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Five-year-old runs up £1,700 iPad bill in just 10 minutes

Bristol - In a case of what should have been "don't let the kid near your iPad", a five-year-old boy managed to run up a bill of £1,700 ($2,571) in a mere ten minutes, by innocently buying dozens of costly add-ons.
Read full story   by Anne Sewell - 2 comments
Top News: Technology

Facebook unveiling new 'Newsfeed' look

Menlo Park - Facebook, Inc. will be unveiling subtle new changes to its "newsfeed" on March 7, the company said in an email on Friday.
In the Media by Edward Rochelle

Mobile phones being used to warn of possible epidemics

Nairobi - Extensive use of mobile phones to issue alerts on possible spate of attacks such as animal disease outbreaks has been widely reported among farmers and veterinarians across Africa.
In the Media by Robin Okuthe - 2 comments

The Deconstruction 're-thinks the world' in a global competition

Last weekend a unique competition took place where innovators across the globe took part. Dubbed The Deconstruction, the competition involved numerous teams creating and taking apart their creations, only to put them back a little "awesomer-er".
In the Media by Leigh Goessl - 2 comments

Smartphone app can test urine samples

A new smartphone app that can use the in-built smartphone camera to analyze urine, and then to check for a range of medical conditions, has been launched.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 3 comments

Security company finds evidence Stuxnet dates back to 2005

Researchers at Symantec have found an earlier version of the Stuxnet computer worm that dates back to 2005, not 2009 as previously thought.
In the Media by Leigh Goessl - 3 comments

Facebook could help improve cognitive function

If you are 65 or over and wish to improve your cognitive function then you could get the boost you need by joining Facebook, according to a new preliminary study by the University of Arizona.
In the Media by Jane Fazackarley - 1 comment

Scientists develop stretchable battery

As innovation in electronics moves forward at a rapid pace, stretchable batteries are on the horizon. U.S. scientists have recently created a battery that is flexible.
In the Media by Leigh Goessl - 4 comments

Securing your family, personal data through remote monitoring

Westport - There have been countless news articles about children interacting with potential predators. Parents and guardians have had to rely on web browser functions and Internet features, but new software has become more powerful to monitor web activity.
In the Media by Andrew Moran

Presented on Youtube: Mozilla's Firefox OS is turning up the heat

Firefox OS to launch very soon, big phone makers pledge support. Built entirely using HTML5 and other open Web standards, Firefox OS is free from the rules and restrictions of existing proprietary platforms.
In the Media by Eko Armunanto

Huawei's Ascend P2 could be the world's 'fastest' smartphone

The Chinese company Huawei have produced a new smartphone, which the company has declared as to be the fastest on the market.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 1 comment

Dutch Architect plans 'endless' house using 3D printer technology

A Dutch architect hopes to use 3D printer technology to ‘print off’ a futuristic 12,000 square feet ‘endless’ house. Janjaap Ruijssenaars of Universe Architecture aims to complete construction of his concept 'Landscape House' in 2014.
In the Media by Robert Myles

Samsung to introduce Galaxy S IV on March 14

Samsung is just about ready to debut its next smartphone in the Galaxy S series, the Galaxy S IV. While rumors swirl about the phone's specs, the South Korean tech company will unveil what it can really do on March 14 at Radio City Music Hall.
In the Media by Abigail Prendergast

Is Apple developing the 'smart watch'?

Various media reports, and a patent that has recently been filed, suggest that the next Apple innovation will be a 'smart watch'.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 3 comments

Google Glass unveiled

Google have unveiled more details about their new 'Google Glass' project, via a video launched on YouTube. The glasses are a special 'head-mounted display'.
In the Media by Tim Sandle - 3 comments

Video: In Japan, robots are your friends

Osaka University Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro talks about the importance of robotics in modern day Japanese culture. Ishiguro compares and contrasts robots in regards to western culture vs. eastern culture.
In the Media by Can Tran

Op-Ed: Want to grow an ear? 3D printing can do it for you

Sydney - 3D printing has reached a very important milestone- The printing of human prostheses. The new ballgame for reconstructive surgery is here, and it’s looking very good in more ways than one.
In the Media by Paul Wallis - 1 comment

Video: Playstation 4's DualShock 4 controller revealed

At Sony's Playstation 4 launch event in New York on February 20, the console's basic controller known as the DualShock4 was revealed.
In the Media by Can Tran

Video: PlayStation 4 console to have video sharing & streaming

At Sony's PlayStation 4 launch event, it was explained and demonstrated that the console will have video sharing in the form of recording & uploading or live-streaming with an actual audience.
In the Media by Can Tran

Video: Why Playstation 4 matters to game developers

A YouTube video from IGN Entertainment interviews various video game development companies in regards to the importance of Sony's Playstation 4 console.
In the Media by Can Tran
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