Mutant Mudds Deluxe Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 48 Ratings

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  • Summary: Love pixels? Fond of platformers? Is there a special place in your heart for the 8-bit and 16-bit era? Want to have fun? Yes!? Well, youve come to the right place, my friend. Mutant Mudds Deluxe is a 12-bit action platformer full of pixels and platforming fun!

    Our hero, Max, may be just a
    Love pixels? Fond of platformers? Is there a special place in your heart for the 8-bit and 16-bit era? Want to have fun? Yes!? Well, youve come to the right place, my friend. Mutant Mudds Deluxe is a 12-bit action platformer full of pixels and platforming fun!

    Our hero, Max, may be just a 2D sprite, but he can leap into the third dimension by jetting between the background and the foreground playfields with his trusty jetpack in this unique dimensionally-woven experience.

    Armed with a heavy-duty water cannon, Max has what he needs to vanquish his long-term nemesi: the Mutant Mudds. Max must blast and hover his way across the soiled landscape to seek out mysterious Water Sprites. Legend says collecting all of the mysterious Water Sprites will wash the filthy Mutant Mudds away for good!


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Mutant Mudds Super Challenge - PS4/PS Vita Trailer
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. 95
    The game isn’t weighed down by copious story or in-depth upgrade systems, it’s just a boy, his grandma, and a heaping helping of baddies; it is pure platforming bliss. The deluxe version of the game is equal parts delicate retooling and new content, making it perfect for old and new fans alike.
  2. Jun 13, 2013
    For new players of Mutant Mudds, I would wholeheartedly recommend Deluxe. However, if you already have it for 3DS, you have to ask yourself if the addition of checkpoints and the extra ghost levels is worth buying the game again.
  3. Jun 9, 2013
    While Deluxe could have brought more new content to the table, it preserves the core Mutant Mudds experience to perfection, and then some. If you haven’t played Mutant Mudds to death already, the new ghost levels offer up enough of a challenge to make it worthwhile, and newcomers should not miss this chance to introduce themselves to a modern classic.
  4. Jun 14, 2013
    Mutant Mudds has served its purpose as an unapologetic retro celebration, but at this point, I'm ready for Renegade Kid to build upon this foundation and pursue something truly original.
  5. Jul 11, 2013
    If not for the confusing fake 3D effect, Mutant Mudds Deluxe would be the definitive version of Renegade Kid’s 2D platformer, with the same tight gameplay, charming graphics, and chirpy soundtrack bolstered by more levels than ever before.
  6. Jun 17, 2013
    All in all, Mutant Mudds is a charming, challenging, fun, well-crafted game, and we recommend it.
  7. Jun 14, 2013
    Mutant Mudds Deluxe doesn't feel quite at home on larger screens, but it's still a very enjoyable game. Its crisp visuals and great soundtrack are as nice as ever, but it feels like a handheld experience at heart. The lack of 3D and layered scenery also means that it's sometimes difficult to tell what platforms and hazards are actually on your plane, which can lead to some unexpected deaths.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 16, 2014
    I liked this game enough to finish everything in it. The level of difficulty felt good with the option of increasing it if I wanted to. ForI liked this game enough to finish everything in it. The level of difficulty felt good with the option of increasing it if I wanted to. For the price, I would say that it was worth it. However, I don't think I would ever replay it. Expand
  2. Jun 10, 2014
    this game is every penny of the 10 dollar price. the game-play feels like an inspiration from dozens of classic games. if you enjoy classicthis game is every penny of the 10 dollar price. the game-play feels like an inspiration from dozens of classic games. if you enjoy classic nes games or platformers in general you will get hours of entertainment out of this nice little download game Expand
  3. Sep 11, 2014
    I know that when it comes to Mutant Mudds, it often tends to be quite the divisive little platformer. Many (retro-fans in particular)I know that when it comes to Mutant Mudds, it often tends to be quite the divisive little platformer. Many (retro-fans in particular) absolutely adore the game, while others can be a little less enthusiastic.

    Me? Well, having played it to death on my old 3DS (which I've since part-exchanged for my Wii U) and even the buttonless iOS/mobile version, I'm certainly with the former. Yep, I love Renegade Kid's über pretty plane-changing scroller... which I guess begs the question:


    I've raised this very matter on several forums in recent months, and even posed the question directly to Jools Watsham over at Renegade, but have I ever had an answer? Nope! Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. Not even a cursory 'we're not quite sure yet!'

    Come on Jools, all I want is a difinitive YES (at some stage) or NO (definitely not). Either way, is that asking too much?

    For our North American cousins who ARE lucky enough to have access to this great game though — whether it be Wii U, 3DS, Vita or even mobile — I wholeheartedly recommend you jump right in and enjoy. For Mutant Mudds Deluxe really is straight out of the top 2D drawer :-)

  4. Aug 7, 2014
    It's a perfect game for bus rides or job/study breaks. The graphics are not typically 8-bit style, so it looks more like an app than a vintageIt's a perfect game for bus rides or job/study breaks. The graphics are not typically 8-bit style, so it looks more like an app than a vintage game (ie. Shovel Knight). There is no storyline much so you don't have to get so into it to appreciate it. It gets very hard at some point it can be frustrating to restart the whole level but it's not nearly as bad as the old 8-bit games... The levels are relatively short so it's never such a long way to get back to where you were, plus, there is a checkpoint at mid-way. I finished all the 60 water sprites with about 14 hours of gameplay, and I still have to complete 19 granny levels that seem pretty crazy... so it's worth the 5-7$ on the e-shop! Expand
  5. Aug 16, 2013
    I will say it this game is incredibly hard but because of the challenge every time I complete a level I feel a huge amount of accomplishmentI will say it this game is incredibly hard but because of the challenge every time I complete a level I feel a huge amount of accomplishment because of how many times I died. From a technical stand point though the graphics do seem to still be trying to take advantage of the 3D (on Wii U) and the enemies take a lot of hits to kill which I find to only be tedious and not to bring much of a challenge. Expand
  6. Oct 27, 2014
    Trying to finish Mutant Mudds Deluxe wasn't fun at all. Maybe because the game is too slow and it doesn't really change throughout the levels,Trying to finish Mutant Mudds Deluxe wasn't fun at all. Maybe because the game is too slow and it doesn't really change throughout the levels, just the difficult. The game does very little to keep your attention. There's even a time when it becomes boring to watch. Its concept however, still delivers the necessary. Expand