
We want to hear from you! Here's how to get in touch with the Rolling Stone staff:

Rolling Stone
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104 - 0298


  1. 1. Where can I find my account number?

    Your account number is located immediately above your name on the magazine label and begins with a hash tag (#). You can also find it on your order confirmation email. It is 9 digits long.

  2. 2. Can I transfer my physical subscriptions to a digital subscription?

    The physical subscriptions and the digital subscriptions are completely separate and cannot be combined or transferred. If you want to have a digital subscription instead of a physical sub, please cancel your physical subscription and sign up through the digital subscription provider of your choice.

  3. 3. For all subscription issues and queries — including bill payment, change of address, missed issues or cancellations — visit Subscriber Services.
  4. 4. If your question or issue cannot be resolved using Subscriber Services, you can email us here or contact Rolling Stone magazine by mail:
    Rolling Stone Customer Service
    PO Box 62230
    Tampa, FL 33662

Please be sure to include the name and address the subscription is going to, as well as the specifics of your customer service complaint or request.
