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Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 152 Ratings

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  • Summary: The world is a vast, beautiful, and dangerous place especially when you have been shrunken to the size of an ant. Explore, build, and survive together in this cooperative survival-adventure. Can you thrive alongside the hordes of giant insects, fighting to survive the perils of the backyard?The world is a vast, beautiful, and dangerous place especially when you have been shrunken to the size of an ant. Explore, build, and survive together in this cooperative survival-adventure. Can you thrive alongside the hordes of giant insects, fighting to survive the perils of the backyard?
    - Reactive World and Insect Life -
    Explore this immersive and persistent world, where the insect life reacts to your actions.

    - Base Building and Crafting -
    Shelter and tools are critical to your survival. Build epic bases to protect you and your stuff from the insects and the elements. Craft weapons, tools, and armor, allowing you to better fight, explore and survive.

    - Online Co-op -
    You can face the backyard alone or together, online, with up to three friends - it is your choice.

    - Campaign -
    Uncover the secrets lurking in the shadows of Grounded as you freely explore the backyard and progress through its mysterious story.


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Oct 12, 2022
    Much like the protagonists, Grounded sees Obsidian heading into new brand new territory that’s still familiar in some ways, and their expedition ends up paying off big-time. Excelling as a survival game with a nice and meaty challenge, an adventure game with a lot of secrets and goods to hunt for and a highly-enjoyable story, and a visual spectacle as you wander around and take in the eye-popping sights of now-majestic backyard clutter (and the more frightening sights of the impressive and imposing insects), this is one trip that’s tiny yet epic at the same time and is not to be missed out on.
  2. Sep 28, 2022
    Grounded is a fantastic survival game with a killer premise, rewarding progression, and boundless creativity that even a host of bugs can’t spoil.
  3. Sep 26, 2022
    Grounded is a complete, well-finished and multifaceted project, capable of satisfying a wide audience both for its setting and for its mechanics. Perhaps the two-year preview had a "cooling" effect on the interest of the public, but they did very well to the final result. Net of some frustrating elements, such as a difficulty level that looks upwards if it can, and the lack of a couple of mechanics useful for those who want to enjoy the game with maximum ease - fast travel for example - Grounded it is a product that if it had been released today, without first knowing anything about it, would certainly be the center of a lot of attention. If solo is a solid game, challenging but potentially difficult to digest in its entirety, in cooperative the experience shows its best side and is able to offer many hours.
  4. Sep 27, 2022
    Grounded has great ideas and delivers a truly entertaining experience. It is one of those games that are made for you to start a game and get lost for hours while you get resources, improve your tools and build the best base of all together with your friends. What started as a small and crazy idea evolved into an exceptional survival that shines with great strength.
  5. Dec 1, 2022
    Ultimately, how much you enjoy Grounded is going to depend on how you play and if you choose to enable any of the customization options. In the default state, if you're looking to adventure through the story, you'll have a fun time, but Grounded is at its best when played as a survival sim. Focus on exploring the world, and let the story happen in the background. It may be a slower pace, but it's also more rewarding.
  6. Oct 2, 2022
    Grounded changed the ordinary backyard into an intense place where you can't see what's coming next by simply adding a concept of shrunk kids. The sandbox game with survival and variety of crafting elements is always fun whether you are playing alone or with friends.
  7. Sep 26, 2022
    Grounded has always been a solid idea on paper, but Obsidian brings that potential to full fruition for launch, delivering on the thrills and fun of its brilliantly Spielbergian conceit.

See all 29 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 59 out of 73
  2. Negative: 13 out of 73
  1. Sep 29, 2022
    Grounded is an embodiment of what the triple AAA industry is lacking. Pure Creativity. Obsidian have successfully blended their renown RPGGrounded is an embodiment of what the triple AAA industry is lacking. Pure Creativity. Obsidian have successfully blended their renown RPG formula into a Subnautica-Esque survival game. It continues their legacy of excellent story tellers, as Grounded's charming story keeps me engrossed throughout and always has me thinking "What'll happen next?".

    But, where the game truly shines is it's unique setting. Grounded wouldn't be the same without this endearing sandbox. The backyard stands tall among all the other open worlds out there. The setting is booming with originality and imagination. It's clear the developers created this space with love. The world building and variety of environments makes exploring it a must. No matter what way you go, you'll always stumble upon something to do. Whether that be explore a hole in the soil, a lab filled with robots or simply question how a baseball ended up stuck in the soil. All of it adds to the incredibly designed world of the backyard.

    However, shying away from the whimsical and captivating side of the backyard, Grounded quickly becomes a fight for survival. As you trek across, bug infested terrain fearing what's around that blade of grass. Frightening, yet playful. Obsidian, cleverly, juxtaposes these two sides of the backyard. Making the space never feel old. The combat in grounded is also surprisingly more fleshed out than other survival games. Grounded includes a parry system that rewards players from blocking perfectly. It also becomes more tactical than expected, as you find yourself fighting off hordes of insects.

    A game that truly stands out from the rest, and undoubtedly flourishes in that pursuit.
  2. Oct 22, 2022
    Ein absolutes Meisterwerk und für Fans von Survival Spielen ein muss!
    Tolle Grafik, toller Witz und vor allem im Koop spielbar.
  3. Sep 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best Game ever! Groundead 10/10 .........................................
    obsidian has created a masterpiece of survival games, the game Groundead is more rpg than Q a survival game indeed! this world so unique so small is great in every corner that is explored, congratulations to obsidian
  4. Sep 29, 2022
    REALLY AWESOME holy **** Finally a great first party game from Xbox this year and it amazed me! Grounded's story and survival elements mixedREALLY AWESOME holy **** Finally a great first party game from Xbox this year and it amazed me! Grounded's story and survival elements mixed with unique gameplay makes this one of the best survival games I have played in the last years. Also one of my favourite obisidan games only behind fallout new vegas. Amazing price aswell and day one on game pass Expand
  5. Oct 3, 2022
    This game is a TRUE GEM..... Unique, and vastly creative, this is a survival game that really stands out. Exploring is rewarding, combat isThis game is a TRUE GEM..... Unique, and vastly creative, this is a survival game that really stands out. Exploring is rewarding, combat is interesting, and building bases is just amazing as you have to kill bugs to analyze their parts to create armor and weapons as well as develop new "technology" experience. On top of that you can find legendary or unique treasures in the world that make you more powerful and give you different "mutations" or perks. Me and a buddy of mine have been enjoying this game so much, and resource management is actually really fun as well. Building the perfect base of operations, planning your next attack into a spider den or other boss creature such as praying mantises makes you prepare accordingly, or you will certainly die. It's been such a blast playing this in co-op, but still great in single player. So many interesting locations, funny moments, and as a hoarder myself, I love stacking bases with large surpluses of supplies. If you go into this game blind, you will have an amazing sense of discovery and accomplishment as you uncover the mysteries of the back yard. The people leaving 0's for this game are likely SONY shills, and don't listen to any of those morons, this game is a real GEM for sure. Expand
  6. Dec 14, 2022
    Lo he jugado desde que estaba en early access, es muy entretenido construir y explorar, aunque me habría gustado más eventos de la historia.
  7. Oct 8, 2022
    this was so boring, it's probably the worst survival type of game i ever played, i do not recommend it at all.

See all 73 User Reviews