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Study shows sugar is toxic — blamed for 'diabetic epidemic'

A new study based on data on availability of sugar and comparative rates of diabetes in 175 countries in the past decade claims a strong link between increased consumption of sugar and increased rates of diabetes.
Read full story   by JohnThomas Didymus - 10 comments
Top News: Health

Girl, 4, battles with Brittle Bone Disease — Family asks for help

Bella, who is 4-years-old, was born with a disease called Osteogenisis Imperfecta, which is also referred to as brittle bone disease. Bella's family is now trying to raise money to help with medical expenses.
In the Media by Owen Weldon

Thai Red Cross criticised for refusing blood from gay men

The Thai Red Cross Society has been criticised for refusing to accept blood donations from gay men, in a video posted to the social-media video-sharing site, YouTube.
In the Media by Mathew Wace Peck - 6 comments

Could Omega 3 help prevent skin cancer?

Omega-3 oils are known to be beneficial when it comes to joint and cardiovascular health, and now scientists from the University of Manchester say that the oil could also play a role in helping to prevent skin cancer.
In the Media by Jane Fazackarley

Concussions, sports take center stage Saturday in Austin Special

Austin - From young children making their first play on the field to highly paid professional athletes, the risk of concussions and how to treat such injuries have emerged as THE sports medicine issue of our time.
Digital Journal Report by Cadie Carroll

8-year-old girl dies after doctors think brain tumor is ADHD

Kalmar - An 8-year-old girl died after doctors in southern Sweden failed to diagnose a brain tumor, believing her symptoms may have been attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), an investigation has found.
In the Media by Yukio Strachan - 5 comments

New concern about antipsychotic drug misuse in nursing homes

New York - A new report indicates that antipsychotic drugs have been administered to elderly patients in nursing homes in New York City. The drugs were used to pacify thousands of senior citizens even though many have no mental illnesses and may not need them.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 4 comments

New flu treatment aims to be more effective

A new flu treatment, which appears to be able to kill a wider variety of flu strains compared with current drugs, has shown potential in lab trials.
In the Media by Tim Sandle

Ankylosing Spondylitis gets center stage at the House of Commons

After winning the ballot to choose the adjournment debate Huw Irranca-Davies, MP for Ogmore got personal and shared his story in the hopes to raise awareness for Ankylosing Spondylitis at the House of Commons located in the United Kingdom
In the Media by Micki Hogan - 2 comments

Health experts continue to debate on safety of self-diagnosing

San Diego - Access to a medical physician isn't always within the realm of possibility. At certain times, individuals may want to know what their blood type is, if they're missing certain vitamins in their diet or even if they have diabetes.
In the Media by Andrew Moran - 4 comments

Living with a muscle-wasting disease Special

There is a little heard of neurological disease that blights the lives of many people. Despite the fact that 2.6 million people have the disease, it does not get the publicity it should. The disease is called Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT).
Digital Journal Report by Jane Fazackarley - 2 comments

Mediterranean diet cuts risks of heart disease, new study shows

A new study has confirmed that a Mediterranean diet rich in olives and nuts can reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and stroke.
In the Media by Katerina Nikolas

Fungi offer new clues for asthma treatment

Cardiff - From a review of fungal particles found in the lungs of asthma sufferers, scientists think that they have the foundations for developing new treatments.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 2 comments

New York City will ban delivery of 2-litre soda with pizza

New York - As the March 12 start date of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's ban on soda served in containers larger than 16 ounces approaches, details are emerging about what exactly is being prohibited.
In the Media by Arthur Weinreb - 8 comments

Putin signs law banning smoking in public places in Russia

Moscow - Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law banning smoking in public places. Under the new law, it will be illegal to smoke in restaurants, cafes, hotels, trains, and many other places.
In the Media by Layne Weiss

Affordable birth control may be denied to Oklahoma women

A bill being presented to the Oklahoma Senate may deny women the right to have their insurance cover birth control. Some believe it poisons a women's body.
In the Media by Micki Hogan - 3 comments

The effects of child abuse Special

Maureen Lowell, a licensed marriage and family therapist, defines child abuse as any treatment either a single incident or a pattern of any treatment over time that harms or potentially harms the physical, emotional or developmental needs of the child.
Digital Journal Report by Lisa duTrieuille

Op-Ed: Older people’s memories improved — With distractions?

Sydney - This is either poetic justice or an irony of ironies. Older people have been taught to improve their memories to the point of being as good as younger people- because of their ability to process irrelevance and distractions.
In the Media by Paul Wallis

U.S. drug overdose deaths rise for 11th year running

Deaths from drug overdoses have risen for the 11th consecutive year according to U.S. government data. The main cause is from the overuse of addictive painkillers.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 4 comments

Germany: Catholics approve 'morning-after pill' for rape victims

Trier - In a stunning reversal, German bishops said Thursday that hospitals run by the Catholic Church in Germany could provide women who had been raped with the morning-after pill.
In the Media by Yukio Strachan - 1 comment
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