Allergy Treatment

"I have battled allergies all my life, and finally, after this treatment, I am symptom free!"

Allergy TreatmentHave you ever sneezed from petting your neighbor's cat, or had those spring "hayfever" allergies? Everyone has exhibited signs and symptoms of allergies to varying degrees. Allergy symptoms can be nasal congestion, asthma, post-nasal drip, hay fever, migraines, hives, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, eczema, recurring colds and fibromyalgia, just to name a few. Symptoms, onset by foods, can be delayed many hours, or even days, after eating the allergenic foods, resulting in possible chronic disease.

Many times people utilize over-the-counter medication for symptom relief, including antihistamines, nasal sprays, eye drops, topical creams, and more. For some, these medications lose their efficacy. Relying on medication is not a solution; it is more of a quick-fix or a band-aid masking symptoms that point at the cause of the issue.  Thank goodness it makes us feel better; however, in the long term, this is not a lasting solution.

Avante Medical Center utilizes the cutting edge technique of Serial Endpoint Testing (SET). This method has been used for diagnosing allergic disorders and identifying the presence of food, pollen, pet, household, environmental, mold and/or chemical allergies for decades.

Better health and allergy eliminationDuring the testing, a person is exposed to individual doses of these substances under the skin (subcutaneously) with the purpose of measuring an allergic response. SET is based on the concept that extremely small quantities of allergens can cause immediate disappearance of ongoing symptoms. Once a test is considered positive, a progressive series of lower or higher concentrations is administered, until a visual sign that the endpoint has been achieved. The Endpoint is the amount of an allergen which causes symptoms to cease. Think of this as a "neutralizing" effect. This will be the basis of your immunotherapy which re-educates the immune response so that the body no longer reacts to the allergen. And, Voila! No more symptoms!

Based on the testing completed at the Avante Allergy Department, a person may receive a series of immunotherapy vaccines. These vaccines are made up of the known allergen in the endpoint form, which is used to assist a patient's immune system in overcoming his/her allergy symptoms. These vaccines can be administered by the patient in the comfort of their own home. For those who that travel, don't worry about coming into the office for allergy shots, take them along with you.

Better health and allergy elimination can be reached efficiently and effectively through this process, in the comfort of your own home.

Patient Testimonials

  • "I like that everyone that I have worked with keeps me in the decision-making." - CY
  • "Really starting to feel hormonally lined up. WOW!" - PW
  • "I brought my teenage daughter here now that she has outgrown her pediatrician. I use Avante for all my GYN/health consultations." - GH
  • "I wish all my friends and family came here. They would be in the best health." - NG
  • "My quality of life has improved because of the medical care I received at Avante." - JR
  • "This has been a totally new experience for me. Had I realized I would be this happy with my care, I'd have come a lot sooner. I love that the best care is being provided whether "medical" or "alternative" or both." - LG