Miss the scent of the workplace? Check out Eau d’Office

The six fragrances feature 'a hardworking blend of antiperspirant and musky colognes in the smallest conference room'
Miss the scent of the workplace? Check out Eau d’Office

Thursday Happy Hour on a High Table is one of a collection of six fragranced candles to remind us of our
pre-pandemic working life.

Missing office life, the people, the buzz?

Then the Eau d’Office collection of candles is just for you. 

Made as a joke gift, initially, to present to an employee leaving New York advertising agency R/GA, the idea took off.

Now with a choice of six fragrances, they include Sushi Thursday at the Café, where the blurb goes, “spicy wasabi meets the zesty cleaning spray on a freshly wiped table”. 

Scents include Sushi Thursday at the Café, “spicy wasabi meets the zesty cleaning spray on a freshly wiped table”

Or if you’re more likely to be enticed by Room 12F after a 6-Hour Workshop, we’re told this one is, “a hardworking blend of anti-perspirant and musky colognes in the smallest conference room”.

They’re not yet shipping outside the US but plans are in place for that to change so you can experience your pre-pandemic life. 

Check out their Instagram for updates.

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