media by Paul Wallis - 3 comments

Space Agency officials plan to slam a spaceship into an asteroid

It was announced in a joint effort U.S. and European Space Agencies are planning to slam a spaceship into the asteroid Didymos.
In the Media by Micki Hogan - 5 comments

Ancient continent hides beneath Indian Ocean

Underneath the sands of Mauritius, located in the Indian Ocean, lays a secret. Deep beneath the sands lays an ancient continent.
In the Media by Owen Weldon

Mammoth tooth fossil found by New Hampshire fisherman

A New Hampshire fisherman recently made an unusual catch when his trawler pulled up a bona fide mammoth tooth fossil. Scientists have reportedly confirmed its authenticity.
In the Media by Leigh Goessl - 3 comments

Siberian cave study warns of permafrost thaw tipping point

Evidence assembled from stalactite and stalagmite formations in frozen caves in Siberia by a team of international scientists led by Oxford University gives some clues as to what might happen if global temperatures continue to rise.
In the Media by Robert Myles - 3 comments

How a spot of re-decoration might avert an asteroid collision

A theoretical solution using a coat of paint could prevent a future near-Earth asteroid attack, according to a student whose novel solution won a 2012 ‘Move an Asteroid’ technical paper competition.
In the Media by Robert Myles - 1 comment

Why do many girls learn to speak earlier than boys?

A gene called FOXP2 is regarded by many scientists as essential for speech in humans. New research has shown that the building blocks of the gene are more abundant in young girls than boys.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 2 comments

Researchers find 'zombie cells' function better than live ones

Albuquerque - Zombies may not be as scary was we thought, especially if they are microscopic and can be trained to do whatever task we like.
In the Media by Greta McClain

Bumblebees sense flowers' electric signals

Bristol - Bees are amazing little creatures that busily help keep our world alive. If bees vanished the Earth would be in deep trouble.
In the Media by Eileen Kersey - 2 comments

NASA finds tiny exoplanet in 'habitable zone' of space

Mountain View - NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope managed to capture the dimming of a star more than 215-light-years away, alerting scientists to the presence of a tiny planet passing between the star and Earth.
In the Media by Greta McClain - 3 comments

Astronomers find there's something cool about Alpha Centauri A

The European Space Agency (ESA) reports that its Herschel space telescope has found striking similarities in the composition of the outer layers in one of the nearest stars to Earth, Alpha Centauri A and that of our own Sun.
In the Media by Robert Myles - 2 comments
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