
Sleeping Beauty (2011) Trailer

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A haunting erotic fairy tale about Lucy, a student who drifts into prostitution and finds her niche as a woman who sleeps, drugged, in a 'Sleeping Beauty chamber' while men do to her what she can't remember the next morning. Starring Emily Browning and directed by Julia Leigh.

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  • okohiaj

    but sucker punch chick gets nude right?

    · 21

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    yomaddasophet的回复 (显示评论)
  • plasmoplasmoplasmoer

    the film was beautiful...and the story was amazing...disappoints me to see how many people are intellectually stupid..

    · 17

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所有评论 (395)

  • antoninisthebest

    it wasn't that bad, seriously. it's weird but if it was okay. i didn't hate it. 7/10


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  • Ephraim Duke

    I never thought I'd watch something dumber than sucker punch ,until I saw this shit .


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    I didn't mean to be rude, sorry about that, I was trying to make a joke, I have friends, yes, and I haven't seen the film, and to be honest, I still want to watch it :) peace


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  • plasmoplasmoplasmoer

    you dont have many friends do you? you just seem terribly rude..and it obviously speaks for its self..


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  • kenokriiker

    so after watching Sleeping Beauty it is finally the time for me to go to hell'a'sleep


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  • LauraMia Hope

    you really have to watch it like 3 time, at least I did, and I loved it... Just like Sucker Punch. Emily Browning loves to play character in movies that are hard to get (:


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    yomaddasophet的回复 (显示评论)

    sorry for trolling, but.. is there any other way to be stupid than intellectually?


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  • John Smith

    This film looks like another sick attack on Australians. Can someone tell me who the producers are and is there a Jewish connection to this film? Most degenerate things have an anti white Jewish agenda. Please tell me that it is different this time?


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