Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle Switch

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Generally favorable reviews - based on 90 Critics What's this?

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  • Summary: Welcome to the story of an unexpected encounter between Mario and the irreverent Rabbids. To bring order back to a splintered Mushroom Kingdom, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Yoshi team up with Rabbids heroes in a journey through four different worlds. Outwit unpredictable enemies inWelcome to the story of an unexpected encounter between Mario and the irreverent Rabbids. To bring order back to a splintered Mushroom Kingdom, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Yoshi team up with Rabbids heroes in a journey through four different worlds. Outwit unpredictable enemies in dynamic turn-based combat and co-op challenges, and solve puzzles along the way. Discover a feel-good and modern combat adventure designed exclusively for the Nintendo Switch system, playable anywhere, anytime, with anyone. [Ubisoft] Expand
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E3 2017: Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - World 1 Battle & Boss Demonstration
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 87 out of 90
  2. Negative: 0 out of 90
  1. Aug 31, 2017
    And this is the thing, they may have needed a bit of Mario magic to rub off on them but this is the perfect stage for the previously maligned Rabbids. From Rabbid Peach’s casual leaning against cover and obsession with taking selfies as bosses fall, to a slobbering rampaging Donkey Kong boss, to Rabbid Yoshi’s curiously adorable dinosaur costume they manage to steal the show from their inspirations. Another pleasant surprise in a game full of unlikely triumphs.
  2. Aug 28, 2017
    More than an attempt to cash in on the Super Mario Bros. and Raving Rabbids franchises, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is one of the most creative turn-based tactical games in years.
  3. Sep 4, 2017
    As cute as it all is, it’s surprisingly challenging, and halfway through the third world there’s a bit a spike in difficulty that had me questioning my value as a human being.
  4. Sep 3, 2017
    I was really impressed by my time with Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. It’s a polished X-Com style game that removes some of the obtuse layers to ensure the early gameplay curve is accessible, uses humor very well, and kept me coming back for more.
  5. Mario and Rabbids: Kingdom Battle takes on the most fun aspects of both worlds and brings them together in a solid strategy game.
  6. Aug 30, 2017
    While Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle may have been the crossover that no one wanted, it's materialised as a really good one with some interesting systems, despite its smattering of shortcomings. It shouldn't work, but it does.
  7. Aug 30, 2017
    Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle has lots of charmingly frivolous things to think about and it’s easy to collapse into its world of tactical antics because its gameplay is so absorbing.

See all 97 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 84 out of 93
  2. Negative: 2 out of 93
  1. Aug 29, 2017
    It's so good to see other studios doing something with the Mario name. This is a new refreshing take on the genre and a fun challenging game!It's so good to see other studios doing something with the Mario name. This is a new refreshing take on the genre and a fun challenging game! There are more and more reasons each day for gamers to get a Nintendo Switch! Expand
  2. Aug 29, 2017
    Realmente a BUGsoft fez um trabalho muito bom, ja fazia tempo que nao lançava algo inedito e decente, mas tb com Mario não se brinca, umaRealmente a BUGsoft fez um trabalho muito bom, ja fazia tempo que nao lançava algo inedito e decente, mas tb com Mario não se brinca, uma franquia imortal Expand
  3. Sep 14, 2017
    I'd ask this game out, buy it a fancy present, have dinner together and then have sex with it.
    We would start hanging out regularly and
    I'd ask this game out, buy it a fancy present, have dinner together and then have sex with it.
    We would start hanging out regularly and eventually fall in love, like really love, not just sexual attraction. we would become a real couple, intimate, with all the jokes we only know, we'd tease each other and make everyone else jealous of our love. we would finally get married and have kids. we would grow old together and have a fantastic life. then in my dead bed, almost there to draw my last breath, I'd say to mario+rabbids kingdom battle: "thank you so much for being so amazing".
  4. Aug 31, 2017
    Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is a surprisingly deep package, in terms of both gameplay and content. I love it very much. I think it is theMario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is a surprisingly deep package, in terms of both gameplay and content. I love it very much. I think it is the best strategy game never created before. Great work Ubisoft Expand
  5. Sep 2, 2017
    Let me start by saying that I have never been a fan of tactical shooters. I played all of 15 minutes of XCOM before uninstalling it. One ofLet me start by saying that I have never been a fan of tactical shooters. I played all of 15 minutes of XCOM before uninstalling it. One of the beautiful things about this game is how the difficulty scales. You're introduced to new mechanics regularly throughout the game. It starts out very basic and let's you get a sense of how to move and shoot in combat. Then, as you begin to unlock character abilities, the depth grows, and the difficulty increases at a near perfect pace.

    The Mario and Rabbids mashup is just so charming. I love both of these IPs and to see them brought together in such a nostalgic and thoughtful way is wonderful. Another element that I want to touch on is the fact that my girlfriend is enjoying the game every bit as much as I am. We're sort of in a competition to see who can finish first. We've had it since Tuesday, it is now Saturday, and we both have nearly 30 hours in. I want to stress how uncommon it is for mainstream video games to truly cater to both a male and female audience. Nintendo does this better and with more titles than any of its competitors, and that's important to me, because it shouldn't just be us guys that are catered to through this beautiful, immersive art form that is gaming.

    For those that are finding the game difficult in later levels. I can tell you that if you fail a fight, take the time to really analyze how it played out and adjust your team accordingly, you'll be just fine. Look for those synergies that exist between different characters. Look at how the enemies group themselves and move. Rabbid Yoshi and Rabbid Mario's ability to force opponents to move, for example, works tremendously with Mario and Luigi's "Shoot on movement" abilities. I'm on level 3-8 now, and I've definitely lost a couple of fights, and restarted quite a few more to make adjustments, but i've never once felt like I didn't know what to do to overcome one of the fights once I had seen it and really thought through the combat.

    The only reason I didn't give this game a 10/10 is because in the free-roam areas, movement can be a little wonky maneuvering around blocks and such. This becomes a bit frustrating when doing timed puzzles. But, it's far from game-breaking. I have never needed more than a few tries to get through any of the puzzles. Also, there are some "nice to haves" that aren't there. Like being able to see: if I move to this space, where will my weapon be able to reach" before you move.

    Overall, this game is so well done. And, there absolutely is variety in enemy types, map setups, and strategies. Sometimes they'll throw an easy fight at you just to introduce a new type of enemy before you face them grouped with other types in a tougher fight.

    I can't recommend this game enough to anyone who owns a Switch. Like I said, I was never a fan of tactical shooters, but not only do I love this game, I feel like it helped me to better understand the mechanics of a tactical shooter. Once I finish it, I might just go install XCOM again and give it another go. Who knows, i might just end up loving it.
  6. Sep 18, 2017
    Greatest surprise of the year so far. Amazing game! Extremely addicting experience from the start to the end. Gameplay mechanics are easy toGreatest surprise of the year so far. Amazing game! Extremely addicting experience from the start to the end. Gameplay mechanics are easy to learn, intuitive and the menus are very straightforward. It's the perfect introduction to people who never played turn-based strategy games before or even to some players who are not big fans of the genre (like me). However, this doesn't mean it's not challenging. Some battles and boss encounters can require quite clever solutions and some tries, but it's never unfair or too hard. Also, it's fun to explore the 4 worlds searching for hidden chests and other collectibles.

    The only significant flaw i would consider is that some puzzles can get a bit repetitive (too much block pushing...) and mostly are not over creative, but it's not annoying to the point to screw up the experience.

    Best Switch game after Zelda. Play it!
  7. Sep 11, 2017
    Un juego muy malo resulta aburrido y con mecánicas demasiado simples, esta lleno de bugs y tiene muchos errores en los gestos de losUn juego muy malo resulta aburrido y con mecánicas demasiado simples, esta lleno de bugs y tiene muchos errores en los gestos de los personages para el tipo de juego se esperaría que la dificultad aumentara pero esta permanece igual y no reta al jugador con la estrategia básica que se plantea en un inicio es mas que suficiente para pasarse todo el juego Expand

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