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  • Summary: Okami tells the story of a mythical sun god who sets out to restore a dismal world, decimating the forces of evil who stand in the way by commanding the elements and mythical abilities the deity possesses. Mixing Japanese folklore and a stunning traditional Japanese art style, players mustOkami tells the story of a mythical sun god who sets out to restore a dismal world, decimating the forces of evil who stand in the way by commanding the elements and mythical abilities the deity possesses. Mixing Japanese folklore and a stunning traditional Japanese art style, players must utilize an inventive control scheme to overcome the challenges and evil that await. By enhancing the unique gameplay, visual style and story line of Okami with the control of the Wii Remote, it is sure to be the ultimate version of the game. Originally designed for the PS2 and released in 2006, Okami now comes alive in an entirely new way on the Wii with its visually stunning art style and beautiful scenic 3D levels that have the appearance and texture of paper scrolls brushed with watercolor-like calligraphy art. Throughout the vibrant and distinctive surroundings, players must use the Wii remote to interact with a dynamic world and cast of characters. The blend of stylized graphics, movements and unique gameplay will result in a rich and dynamic experience never seen before. [Capcom] Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 44
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 44
  3. Negative: 0 out of 44
  1. 100
    Unique and captivating characters await you at every flower laden step. From combat to exploration, every action rewards the player with items, experience, or another breathtaking look at this gorgeous world.
  2. 97
    The Wii's best game to-date, if you'll just give it a chance to shine.
  3. While some minor control issues here blemish an otherwise flawless package, Okami remains one of the best games of recent years, if not of all time. It’s engaging, original, and a true work of art — Wii owners looking for a game worthy of their time need look no further.
  4. While we wait for new hardcore games, Okami is more than a satisfactory option.
  5. The journey to restore the world’s vitality is long and enjoyable, filled with memorable characters and scenes.
  6. Pelit (Finland)
    An excellent action adventure. It's suprisingly difficult to draw a straight line with wiimote, though. [June 2008]
  7. Nintendo Power
    Okami is a work of genius, but you should play the original game instead of the Wii version if you can. [May 2008, p.88]

See all 44 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 74
  2. Negative: 5 out of 74
  1. JamesG.
    Jul 30, 2008
    I haven't enjoyed a game this much since Ocarina of Time (and being disappointed with Twilight Princesses' ultimately linear game I haven't enjoyed a game this much since Ocarina of Time (and being disappointed with Twilight Princesses' ultimately linear game play, Okami comes as a real breath of fresh air). I hope to see more games following this challenge-reward formula. Highly recommended. Expand
  2. Apr 8, 2014
    I absolutely LOVE this game! the Japanese mythology is great for a storyline, and stays true to the source material. the art style makes itI absolutely LOVE this game! the Japanese mythology is great for a storyline, and stays true to the source material. the art style makes it look like you're playing a japanese painting. not to mention Amaterasu is a complete badass. she rips through enemies like they were nothing, and is extremely agile. she has a wide variety of abilities, including double jumps, the ability to sprint, and the brush techniques which lend her the power of the other gods. also, issun (the help character) is a lot less annoying than navi. (even though i'm patient and it doesn't really bother me) Expand
  3. MarkH
    Jul 26, 2008
    Great Game! One of my favorite titles on the wii. It uses the wii remote brilliantly. There are many fun puzzles and lots of action. However, Great Game! One of my favorite titles on the wii. It uses the wii remote brilliantly. There are many fun puzzles and lots of action. However, my favorite part about this game is all the sidequests you can do. I spent about 10-15 hours just completing the many different and entertaining sidequests. A game that was equal to Zelda Twilight Princess, if not a little better, and also very similar. Another thing that makes this game great is the plot. It is much more interesting and intriguing than the plot of every single zelda game (Save Zelda from Ganondorf). Of course there is the breath-taking graphics that come along with the game. Expand
  4. j0ma2_
    Feb 24, 2009
    If the most important for you is a 3D stunning graphic, this game is not for you. Otherwise, you must bow in front of the best adventure game If the most important for you is a 3D stunning graphic, this game is not for you. Otherwise, you must bow in front of the best adventure game I have played on PC or Wii. Excellent 2D graphics, traditional Chinese pictures style, and music integrated with the story. Smooth movement of your character that makes you feel as flexible as bamboo while you run, jump, charge or parry. Guaranteed lots of hours of playing. Puzzles are not too easy to bore the addictive player and they are not too difficult to exasperate de casual gamer. A must for everyone. Expand
  5. DaveC.
    Apr 20, 2008
    The game aside... does anyone else see the irony that two companies said the EXACT same thing about the game, yet Metacritic assigned a 100 The game aside... does anyone else see the irony that two companies said the EXACT same thing about the game, yet Metacritic assigned a 100 to one, and a 94 to another?? Everything not in uppercase is identical, look- 1UP- (100) It's one of the few games TO overcome shaky fundamentals in light of an astonishingly engaging experience. Electronic Gaming Monthly- (94) STILL, it's one of the few games THAT CAN overcome shaky fundamentals in light of an astonishingly engaging adventure. If this is the same review on two different media outlets, shouldn't that make it just one Metascore? Additionally, why is one a 100 and the other a 94 if it's the same review, word for word? Expand
  6. TylerW.
    Mar 13, 2008
    This is an amazing game. Anyone who has the chance should play this game. The graphics are beautiful and music is very in depth. Lots of This is an amazing game. Anyone who has the chance should play this game. The graphics are beautiful and music is very in depth. Lots of humor and a good storyline to boot. Try this game its worth it. Expand
  7. Jan 28, 2015
    I'm not sure why everyone likes this game so much. Graphics are okay, but the character sound for dialog is way too annoying, all thatI'm not sure why everyone likes this game so much. Graphics are okay, but the character sound for dialog is way too annoying, all that repeated chirping of the same sounds over and over and over. Also, the Power Strike or whatever, seriously, does the line have to be perfect? Like immaculately perfect in order to use the move? I much prefer a button mash, smack down than a prissy "draw the line and even if the line looks fine it won't work cause the game didn't even recognize you did something." Mind you, I unfortunately rented the Wii version which, as I understand it, practically ruined the playability. Based on WII performance, if I could give a negative score on this I would chose negative 1 million for my trouble. Thank the universe I only rented it free from a library and only wasted my time and not money. Bottom line, if you like the PS version stay with that. Wii bombed on this one. Expand

See all 74 User Reviews


Awards & Rankings

#5 Most Discussed Wii Game of 2008
#6 Most Shared Wii Game of 2008