All the answers here are linked in some way. Once you’ve spotted the link, any you didn’t know the first time around should become easier.

Cats, the longest running show in Broadway history
© Getty Images
  1. Which musical, with music by Marvin Hamlisch, was the longest running in Broadway history until it was overtaken by Cats (above) in 1997?

  2. What’s the two-word name for the 19th-century religious group also known as Tractarians?

  3. What’s the full name of the nearest British equivalent to the American Peace Corps?

  4. Rory Graham is the real name of which British singer, whose first album was Human (2017)?

  5. As what are the poems “Burnt Norton”, “East Coker”, “The Dry Salvages” and “Little Gidding” collectively known?

  6. On what date in 44BC was Julius Caesar assassinated?

  7. Which annual film festival takes place in Salt Lake City in late January (usually)?

  8. What role did William Hodges have in Walmington-on-Sea during the second world war?

  9. In which 1993 novel does the main character Stephen Wraysford take part in the first day of the Somme?

  10. Who’s the most recent actor to have played Ernst Stavro Blofeld in a James Bond movie?

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