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Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 30 Ratings

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  • Summary: Rise from the dust and liberate mankind from the oppression of corrupted gods. Glide the sands of a timeless land, filled with ancient dangers, mysteries and fragments of the past. Hunt legendary monsters, using powerful, shape-shifting weapons and devastating sand-powered abilities inRise from the dust and liberate mankind from the oppression of corrupted gods. Glide the sands of a timeless land, filled with ancient dangers, mysteries and fragments of the past. Hunt legendary monsters, using powerful, shape-shifting weapons and devastating sand-powered abilities in spectacular, super-powered combat.

    Target and gather the essence of your enemies to shape your own custom playstyle, forging a new era for humanity in a fully cooperative or solo story campaign.


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 10, 2023
    Atlas Fallen may not have the most captivating storyline or impressive sound design, but it more than makes up for these shortcomings with its outstanding combat system, level design, and traversal mechanics. Fans of collect-a-thons will be pleased to know that Atlas Fallen offers plenty of hidden treasures to uncover, ensuring hours of gameplay. While it may be overlooked by some, Atlas Fallen is a true sleeper hit of the year that should not be missed by any gaming enthusiast. Overall, it's a must-play for those looking for a thrilling and action-packed gaming experience.
  2. 84
    Finally an open world in which moving from one part of the map to another is not a problem. It is certainly one of the strengths of Atlas Fallen, together with the numerous builds that we can continuously experiment by playing with the enhancements of the glove, and the combat system against the huge monsters that we encounter, unfortunately not as frequently as I would have hoped. The gameplay does not add anything new to the RPG genre, but action and variety of settings, combined with a good speed in progression, make it engaging and enjoyable from start to finish. To be played in one breath.
  3. Aug 9, 2023
    Atlas Fallen’s superb combat, intruiging world, and fluid traversal make up for a play-by-numbers narrative. Thankfully, simple things like surfing the sands of a ginormous desert wasteland and taking on behemoth beasts mean I can enjoy the game for what it is instead of what it could have been.
  4. Aug 10, 2023
    Atlas Fallen has a lot going for it, open world exploration, fluid movement, interesting combat and even online co-op. But it is all hampered by bland storytelling, unrewarding loot and some odd design choices.
  5. Aug 9, 2023
    Atlas Fallen is a study in contrasts. A rote story and inconsistent voice acting are married to an attractive setting and generally fluid movement. On the whole, combat is fun but there's also not a huge variety of enemies. Like in their earlier games, Deck 13 Interactive is definitely punching above their weight. If this results in some moments of unexpected awesomeness, it also results in some rough patches and missing polish.
  6. Aug 9, 2023
    Atlas Fallen has a great premise with pretty enjoyable old-school combat when it works. Frustrating and unreliable mechanics might be a bit of a hindrance, but it works great as a gameplay-heavy title to pick up and play.
  7. Aug 10, 2023
    Atlas Fallen manages to offer a fairly fun and exciting foundation, but otherwise comes across as a tame experience that you've experienced in better games before.

See all 21 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 2 out of 8
  1. Aug 30, 2023
    Aufgrund der ausgeglichenen Rezensionen mal ein vorab-Review: Ich bin wirklich begeistert!

    Die Performance ist einwandfrei, die Grafik ist
    Aufgrund der ausgeglichenen Rezensionen mal ein vorab-Review: Ich bin wirklich begeistert!

    Die Performance ist einwandfrei, die Grafik ist auf Maximum und es sieht wirklich fantastisch aus. Ich habe Vergleiche zu Forspoken gelesen - die kann ich zu keinem Prozent nachempfinden! (Ich hatte selbst bedenken auf Grund der großen Gebiete und der Herausforderung Sand die ganze Zeit über gut dargestellt zu bekommen.)

    Das Gameplay ist top, die Steuerung gut überlegt und die Dialoge wahnsinnig gut vertont.
    Auch einen großen Respekt an die Charakterersteller, die sehen echt richtig gut aus!
  2. Aug 17, 2023
    Great game, better than many others I have tested this year, great optimization, graphics could be better but still good. Sadly is a short game.
  3. Aug 13, 2023
    Give it a chance. This game is beautiful and very fun. Don't quit the game at the boring intro but continue playing and you will discover aGive it a chance. This game is beautiful and very fun. Don't quit the game at the boring intro but continue playing and you will discover a true gem, with exciting and fast combat, many powerups, excellent story and quests. Gameplay is superb: if pure entertainment is what matters the most for you, play it and you will have lot of fun. Graphics is not always good, textures a bit generic especially those from the landscapes and distant objects. But this game is all about pure fun. You won't regret playing it, trust me Expand
  4. Aug 14, 2023
    This game can be very challenging. At first, enemies are not so hard but after just a couple of hours they become very aggressive and bossesThis game can be very challenging. At first, enemies are not so hard but after just a couple of hours they become very aggressive and bosses require a lot of attention. Honestly, it's not so different from a soulslike in terms of difficulty.

    Hoever, game is quite amusing, combat is very good and upgrades are varied (and some of them very cool).

    Visually speaking is not impressive, it seems a game from 5-6 years ago in terms of textures, shadows, art design, very similar to the graphics of Darksiders 2 with some enhancements here and there.

    In a nutshell, it's a good game. It's not a total failure like Forspoken or Redfall or other recent epic failures in the gaming industry.

    If devs are able to release a hypothetical Atlas Fallen 2 which is more polished and with more budget, well it could easily become a masterpiece. But for the moment, at this state it's just an average-good game. Nothing more. It deserves a try, however.
  5. Aug 13, 2023
    From the guys that made the Surge, that kind of gives you an indication of the quality of the game.
    In short, this isn't a game you'd want to
    From the guys that made the Surge, that kind of gives you an indication of the quality of the game.
    In short, this isn't a game you'd want to check out or pay $60 for. It is however cheaper on the PC, but I'd say it's still not worth the asking price.
    if you're looking for a high-quality, polished, and overall game that is fun to play, this isn't it, mostly.

    For the very first hours, I was skipping the dialogue because of how it was presented and what poorly implemented ideas were chosen to unravel the plot. Not only is the story executed in such a low-quality way. It's like the writers had an Idea but didn't bother to make their Ideas look good.

    However, this game does have an incredible sense of scale but the actual graphics are like looking at a 480p image.
    I was playing at the Highest settings and this game looks like sh*t, and I'm pretty sure this game is lying about running at 60fps(or other Framerate options), I'm not blind but I can see when Triple Buffered Vsync hasn't been implemented correctly or when framerate inconsistencies are on screen.

    The Fledge engine is a piece of something, Please for the love of all things h*ly, just use UE, even Unity Engine looks better.

    This game would only be acceptable if it was released on the PS3 or Early days of the PS4.
    But this is a Next Gen game...By the Pope, with all the tech and fewer barriers to hit how does this game not look like its CGI trailer, It's baffling.

    Anyway, what is good about this game?
    - It's RPG elements it's not the worst I've seen.
    - Some sound Design isn't bad too, it's not stellar.
    - The combat, it's lower flashy combat which I guess works.
    - I would say the Sand Traversal, but as a developer, I know it's a gimmick sprint system, with no Physics based momentum.

    Rating time:
    Visuals: 5/10, Average, Not good, Not bad.

    Gameplay: 5/10, Can be fun, but everything else Kind of ruins it here and there, it's not immersive or personal enough.

    Story: ?/10, I skipped Dialogue, I honestly did not care about any of the plot points.

    Characters: 5/10, There are some Characters...Yeah, that's it.

    Polish: 4/10, This game is not polished, at no point did the devs think hm, maybe let's make the Cutscenes better, or fix the Frame Rate issue, or at least add some good lighting, or even before they started developing this game think real hard about the engine they are going to use.

    Overall, 6/10. But why? The combat, Recently I've been playing Forspoken, and while that game looks better than this one, this game's combat is somewhat satisfying in its ridiculous slow flare.
    And also the RPG system I would say is easier to grasp as it's something generic.
    I expected a little bit more refinement from this game.
    As always if a dev reads these reviews (probably not) I'm always available to help since I'm almost done with my degree there are a lot of devs out there that can help iron out these AA games. I'm not interested in Focus Published Games, but since this game used most of its budget for its trailers to make the game look all shiny and cool I had to see its result.

    Next Time keep your game on the hush-hush, use all the budget for development and then force your publisher to fork out a bit of cash for 1 trailer. Take notes, I have plenty (Unless that's what you did, in that case, you did a bad job.)

    I want Indi games and AA games to overthrow AAA games since most games published by Third Party AAA developers are ending up like dumpster fires.

    Also, these average and bad games are learning curves for my game development which I won't talk about.
    That's my review, I'll see how Forspoken ends up soon.
  6. Aug 22, 2023
    The game is boring AF , I played for few hours and I dropped it ...
    Bad optimisation and graphics, played on high end pc 4K ...
    I'll be
    The game is boring AF , I played for few hours and I dropped it ...
    Bad optimisation and graphics, played on high end pc 4K ...
    I'll be generous and give it 3/10
  7. Aug 12, 2023
    atlas fallen. i was so excited for this game but it's just disappointing

See all 8 User Reviews