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  • Summary: Sonic Origins Plus includes the 4 remastered Sega titles from last year's release -- Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic CD and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles -- plus a dozen Game Gear titles available in a special in-game "museum."
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jun 29, 2023
    Sonic Origins Plus finally gives long-time fans access to 12 Sega Game Gear games, including some of the more obscure titles from the franchise. When you combine that with great graphics that maintain the pixelated charm of the original games, the ability to play as other characters, and the inclusion of missions, this is a must-own collection for fans of the blue blur.
  2. Jun 27, 2023
    If the quirks and differences of the original release of Sonic Origins pushed you away, nothing in Sonic Origins Plus is going to turn your opinion around. Even the pixel scaling is still off. If you were okay with vanilla Origins, the Plus content is more than worth picking up. Ten dollars gets you a dozen Game Gear games and some fun new character options for the base game. I still think this is a solid collection that presents a good value for your money, and the Plus add-on only hammers that in more. I’d love to see a few things fixed or improved, but even as it is I think it’s a solid celebration of the most famous hedgehog in the world.
  3. Jun 27, 2023
    In keeping with tradition, Sonic Origins Plus is a bit of a mixed bag. The new playable characters, Game Gear games, and other content feel just barely worth the upgrade fee, but there’s no escaping the sense that Sega could’ve done a lot more for this update and chose not to. While the overall package is a strong one, we’d give the new content of this expansion a very light recommendation as it does ultimately feel worth the price tag (for existing owners). But how much value this will hold to you depends heavily on how much nostalgia you have for the Game Gear and how badly you want to play as Amy in the classic games. Here’s hoping that Sonic Superstars provides an old-school Sonic experience that feels less underwhelming.
  4. Jun 28, 2023
    If you hadn’t previously been enticed by the quartet of Genesis classics, you are unlikely to be swayed now. In a vacuum, this is fun and gratifying DLC for a certain breed of loyal hedgehog fan, whereas the remainder of consumers may be decidedly non-plussed.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 3
  2. Negative: 1 out of 3
  1. Jun 26, 2023
    Well I had written a very long review for this game, but the good ole internet decided to crap out and now I have to start over. But let meWell I had written a very long review for this game, but the good ole internet decided to crap out and now I have to start over. But let me just give the basics here.

    Sonic Origins is a decent collection for these games, but it's not worth the price they are asking for considering we're talking about old games that have been re-released many times. Yes, these are mainly improved versions of those games, but it's still not worth 40 or 45 bucks. Thankfully I was able to get it at a discount for a little over $20. There's enough here for it to feel like it's worth around 20 to 30 bucks. As for the Plus stuff, I think it's worth the $10 they're asking for it. It may not greatly improve the collection as a whole, but having all the Game Gear games, plus Knuckles as a playable character in CD and Amy as a playable character everywhere is a nice touch. There are also new extras and it's just overall a good collection. I don't like the classic games as much as some other Sonic fans, but I do enjoy them time to time, especially 3 & Knuckles.
    But the thing that soured my taste for this game the day it came out physically (which was just a few days ago as of this review) is the fact that the Plus content STILL HAS TO BE DOWNLOADED! via a code. The reason why a majority of us who wanted the physical copy was to have the whole game in one cartridge (or disc on PlayStation and Xbox). We expected that because Mania Plus had everything, including the DLC and updates for the game, in the cartridge and disc. But Origins Plus only comes with basic Origins, not even including the updates in them. This was a very scummy thing for them to do, as now people who may wait to get the games used will only get basic unpatched Origins. I feel like I wasted my money, cause had I known they'd pull this, I would've just gotten the Plus DLC for $10 and saved myself $30. But otherwise, the collection is good. I still think this is a good way to play these games on modern systems, just get the games digitally unless you want the case for display and the art book.
  2. Jun 24, 2023
    This review was wrote by a 36 years old and SONIC FAN since kid!
    IF you are NOT a long date Sonic fan, than remove 1 point from this Review!
    This review was wrote by a 36 years old and SONIC FAN since kid!
    IF you are NOT a long date Sonic fan, than remove 1 point from this Review! 6/10
    Sonic Origins Plus is an enhanced version of the Sonic Origins collection, featuring 12 Game Gear Sonic titles. This comprehensive package appeals to fans of Sonic adventures and platforming games, offering an enjoyable experience with updated graphics and mechanics, but the lack of significant improvements compared to the previous release MAY be a drawback, it's the same and old Sonic we all know. Nevertheless, Sonic Origins Plus remains a must-have for Sonic enthusiasts, providing a convenient way to relive the classic Sonic games in one place.
  3. Jun 25, 2023
    I’m going to be very honest, if I seem a BIT irritated while writing this review, there is a big problem I will address in this expansionI’m going to be very honest, if I seem a BIT irritated while writing this review, there is a big problem I will address in this expansion review. But let’s get started.
    This expansion of Sonic Origins adds a couple of things. Most notably, it added a new playable character for every game in this package: Amy Rose. And her moveset…is fine. It’s fun and enjoyable, but she is obviously a lesser Sonic. That’s not to deter you from playing as her because she is very fun to play as in any of the games, as she has an insta-shield move in the form of her Piko Piko Hammer. It’s honestly really really fun in my opinion. Now, you do not have to agree, and that’s ok. And really quickly, the expansion FINALLY ADDS KNUCKLES TO SONIC CD (arguably the second best game in this collection, but AGAIN, you do not have to agree.) I’m so happy they added him into CD, and it’s fun to play as him.
    What else does this expansion add? Well obviously, it was advertised that the Game Gear games were coming to this collection, and they have been added. Now I’m not going to waste time and review all the Game Gear games here, but I WILL tell you my absolute favorites from here.
    Sonic Triple Trouble
    Sonic Chaos
    Sonic the Hedgehog 1
    Sonic the Hedgehog 2
    Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine
    Everything else in the Game Gear library is either just ok or very mediocre…BUT SONIC BLAST IS THE WORST OF THE BUNCH, NEXT TO 8-BIT SPINBALL. I hate those games very much.
    What else does this expansion add? Well…it does add an achievement thing, but it’s just a wallpaper. That’s it. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s very cool, but I wish there was a LOT more than what we got out of it. It’s very Super Smash Bros.-esque here, and that’s not really bad though.
    The Expansion also adds a button configuration menu in the Settings. Now, I won’t really use this, but if you changed your controls to fit your gameplay style, that’s good on you. (This is something I almost forgot to add here.)
    Actually yes, there are. One of these fixes was one that annoyed many players including myself: the Roll Jump Lock removal. You can now easily drop dash and turn around to do another drop dash like in Sonic CD and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. And speaking of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, there are some bug fixes but as of writing this review for Sonic Origins Plus, no specific patch notes are listed here. But as far as I can see, the falling debris is pretty much gone for me in Marble Garden Zone and it seems like the collision detection is fixed to SOME extent, but again, no specific patch notes. I’m working with what I got here.
    But now let’s get to the main issue I have with Origins Plus. And it’s the one that pisses me off the most.
    This part of the review is a rant. And it’s a legitimate issue that I have looked over in the past, but I cannot overlook it now. SEGA, I never thought you would scam your Digital Deluxe buyers like this, but I’m sorry, I can’t let this slide. Let me just say this loud and clear for everyone in the back to hear.
    Had I known that SEGA would do that, I would have bought the base Origins and not include this issue, but I bought the Digital Deluxe version, and by buying the Plus Expansion Pack, you basically have to repay for the Digital Deluxe benefits. This is absolute **** You got scammed $15, count it, FIFTEEN DOLLARS. I’m not letting this go for a long time. Clown on me all you want, I don’t give a flying ****
    SEGA, do me a favor, yeah? You hearing me loud and clear? Good. DO NOT DO THIS DIGITAL DELUXE DECISION EVER AGAIN. Because if you do it again, there are very high chances that you scam people if you bring over the Digital Deluxe benefits to a Plus Expansion. Do not do this with Sonic Superstars, PLEASE.
    There are a couple of issues, not just for all games, but Sonic 3 & Knuckles as well that still plagues this game to this very day. The pixel blur is still here. There is something called Nearest Neighbor, which scales the pixels to be razor sharp no matter how small it is. It makes the games look really cool and crisp as they should be. I normally don’t really have an issue with this, but a quick reminder that someone created the Origins Blur Fix ( mod and it FIXED THIS ISSUE WHEN THE COLLECTION FIRST RELEASED LAST YEAR. A MODDER.
    Now for Sonic 3 & Knuckles. The muffled audio mixing is still here. This makes the music and sounds in the game still muffled like you’re underwater and it got annoying very fast. This is an easy fix, why didn’t you fix it? This still needs a patch update.