Thrive Medical Weight Loss System

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Have you felt frustrated with an inability to lose weight or discouraged by watching your weight yoyo? Thrive’s approach is aimed at helping you to lose weight and keep it off while working WITH your body, NOT against it. Many factors determine how the body regulates metabolism and appetite. The Thrive approach to weight loss will balance your hormones, reset your metabolism, control your appetite so you can maximize your efforts to achieve and maintain your ideal weight once and for all. 

If you are looking for exceptional results, then you have found the program that combines safe, rapid weight loss with a foundation for permanent lifelong change.

The AVANTE Thrive approach to weight loss will balance your hormones, reset your metabolism, and control your appetite so you can maximize your efforts to achieve and maintain your ideal weight once and for all.


thrive plan whitePhase 1: Foundation phase
A seven day “clean up” to reduce inflammation and detoxify the body.

Phase 2: Loading phase
An intentional increase in caloric intake for two days to “reassure” the body food is in abundant supply and it is OK to burn fat as fuel.

Phase 3: Transformation Phase
You are actively losing weight. This stage can last four to six weeks. Foods are chosen not only to slightly reduce caloric intake, but most importantly, to stimulate the hormones that encourage the body to use fat as fuel and preserve muscle mass. Medicines can be incorporated to aid in appetite control. (This phase of the program can be modified if cellulite reduction is a goal.)

Phase 4: Resting Phase
Slightly increased caloric intake for a week allows the body to acclimate, and helps to minimize frustrating weight loss plateaus.

* Loading, Transformation and Resting Phases are repeated until desired weight is achieved

Phase 5: Integration Phase
• Golden rules to keep the weight off for life.
• Hormone and amino acid balancing.


It seems too good to be true… our weight loss program not only promotes healthy, quick and sustainable weight loss, but also turns back the clock and prevents disease. It sounds magical, but it really boils down to enabling our body chemistry to work with us instead against us.

The key to the preventive and anti-aging effects of our weight loss program is a focus on reducing and controlling the influence of a hormone called Insulin. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas in response to eating carbohydrates, which are mostly found in grains, starchy vegetables, fruits, sugars, and legumes. Insulin is a crucial hormone and is needed to ensure we have proper levels of glucose (sugar) in our blood so our body has fuel for crucial processes. However, when insulin levels increase in response to the intake of carbohydrates, it shifts the body into a “storage mode” and promotes the deposition of fat into fat cells. Insulin is quickly being shown in studies to be a major player in all types of diseases. Think about this … in the early 1900’s, the average American ate a few pounds of sugar a year. Now, the average American eats well over a hundred pounds of sugar a year. This dramatic increase is undoubtedly connected to our surge in many diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Insulin has many negative effects. It increases the production of free radicals which damage our cells—in other words, it ages us. Insulin also increases cholesterol production, and makes the kidneys retain fluid causing water retention and potentially contributing to high blood pressure. Insulin turns down the little engines in our cells called mitochondria. These are the energy centers which make our cells metabolically active and produce energy. Insulin also promotes the formation of PRO-inflammatory chemicals … and, simply put, these are chemicals that break down our bodies. Insulin also causes our blood to be sticky and not flow as well as we would like, thus decreasing the body’s ability to optimally deliver oxygen to our cells. Lastly, eating sugar and producing a large surge of insulin often causes a reactive surge in a hormone called Cortisol, which slows metabolism over the long term, and breaks down both muscle and bone. Cortisol is our stress hormone and accelerates aging.

In order to maintain balance in the body, a few other hormones counteract insulin. Promoting higher levels of these can have very beneficial effects. Glucagon is a hormone also produced by the pancreas, and is the yin to the yang of insulin. Glucagon raises low blood sugar and shifts the body’s metabolism into a fat burning mode: It converts fat to glucose and stimulates the release of fat from our fat stores to use as fuel. It decreases cholesterol and sheds excess water weight. It promotes ANTI- inflammatory chemicals, increases cellular metabolism, increases endurance, helps blood flow better, preserves muscle mass, decreases pain, and helps the immune system regulate itself. Another hormone called Growth Hormone increases at night when insulin decreases and plays a large part in maintaining muscle mass and healing the body. Its ability to repair can enhance anti-aging effects.

In summary, we don’t just put people on a “diet”… we strive to compose a food plan with adequate protein, healthy fats, and minimal carbohydrates in order to reduce insulin, normalize cortisol, while enhancing glucagon and growth hormone. The result: effective weight loss while looking and feeling great!

Thrive’s approach addresses factors which contribute to weight problems:

• Inflammation
• Hormone and neurotransmitter imbalances
• Food allergies and intolerances
• Environmental toxicity
• Nutritional deficiencies
• Poor digestion
• Oxidative stress
• Emotional eating
• Insulin Resistance
• Stress

Patient Testimonials

  • "I like that everyone that I have worked with keeps me in the decision-making." - CY
  • "Really starting to feel hormonally lined up. WOW!" - PW
  • "I brought my teenage daughter here now that she has outgrown her pediatrician. I use Avante for all my GYN/health consultations." - GH
  • "I wish all my friends and family came here. They would be in the best health." - NG
  • "My quality of life has improved because of the medical care I received at Avante." - JR
  • "This has been a totally new experience for me. Had I realized I would be this happy with my care, I'd have come a lot sooner. I love that the best care is being provided whether "medical" or "alternative" or both." - LG