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Akihabara Card Shop Demands Customers Use Deodorant or Leave

posté à par Kim Morrissy
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Card Shop: Trading Card Verse Akihabara store says it has been receiving complaints about body odor

A card shop in Akihabara went viral on Twitter over the weekend for being blunt about hygiene to an almost confrontational degree. The Twitter account for the Card Shop: Trading Card Verse Akihabara store announced on Saturday that employees will be stopping people whom they subjectively deem smelly. Those who are stopped will have the choice to either apply some of the hygiene products provided at the store or be evicted from the premises.

The Febreze freshener spray is free to use, but the perfumes will cost 10 (8 U.S. cents) or 20 yen (15 U.S. cents) per dose.

Why the stringent methods? The Twitter account explained that the store has received many complaints about the body odor of its customers. The store has a corner where discount cards are on sale for as little as 10 yen each, and this area has become a lot more popular as of late.

Reactions to the store's tweets have been varied. Some have expressed sympathy for the owners, while others have commented with amusement that of course card game geeks would have hygiene issues. On the other hand, some have also pointed out that spraying perfume would probably have the opposite effect and make the area smell more pungent.

Anime events have been known to be smelly. On Japanese Twitter, there have been PSAs telling people to shower before Comiket, or at least come up with some other way to mask body odor. Last month, voice actress and singer Rie Takahashi went viral for telling her fans to wash their bodies before her concert so as not to bother others with their odor. Mercifully, she was much nicer about it than the owners of Card Shop: Trading Card Verse Akihabara.

[Via Hachima Kikō]

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