
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jul 25, 2023
    With a deep character-building system and the endless possibilities offered thanks to its procedurally generated levels, Remnant 2 is an absolute must experience and one we think we’ll be world-hopping in for a long, long time.
  2. Jul 26, 2023
    Remnant 2 doesn't reinvent the wheel, but instead builds on the solid foundation of the first game and improves it in almost every way. With more varied, more specialized character builds, an intriguing new class system that isn't afraid to hide some of its most interesting classes until later in the game and amazing bossfights, Remnant 2 is a very easy recommendation for both co-op and solo players.
  3. Jul 31, 2023
    Remnant 2 is not only an excellent Dark Souls-inspired shooter, but it boasts an incredible amount of creativity and ingenuity, the likes of which we’ve not seen in quite a while. It’s a game full of wonder, mystery, and will keep you on the edge of your seat... even when you're getting your ass handed to you!
  4. Jul 31, 2023
    Remnant 2 is the classic "bigger, bolder, better" sequel, that iterates on the formula of the previous game making it much better in almost every way. It's a very solid effort and a recommended option for a lot of different categories: looter shooter fans, Soulslike lovers and people who like to replay their games as long as possible.
  5. Jul 30, 2023
    Quotation forthcoming.
  6. Jul 20, 2023
    Indeed, Remnant 2 will be much more appreciated in multiplayer than alone. The customization possibilities will be multiplied (three characters with double archetypes, it's starting to do things!) And the exploration is made less bland since everyone trains from one place to another. The boss fights are all the more interesting to maneuver without being more complex. Otherwise, Remnant 2 remains quite linear and complex to appreciate, especially since some problems not corrected for the first episode are back. Something difficult to digest four years later. It is therefore difficult to turn to Remnant 2 for a solo experience. However, it shows its full potential in multiplayer to those looking for demanding games that will satisfy their thirst for customization.
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  1. Jul 27, 2023
    It is clear that Remnant 2 has made some concessions. This is particularly true as regards the narrative and the rushed main plot. On the other hand, the gameplay has been enriched, particularly during boss battles. Compared to the previous episode, the art direction is far more polished and immersive. Similarly to its predecessor, Remnant 2 is a 3rd person shooter with classic but effective RPG mechanics, sprinkled with a dash of Dark Souls for a welcome and controlled challenge. Our first run lasted around twenty hours, and our feeling at the end of the final sequence was close to: “already!?” The adventure mode and procedural world offer great replayability, and we cannot wait to get back to the game when future DLC will come.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 21
  3. Negative: 7 out of 21
  1. Jul 25, 2023
    Absolutely amazing I'll get 100s of hours! Do not sleep on this of you like 3rd person shopters heavy in secrets boss battles and an insaneAbsolutely amazing I'll get 100s of hours! Do not sleep on this of you like 3rd person shopters heavy in secrets boss battles and an insane amount of loot Full Review »
  2. Aug 1, 2023
    I really really really want to love this game. The concept is great, the mechanics are good enough. Controls are ok. I have some minorI really really really want to love this game. The concept is great, the mechanics are good enough. Controls are ok. I have some minor complaints, but the biggest one, and the reason I quit at the final boss;

    The boss AI is garbage. If you play solo, they're pretty much unremarkable and simple enough to navigate. But I play with a friend and EVERY TIME we enter a bid fight the boss will attack me and me only, ignoring him completely and just spam attacks on me until I run out of stamina, can't dodge anymore, and inevitably get downed.

    And if that wasn't enough, the boss will now fly around or walk around or travel around the arena of combat and not do anything until my teammate tries to resuscitate me. At which point at an almost incredibly predictable rate at 75% resuscitation the boss will start attacking the other player trying to resuscitate me. We have tested this over and over and over again and 75% seems to be the trigger for the AI to attack.

    That's just cheating, Devs. There's other inconsistencies in the game and little things that I can look past but this glaring issue with the AI almost being programmed to be cheap and predict what's going on that it can't even see is ridiculous it's bad game design and until it's fixed I won't have any interest in continuing to play this title.

    My other complaint would be the almost non-existent story, if I get that they're going for a souls - like here, but let's be real people play games for a story and if every soul's like has no story then they get really boring and repetitive really fast.

    I will hold out to the hope that eventually these boss issues will get patched out but I have my doubts.
    Full Review »
  3. Aug 1, 2023
    Disappointed, I expected it some similar to the 1, but this is a souls with all the bad things of that style, exccesive dificult, absurd bosses, etc