Today's Horoscope
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Horoscope by Astrologers

Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow


An emotional rollercoaster awaits us all, but we’ll be in a better place once we leave the ride! The moody Moon is all over the place today, making several aspects and encouraging erratic emotional responses. Once the confident Sun trines disciplined Saturn, we'll be able to take serious steps towards security -- if we can stay focused through the hiccups. Finally, luxurious Venus trines expansive Jupiter at 7:33 pm EDT, capping off the day with optimism by bringing luck in love and money.

More horoscopes:

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Your luck is most likely to arrive in the form of protection and sensitivity to your needs, which could come from your family or roommates. Whoever you trust when you need aid will bring blessings to your life, but you may still experience emotional outbursts today. Be considerate of others’ feelings and don’t abuse their patience, because there is the temptation to make it all about you. The more thoughtful you are, no matter how difficult that may be at times, the better you’ll feel in hindsight.

More for Aries: WEEKLY LOVE

(Apr 20 - May 20)

Fears and worries will try to take over today, but what’s the benefit in letting that happen? You’ll receive helpful advice and opportunities from your friends about this matter, and if you have siblings, they may be of extra support. Networking and helping others to feel heard is a great way to channel your energy and stop imposter syndrome in its tracks. When your worries pop up, let them know they’re not welcome here, and don’t let them hold you back from what you really want in life.

More for Taurus: WEEKLY LOVE

(May 21 - Jun 20)

Your feelings may be tied up in what your friends or society at large thinks about you today. Society often encourages us to live our lives according to how others perceive us, but if someone insists that you should stop doing something that makes you happy, re-evaluate whether or not they’re concerned about you or trying to control you. If they’re genuinely concerned, it’s OK to gently correct them or take their advice into consideration. If they’re being controlling, let it go in one ear and out the other.

More for Gemini: WEEKLY LOVE

(Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Today you'll have the opportunity to expand your horizons and spread your wings in ways you weren't able to before. Business partnerships and positive relationships in the workplace are benefitting you and preventing you from settling for something less than what you really want. You may find that others encourage you more now, even to move on from the job or the town you live in. Instead of taking this as a desire for you to leave, accept that they see you doing bigger and better things.

More for Cancer: WEEKLY LOVE

(Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Today there could be a show of commitment in a relationship where there was uncertainty before. However, as soon as you receive this commitment, you may worry that it isn’t the right path for you. If someone doesn’t show you the respect that you deserve regarding your boundaries or your privacy, then they may not deserve what they’re asking you for. It’s important to sleep on any decisions before making them and to ensure that others know your limits are important to you.

More for Leo: WEEKLY LOVE

(Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Birds of a feather should flock together today! It’s important to be with people who understand you, because spending time with those who don’t get you can be disheartening and will block you from the blessings that are rightfully yours. Any new connections you make now are more likely to stick around, and the close friends who know you well will help you manifest wonderful opportunities in your life. It's a treasure to have a tribe that elevates your life in magnificent ways.

More for Virgo: WEEKLY LOVE

(Sep 23 - Oct 22)

You’re creating more stability in your life, but you might feel wishy-washy about the way you want to do this today. Do you want to work out, balance your checkbook, or reorganize your house? Don’t get hung up on making the perfect decision, because this can put you in a spin and keep you from making the progress you want to. Simply picking a task and going after it while avoiding any drama will put you on the road to success.

More for Libra: WEEKLY LOVE

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)

It's possible you'll feel indecisive about going after work or play today, and it’s up to you to do what's best for you. You may have been stuck in one extreme or the other, spending all your time avoiding difficult tasks or putting all your focus into work. If there has been an imbalance, it will make itself known now. Once you can see which side of the issue needs to be improved, you’ll have to make an effort to bring things back to center.

More for Scorpio: WEEKLY LOVE

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)

You won't be interested in people who aren’t serious about you, because you’re craving the feeling of belonging and sincerity. Those who can’t be honest with you, especially those who lie to make themselves look better, will fall flat for you now. While the people who say yes to everything may be fine as acquaintances, the people who are truly close to you have to be dependable to gain your loyalty. Speak your mind today and only stick with the people who tell you what you need to hear.

More for Sagittarius: WEEKLY LOVE

(Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Past memories are likely to be cropping up for you today, evoking nostalgia for the good times and mournfulness for the rough times. It’s okay to let them hold the space that they deserve in your heart, but don’t let bad memories play on a loop and keep you trapped in that former place. Similarly, don’t let good ones keep you yearning for a time that is no longer anywhere to be found. Instead, do your best to seize the present.

More for Capricorn: WEEKLY LOVE

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Your greatest blessings will arrive from your own efforts and communication skills today, so don’t let this time slip away! You may find that all your feelings are verbally spilling out now, but make sure you’re speaking from your heart and not simply reacting to what people are presenting to you. Sometimes we have a different perspective once we’re past the initial moment, so take a deep breath and think before responding. Considering the other person's feelings before giving advice will help you avoid conflict.

More for Aquarius: WEEKLY LOVE

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Your self-esteem might be on shaky ground under the current planetary energy, so spend some time hyping yourself up today. Ironically, others are more aware of your worth, and while this can be a good thing when it’s people who support you, it can be difficult when it’s someone who feels threatened by you. Realize that the tension between you and another person could be a sign of jealousy. Try to talk it out with humility, but if you can’t, remember that you don’t need to prove yourself.

More for Pisces: WEEKLY LOVE


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