What's New at the Flamborough Heritage Society & Archives

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2016 Book Fair
Saturday November 5, 2016

Book Fair Tables







 The Archives  has now moved into our new premises in the Waterdown library. We are open Monday to Wednesday 10 - 4 and Thursday 10 - 9. Come and see us! Check out some photos here. 

The Archives will close early - at 3:30 p.m. - on Thursday June 15th. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Summer Happenings

Come and join us at these upcoming events!

Friday June 16,2017 5:00 to 9:00 pm: The Waterdown Legion is hosting a community event to commemorate the 100th Anniversay of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. We will have a table with information on Flamborough WWI veterans, post cards etc.  For more information, check out the Legion website  http://www.waterdownlegion.ca/16769/Whats-Going-On.htm 

July 1 & 2, 2017  11:00 - 7:00  Waterdown Ribfest at Memorial Park. We will have a table along side the Waterdown District High School display  Loop150.

August 27th, 2017  1:00 to 4:00pm  Old Tyme Picnic in conjunction with Westfield  Heritage Village. We will be launching our new book "Connecting the dots: snapshots of Flamborough Communities" as our Canada 150 project.  This event will be a lot of fun - come and join us! Westfield is also hosting a VW Car show at the same time so there will be something for everyone




 Several of our local history publications have been out of print for a number of years. However, we have republished them and they are now available on a CD or in hard copy. These include "Carlisle Beginnings" , "The Mountsberg Heritage" and "... and they came to East Flamborough".  We also have copies of  "Into the Cauldron: The Experiences of a CEF Infantry Officer During the Great War" , edited by Steven E. Sawell.  Please check our publications page for more information. Some titles have a link to excerpts from the book, to give you a better idea of what is in it.


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Please help.

We are continuing to raise funds for the operation and upkeep of the Archives and Society. Tax receipts will be issued for all donations of $25.00 or more.




We need your help

The Flamborough Archives is working on three projects and we are asking for your help .

The first is a planned book on the history behind the names of communities that exist, or did exist at one time, in Flamborough.

The second project is a compilation of the businesses in Flamborough, with an emphasis on Waterdown, from around 1850 onwards. 

The third project is an inventory of street names in Waterdown, and the history behind the name.

We are looking for any material which would help with this research - photos, stories, advertisements or flyers etc. We would be happy to scan your original photos if you don't want to part with them.

If you have ANYTHING that can help, please contact the Archives at (905) 540-5161 or flamarch@hpl.ca
