Metal Gear Solid PlayStation

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Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critics What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 1023 Ratings

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  • Summary: You are Snake, a government agent on a mission to regain control of a secret nuclear weapons base from terrorist hands. Lightly armed and facing an army of foes, Snake must avoid firefights in order to survive. If Snake can locate them he can utilize advanced hardware, ranging from silencedYou are Snake, a government agent on a mission to regain control of a secret nuclear weapons base from terrorist hands. Lightly armed and facing an army of foes, Snake must avoid firefights in order to survive. If Snake can locate them he can utilize advanced hardware, ranging from silenced pistols to ground-to-air missiles. Enemies react to sight and sound - so stay quiet and stay in the shadows. State-of-the-art graphics: textures, transparencies, models and explosions. Taut, gripping story with multiple endings - a truly cinematic experience. Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Adding to the story is some of the best voice acting to ever come to a videogame. The entire cast did an absolutely top-notch performance.
  2. This game is full of surprises and you never know what is going to happen, and that is a very good thing.
  3. GMR Magazine
    A cinematic classic. [Feb 2003, p.97]
  4. A Solid story, inventive gameplay mechanisms, both third and first person views, a slew of spy equipment, awesome weapons, unique emotional plot and stealth make MGS one of PlayStation's greatest games ever.
  5. To accompany the breathtaking graphics is a soundtrack of pure extravagance, and it does wonders to heighten the action and suspense, we can tell you.
  6. Its diminished length and excessive no-interactive plot hold it back from truly reaching the highest plateau. Still, this is a must have for any PSX library and a ton of fun.
  7. While it is playable, and actually pretty fun a lot of the time, it has some serious, nearly game ruining flaws that, for me, made it a complete disappointment.

See all 20 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 1 out of 171
  1. AndrewC.
    Apr 12, 2006
    Amazing gameplay for its time, great graphics, great characters, unforgettable plotline... My greatest experience playing a video game. I Amazing gameplay for its time, great graphics, great characters, unforgettable plotline... My greatest experience playing a video game. I must have beaten it about 10 times over. Expand
  2. KristijanA.
    Aug 16, 2002
  3. Apr 24, 2011
    To put it simply, I can't think of a better game. Even with Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 graphics nowadays, I would still prefer to sit down andTo put it simply, I can't think of a better game. Even with Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 graphics nowadays, I would still prefer to sit down and play this ground-breaking game. The graphics may be terrible but it is understood that this was released in 1998. However, the story alone makes up for the graphics. The immersive storyline of the mission at hand is disrupted by heartbreak, danger and deceit and captures the player immediately. This game will continue to overshadow the rest in the series, simply becuase of the fact that this game is phenomenal. Expand
  4. CodyB
    Jun 29, 2009
    This classic has been in every playstation owners' library for 11 years now. I played this game since I was 6 years old & I play it as This classic has been in every playstation owners' library for 11 years now. I played this game since I was 6 years old & I play it as of today, as do millions of gamers around the world. A true masterpiece of epic proportions!! Expand
  5. Dec 10, 2013
    A profound classic that started a legacy. To this very day it doesn't cease to impress me and is one of few games I have witnessed to agedA profound classic that started a legacy. To this very day it doesn't cease to impress me and is one of few games I have witnessed to aged with excellence. A game you should at least get the chance to experience, because it may change how you see games today. Expand
  6. Jul 4, 2016
    I played MGS back in the 90's and I remember it being pretty good, but now after replaying it almost 20 years later I'm glad to realize thatI played MGS back in the 90's and I remember it being pretty good, but now after replaying it almost 20 years later I'm glad to realize that the legend is true and this is actually a timeless masterpiece that aged extremely well and still is one of the best pieces of art in this genre. Amazing story, characters, atmosphere, gameplay, boss fights, this game can also troll you pretty hard in a clever way. It's a complete experience, extremely compact and well-made. A Classic. Now I'm looking forward to play the sequels to see if they can keep this level of quality or maybe even surpass it. 10/10 Expand
  7. Apr 9, 2017
    Le succès de Metal Gear Solid a eu au moins un effet positif : sans lui en effet nous n'aurions sans doute jamais eu les Splinter Cell. Le jeuLe succès de Metal Gear Solid a eu au moins un effet positif : sans lui en effet nous n'aurions sans doute jamais eu les Splinter Cell. Le jeu aurait pu être bon s'il n'était pas aussi sclérosé par sa japoniaiserie dégoulinante, ses contrôles très perfectibles et sa vue d'en haut contraire au bon sens le plus élémentaire.

    Sa mise en scène est risible (quand les Japonais tentent de singer Hollywood, c'est ce que ça donne -la VF caricaturale en accentue le grotesque) et ses "boss" ridicules semblent tout droit sortis d'une borne d'arcade des années 90. Techniquement pour de la PS1, c'est dans le haut du panier certes mais ça ne suffit pas à tirer MGS de son marasme vidéo-ludique.

See all 171 User Reviews

Awards & Rankings

#1 Most Discussed PS1 Game of 1998
#3 Most Shared PS1 Game of 1998