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Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 46 Ratings

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  • Summary: EDGE is the third Indie game, after Swords & Soldiers and Frenzic, to be redeveloped and taken to other platforms by Two Tribes. The game now feels right at home on modern PCs and Macs, with super high resolutions and new special effects, while still keeping the retro vibe completely intact.


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EDGE - Launch Trailer
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Dec 4, 2013
    EDGE is truly something special. The game oozes creativity and constantly introduces awesome concepts that keep you entertained.
  2. Nov 29, 2013
    EDGE is a great example of value for money. With over a hundred levels to conquer, plus a familiar ranking system, there is plenty to do to keep players busy.
  3. Dec 10, 2013
    Arguably the pre-eminent puzzle title for the Wii U, don’t let the fact that this is half a decade old put you off. It is a fresh take on a classic game that makes fine use of the hardware.
  4. 80
    It’s addictive and elegant in its simplicity, and the geometric world is bizarrely engaging.
  5. Dec 3, 2013
    This is one of those games perfect for having a break when you're tired of complex games. Lots of contents and a great balance between platforming and puzzle will have you playing for hours.
  6. Dec 12, 2013
    EDGE is a great experience and in this version for Nintendo's home console it keeps its values.
  7. Jan 14, 2014
    Creative levels, an involving soundtrack and a long-lasting experience make Edge a title not to miss. Any flaws Edge might have are quickly overlooked for its sheer quality. A perfect choice for any gamers looking for a puzzle game combining platformer's elements.

See all 9 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. Dec 14, 2013
    Edge is absolutely great and reminds me of the good old times with my Commodore 64. The 8-bit Sounds and Music are great, the Game comes withEdge is absolutely great and reminds me of the good old times with my Commodore 64. The 8-bit Sounds and Music are great, the Game comes with a good learning Curve and it comes with a very good amount of Levels. So the Two-Tribes-Train goes ahead, if you see a Game of them in Store, buy it, it's every Time an Must-Have. Expand
  2. Nov 28, 2013
    Usually I don't judge a game based on it's price because it doesn't impact the quality but for 3$(and I got it for 1$) this is a must have,Usually I don't judge a game based on it's price because it doesn't impact the quality but for 3$(and I got it for 1$) this is a must have, The gameplay is simple yet delightful and so is the level design, this is a perfect example of what a casual game can be on the Wii U. Expand
  3. Jul 21, 2016
    Definitivamente es el título ideal para entretenerse y matar el tiempo. Pasar un buen rato con el juego es satisfactorio que, ya de por si, suDefinitivamente es el título ideal para entretenerse y matar el tiempo. Pasar un buen rato con el juego es satisfactorio que, ya de por si, su banda sonora es increíble Expand
  4. Jan 5, 2014
    Simplicity is what makes EDGE a success. There are no enemies, no power-ups, or anything really, other than cubes. Now, if you have an allergySimplicity is what makes EDGE a success. There are no enemies, no power-ups, or anything really, other than cubes. Now, if you have an allergy to cubes, stop reading now. You mustn’t buy this game. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is made up of cubes. The easiest way to sum Edge up is to say that it’s a retro 3D platformer in which you control a cube, one that can’t jump, only roll about the grid-like floors. Surprisingly for a game made up of big cubes, the graphics are very good. Set in a blackness that looks like space, the cubes that everything is made up of have a distinct sharpness to them, meaning they really stand out from their background, though Edge does lose some of its graphical fidelity on the gamepad.
    The core gameplay of Edge revolves around controlling your cube, from an isometric camera angle (which is very hard to do at first) around a restricted 3D environment, climbing up walls, timing movement across moving platforms, and climbing and hanging onto walls. As mentioned earlier, you cannot jump and there are no enemies, which sounds like it means innovation is restricted. It’s not.
    The amount of clever ideas Two Tribes have come up with using just blocks and switches to press down is astounding, and it means that level after level, you’ll be hooked. The gameplay gets very challenging, pushing reflexes and the occasional puzzle- solving as well to the limit. It never becomes frustrating however hard it gets because of the frequency of checkpoints and level design is never so hard it’ll make you give up in a puff of rage. It’s a formula VVVVVV could definitely learn a lot from. And for under £2 at time of purchase, Edge has hell of a lot of content. It just keeps on giving, with well over 100 levels. Increasing its replay value are prisms, little collectibles you find a lot of in each level. It’s no big innovation, but as it keeps track of how many you collect per level and grades you depending on your speed and how many you collected, there is definitely an incentive to back and get them all.
    And of course, this is a retro game so it contains retro music. Some of the 8-bit era pieces are catchy, including the main theme tune, but many have no substance and come across as odd, which made me turn the volume off on some levels.
    Where Edge began to falter a little was with its use of the gamepad. I hate it when the gamepad mirrors what is on the TV screen, and sadly that’s what Edge does. I get that it may not always be easy to implement the second screen, but you would never get that on a DS. But when there’s actually a bird’s-eye map of the level in Edge at the top-left hand corner of the screen, wouldn’t it have made sense to put it on the gamepad? It’s small and hard to see on the TV screen, and when there are some challenges that actually force you to look at the map, it seems completely nonsensical not to have put it on the gamepad, especially since that’s one of the main things the gamepad was made for.
    But that’s a mere niggle when you consider how addictive Edge actually is. The Wii U is lucky to have it, and at so cheap a price as well. In a land made of grey blocks, there’s a surprising amount of fun to be had.
  5. Feb 19, 2014
    I didnt love this game, but for a dollar on sale it was worth it. The sound effects were pretty awesome. I just got a little bored with it.I didnt love this game, but for a dollar on sale it was worth it. The sound effects were pretty awesome. I just got a little bored with it. Definitely has value, just not my cup of tea i suppose. Expand
  6. Sep 5, 2015

    Edge is worth its price and nothing else + Level variety + Sound + Value for money - Frustrating - Controls - Weak - Not as

    Edge is worth its price and nothing else

    + Level variety
    + Sound
    + Value for money

    - Frustrating
    - Controls
    - Weak
    - Not as appealing as it looks
  7. May 10, 2014
    As I played this game I was constantly saying "hey!", "no fair!", "what!" or "come on!"--no other game in recent memory has been quite asAs I played this game I was constantly saying "hey!", "no fair!", "what!" or "come on!"--no other game in recent memory has been quite as annoying. The main problem I have with this game is its control scheme. There are three problems with it, one of which makes sense and two which do not. The first problem is that if you land 75% onto a block that is moving away from you and 25% on empty space, the block will slide out from under you and you will die. This was a frustrating lesson to learn. Secondly, when you are moving and attempt to change direction, the game ignores your input for an unpredictable length of time, as the your cube must *passively* settle onto the ground before it will change direction. This delay got me killed constantly. Simple code changes would fix both of these problems (e.g. for the second problem the cube should actively settle, like a living creature, not wait for gravity). The third problem is that your cube has momentum and therefore may travel farther than you intended; this makes some physical sense so I'll give it a pass. Compensating for the frustration, 'checkpoints' are very frequent. The graphics are extremely simple and the soundtrack is fairly good. The game mainly focuses mainly on timing challenges rather than cerebral challenges. I never quite figured out how the map coloring works (well, it's grayscale, but..) I never saw a list of levels and never knew how many levels existed until I ran out of them. Expand

See all 10 User Reviews
