Metroid Prime GameCube

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Universal acclaim - based on 70 Critics What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 827 Ratings

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  • Summary: Samus returns in a new mission to unravel the mystery behind the ruined walls scattered across Tallon IV. In Metroid Prime, you'll play the role of this bounty hunter and view the world through her visor, which displays information ranging from current energy levels to ammunition. EquippedSamus returns in a new mission to unravel the mystery behind the ruined walls scattered across Tallon IV. In Metroid Prime, you'll play the role of this bounty hunter and view the world through her visor, which displays information ranging from current energy levels to ammunition. Equipped with a Power Beam and Gravity Suit, you must shoot locked switches, solve puzzles, and eliminate enemies. It's up to you to explore the world and recover more power-ups and weapons, which gradually open more gameplay areas. Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 70 out of 70
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 70
  3. Negative: 0 out of 70
  1. A shining example of how a classic videogame series can be vividly reborn. While taking an enormous amount of liberties with the original concept, it manages to zero-in on the spirit of the Metroid series and hit a resounding bull's-eye.
  2. 100
    Whether you're negotiating platforms (made simple thanks to a camera that pans down) or involved in the final climatic battle with Metroid Prime, you always feel as if you're at one with the game. And surely that's what gaming's all about, isn't it?
  3. GameNow
    It doesn't matter if you've never played a Metroid game before - Prime will kick your ass and unrelentingly own you. [A+; Jan 2003, p.62]
  4. Stunningly-stupendous, amazingly-brilliant.
  5. Difficult to categorise but impossible not to love. Metroid Prime is simply a fabulous gaming experience and the best on the Cube. [GamesMaster]
  6. A true gaming masterpiece. It is the type of game that reminds you why it was you first started playing games and manages to keep you both enthralled and amused from start to finish.
  7. While Metroid Prime engages on no level other than gameplay, that gameplay is so perfectly tuned and refined, so continuously evolving and clever that you'll keep playing and playing, even when you're frustrated, even when you're honestly just a little bored with the back-tracking, and even though you don't care about the character or story.

See all 70 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 282
  1. KyleD.
    Dec 2, 2002
    Metriod Prime is one of the best games ever, and is as imersive as Medal of Honor, Resident Evil (remake), or Metal Gear Solid 2. Great Metriod Prime is one of the best games ever, and is as imersive as Medal of Honor, Resident Evil (remake), or Metal Gear Solid 2. Great graphics, slick controls, the best jumping in a FP game, and inovative games ellements. It is so good that it rightfuly deserves the title of "Best First Person Adventure Game." Expand
  2. Feb 12, 2011
    - Graphics: The graphics in metroid prime are not only top notch for the gamecube, but top notch for any 6th generation home
    - Graphics: The graphics in metroid prime are not only top notch for the gamecube, but top notch for any 6th generation home console.
    - Gameplay: Metroid Prime immerses you into a large 3D environment for exploration and puzzle solving. The game is played at a first person perspective, but it isn't a first person shooter, it is more in the vein of first person adventure game. The boss battles are excellently executed, and there is a ton of information to collect throughout the game, via scan logs and upgrades.
    - Sound: Metroid prime presents an alienlike sound track that perfectly fits the mood of the game.

    - Controls: The controls in Metroid Prime work over all very well throughout the game. The lack of manual aiming without the R buttons is solved via the use of the lock on feature. Negatives
    -Replay Value: One might not be compelled to play this prolonged adventure again, although if they do they will realize just how excellent the game was when they'd played it the first time. There is also alot of backtracking in the game, but this is usually for the access of new areas and upgrades.

  3. DaveB.
    Nov 18, 2003
    This is the best game out there (still) for any next gen. console!
  4. Feb 21, 2014
    Buy it.Buy it. . Expand
  5. Jimto
    Mar 9, 2003
    Anyone who didn't give this game 10 should be ashamed of themselves. Jelaous fools.
  6. C.Snowdon
    Dec 23, 2002
    Incredibly well thought out controls, gorgeous graphics, a frame rate that never slows down, and a sountrack that's a joy to listen to Incredibly well thought out controls, gorgeous graphics, a frame rate that never slows down, and a sountrack that's a joy to listen to even on it's own. My only gripes are a few really low resolution textures, though this may have been intentional to keep the framerate as smooth as it is. The atmospheric effects more than make up for this shortcoming, though I wish the water effects were better. I've been spoiled by Mario Sunshine. The game is huge, it almost never seems to end. I've clocked in a ton of hours and I'm still not finished with the game. Also, I've seen complaints on the lack of multiplayer and people saying it wasn't made for multiplayer. Well, it's true, the controls for this game make Multiplayer worthless for the same reasons that they make single player work so well. The auto targeting and autolock functions make any sort of deathmatch a bad joke. But this also keeps the game firmly in the realm of first person 'adventure' as opposed to a shooter. Anyone who expects a shooter or tries to play this game like a shooter will be sorely dissapointed. This game is all about exploration and puzzle solving. The game plays more like Super Metroid in 3D than any shooter. Expand
  7. NicholasB.
    Dec 4, 2002
    No I cannot say good-bye Halo you stupid moron, where is the multiplayer Biznotch. Wheres the game of the year award. The game is incredible No I cannot say good-bye Halo you stupid moron, where is the multiplayer Biznotch. Wheres the game of the year award. The game is incredible but nothing compared to the classics like Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, or Halo. But really the only problem with this game is that the controls are wierd, but since the Gamecube controller is not designed for FPS I congratulate nintedo on the effort. Great Game, the zero is just to get the attention of the itiot who said it was better than Halo. Expand

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Awards & Rankings

#1 Most Discussed GameCube Game of 2002
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