Magnolia Pictures | Release Date: August 15, 2014
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JoshFriesenSep 12, 2014
On the surface Frank appears to be the polar opposite of Lenny Abramson’s prior works which were characterised by naturalistic dialogue and settings that emphasized the grey and drab side of Ireland. In contrast Frank sports a bright palletOn the surface Frank appears to be the polar opposite of Lenny Abramson’s prior works which were characterised by naturalistic dialogue and settings that emphasized the grey and drab side of Ireland. In contrast Frank sports a bright pallet and contains a group of incredibly eccentric characters including the titular Frank who wears a paper mache head. However, as the film progresses the eclectic tone and colourful visuals gently falls away to reveal a heartbreaking meditation on mental illness.

We meet our protagonist Jon (Domhall Gleeson) wandering the beach attempting to find inspiration for his music. He is a mediocre keyboard player and vocalist but passionate about his music. Jon is our entry point into the world of Frank as well as our narrator. The voice-over narration, a device which is usually used as a lazy substitute for acting, in this case is used effectively. Jon’s voice provides the chaos with some form of structure and allows him to have a conversation with the only character capable of having a conversation in the film; himself.

Jon meets and quickly falls in with Frank’s band, the Soronprbs (which has a deliberately unpronounceable name). A band whose music is equal parts strange and wonderful. They are in need of a new keyboard player because, when Jon meets them, their current one is trying to drown himself in the ocean. In a darkly comic nod to This is Spinal Tap we later learn than Jon is actually their third keyboard player. The band is managed by Don (Scoot McNairy), an ex-mental patient due to his sexual preference for manikins. There are four members beside Don and Jon but two of them are never fully fleshed out. They are given the clichéd excuse of being foreign and we soon forget about them. The remaining two are Maggie Gyllenhaal in a wonderfully petulant performance as the Theremin playing Clara and Michael Fassbender as Frank.

The gamble of casting Fassbender in a completely masked role pays off as he delivers surely one of the greatest masked performances ever. The range of emotion he is able to express through the paper mache head is outstanding and it goes without saying that this is his most humorous role yet (dark though it be). He benefits from a well written script but still carries the film with his fine physical performance.

The first two-thirds of the film, while refreshingly unique, suffers at times from inconsistent pacing. The editing fails to balance the conflict between the choppy montage sequences and the meandering band practice scenes. Where the film brings itself together is in the final act when the bright mask of the film is removed to reveal something profound underneath. As I hinted to earlier, one of the running themes of the film is mental illness and it deals with this hard subject in a nuanced way.

More interesting questions arise in the film but I feel that to discuss them would take away from the viewing experience. All I can do is encourage you to seek out this film. It’s not a perfect film but in a summer full of blockbuster disappointment it’s a distinctly original treat.
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BrianMcCriticDec 14, 2014
A film about a group of people all damaged in their own way coming together to form a band. The film has a comedic tone at times but it also can very quickly turn rather depressing, occasionally to depressing. Overall the film is well madeA film about a group of people all damaged in their own way coming together to form a band. The film has a comedic tone at times but it also can very quickly turn rather depressing, occasionally to depressing. Overall the film is well made and acted and kept my attention throughout. B+ Expand
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sammurphy66Sep 24, 2014
Completely bizarre and littered with irreverent off-beat humour, Frank does boast a fantastic performance from Michael Fassbender and a mildly intriguing premise.
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googolendtimesJan 7, 2015
"Frank" is an unapologetically and poetically eccentric creation. It's a movie of many layers, whose offbeat humour and oddball charm belies a profound depth of insight and perception into difficult topics.

To begin with, it is an
"Frank" is an unapologetically and poetically eccentric creation. It's a movie of many layers, whose offbeat humour and oddball charm belies a profound depth of insight and perception into difficult topics.

To begin with, it is an extraordinarily drawn concept that is just as extraordinarily realised. Most films depend on certain elements to be consistent throughout in order for the film to work. Frank is rather the opposite. It chops and changes with relish almost everything - from scenery to genre, characterisation to mood - to deliriously inventive effect, giving the film its own distinctive flavour that's a true pleasure to taste. It spits in the face of convention, taking familiar plot points down routes you would not expect them to go. It is a magnificently layered story and a commentary on such themes of artistry, individuality, talent and one of the most difficult topics to talk about in modern film, mental illness, which is given a superbly nuanced and wholly unexpected treatment here that is sensitive and soberingly heartbreaking.

It is the story of Jon (Domhall Gleeson), an aspiring musician whose passion far outweighs his talent, yet manages to fall in with the avant garde outlet Soronprbs helmed by Frank (Michael Fassbender), an equitably weird and wonderful musical genius who is perpetually clad in a papier-mâché head (I told you it was weird.) The other band members are Don (Scoot McNairy), Clara (Maggie Gyllenhaal) and two others who aren't afforded any real significance, focus or complexity in the plot.

The most stunning accomplishment is that, in spite of all the eccentricity, the characters feel very, very real. There is genuine dimension to the performances by Gleeson, Gyllenhaal (she is particularly good, with a caustically tragicomic and layered turn as Clara) and McNairy. All three embrace their characters' flaws and use them to flesh out their portrayals, taking their most unlikeable qualities and realising them as their most human.

And then there is Fassbender. Not many actors would find being clad in a ridiculously large prosthetic head a liberation rather than a limitation. From behind the mask, Fassbender communicates a wealth of emotions - naivete, ambition, genius, artistry and a desire to be liked and share his gifts, all in the face of a blackness that threatens to overwhelm his soul. It is a seminal portrayal of unprecedented complexity and originality. And this applies to the film as a whole. Anyone looking for a film to watch who desires something different does not need to look much further than Frank. There has not been such an individual work in a long, long time.
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jrodfilmsSep 5, 2014
i felt more during this movie than any other movie released so far in 2014. some moments come out predictable, but i was really connected to the story. i think maggie gyllenhall gave a great performance, but it may take a while to get used toi felt more during this movie than any other movie released so far in 2014. some moments come out predictable, but i was really connected to the story. i think maggie gyllenhall gave a great performance, but it may take a while to get used to her. great alternative music as well. Expand
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soylinda21Oct 6, 2014
A nice little cautionary tale about knowing who you are. Although Frank might seem like the protagonist of the movie at first, this is actually more of a story about Jon, who wants to be like Frank even though Frank clearly isn't a sane guy.A nice little cautionary tale about knowing who you are. Although Frank might seem like the protagonist of the movie at first, this is actually more of a story about Jon, who wants to be like Frank even though Frank clearly isn't a sane guy. I liked how they used social media to show Jon's growing ego. Witty and well-paced, this film was highly entertaining. I only wish they delved further into Frank's mental problems. Expand
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FilmPhonicJan 5, 2016
A young man’s mundane life in small-town Ireland is transformed when he joins a bizarre underground experimental pop band fronted by an enigmatic singer who never removes his oversized cartoon costume head, as success beckons, band dynamicsA young man’s mundane life in small-town Ireland is transformed when he joins a bizarre underground experimental pop band fronted by an enigmatic singer who never removes his oversized cartoon costume head, as success beckons, band dynamics and personality clashes come to a head in this unique comedy/drama from director Lenny Abrahamson.

Eccentric is probably the most appropriate adjective to describe ‘Frank’ and everything that surrounds this film. The story and titular character are loosely based on “Frank Sidebottom”, the alter ego of 80/90’s British alternative comedian/musician Chris Sievey who wore suits and a large Max Fleischer cartoon-styled costume head whilst performing music, comedy and hosting a talk show, all in his surrealist pastiche style.

This “Frank”, played by the irresistible and ever convincing Michael Fassbender, is a talented and enigmatic young man who suffers from mental illness and uses the head as a shield from society, around him is gathered his cult-like and equally eccentric band with their own psychological issues and together they wander around Britain & Ireland creating their unique brand of “avant-garde” underground psychedelic music.

The story is told from the perspective of Domhnall Gleeson as “Jon”, the everyman who joins the band and goes from outsider to the driving force for popularity as he uses his promotional skills to reach a larger audience, and in the process disrupts the group dynamics which surfaces one of the main themes in ‘Frank’, the notion of artistic integrity vs. success. Even though the film is an ode to the outsider and artistic freedom, it does a great job at exposing the often pompous and pretentious nature of “experimental” artists.

Indeed ‘Frank’ is a curious mix of themes and elements which include, belonging, isolation, mental illness and the question of trauma & suffering as an essential element for inspiration and “real” art. Frank himself is not only inspired by “Frank Sidebottom” but also some of the pioneers of “art-rock” and alternative music, such as Captain Beefheart, Daniel Johnston and Ian Dury.

Although ‘Frank’ is very much a quirky comedy which sometimes descends into slapstick but is always surreal, the tone and pace changes drastically towards the end and becomes a drama that deals with mental illness. Although it does a commendable job of not treating the psychologically troubled as victims, there is no space to faithfully depict the intricacies of mental illness here and the conclusion of the film is rather sentimental and slightly out of place.

The Bottom Line…
Although quirky to a fault and despite only skimming the surface of some profound subject matter, ‘Frank’ is a wonderfully weird and cinematically unique blend of elements that makes for an artistry comedy/drama that you won’t soon forget.
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CobeJun 1, 2015
This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The extra ordinary movie, Frank is the story about the group sound. John is the amatuer keyboard player who want to be a great song writer, but he even can't merge a single lyric with the melody. One day, he met the band 'The Soronprfbs', had a chance to play with. But unlike his expection, the soronprfbs plays mysterious music which was written by Frank. The band became fame for the new keyboard player's youtube video, they got a chance to play at the music festival. However, the comflict between memebers was getting toughed, Frank and John faced critical situation. Although rest of the members didn't play the show, the weird duo go through the stage.
The people who use SNS me included, want to notify how they feel, how they live, how they do, yes they want to tell everyone about themselves. Like John and Frank, even the band's great leader and song writer want to communicate with the others. It drives Frank in to thirst about the public's attention, finally it ruin everything. Same as Frank, all of us want to be loved one, even the genius, but we still feel lonely, while be loved, because humans are lonely island. We pretend to perfect and normal but we don't, humans are twisted and imperfection, so we should dance, sing, love each other for remedy our shortcoming, just like Frank did with the german lady.
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MikefromAngusDec 31, 2014
What a bore of a movie. Half way watching the movie, I expected the story to kick in and get me interested. The movie was so bad, I watched 3/4 of it and couldn't finish it.
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beingryanjudeSep 9, 2014
Frank is nothing you'd ever expect to see. That's part of what makes it such a treat. You'll quickly realize how fun it is to question art vs. popularity.
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ryecaSep 18, 2014
Whatever you do don't see this, but if you are forced at gunpoint to see Frank, don't pay 16$ at the Arclight. The movie never settles on a voice, but I think was supposed to be tragicomic? Quirky? Is that the word? Painfully boring? Yes,Whatever you do don't see this, but if you are forced at gunpoint to see Frank, don't pay 16$ at the Arclight. The movie never settles on a voice, but I think was supposed to be tragicomic? Quirky? Is that the word? Painfully boring? Yes, that. Can Maggie Gyllenhall stop singing already? I liked when the one guy died, spoiler, because it meant one less inane character was around to babble inanely. Go watch Paris Texas instead (they mention it in the movie). When this is on netflix instant in a month, still download it illegally. Expand
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ReliablePeerOct 11, 2014
Frank works with a fairly tired premise: Band tries to make it big, but the weird and off-beat characters and premise make it stand out, not necessarily in a good way, from the rest.

The performances range from pretty sub-par to very good,
Frank works with a fairly tired premise: Band tries to make it big, but the weird and off-beat characters and premise make it stand out, not necessarily in a good way, from the rest.

The performances range from pretty sub-par to very good, Domhnall Gleeson's turn as Jon is very forgettable. However, Michael Fassbender shines as the titular mask-wearing Frank, who's character is both intriguing and strange. Maggie Gylenhaal's character was extremely annoying, though that was her character so I cannot fault her for that and I guess I can say she got the job done.

The story, along with the band's music, kept me entertained until the third act where I feel the writers jumped the shark. I wont spoil what happens, but the last 30 minutes left me very dissatisfied and I have no doubt it will have the same effect with other people.

Overall, Frank is a watchable band movie that can kill 90 minutes of your time. Although I didn't enjoy the film as much as I thought I would, I do not regret watching it. The standout part of the movie is the band's music, especially the song Secure The Galactic Perimeter. I find this odd as I found the movie's score was irritating and out of place, considering the band's music and score were written by the same person.
Watch this if the concept intrigues you.
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netflicSep 7, 2014
Weird and proud of it, this movie raises questions about art, mental health, talent and absence of it, and many others. Most of characters are so strange that one can't empathize with them.

The seriousness of questions raised shows high
Weird and proud of it, this movie raises questions about art, mental health, talent and absence of it, and many others. Most of characters are so strange that one can't empathize with them.

The seriousness of questions raised shows high potential of this movie but the script does not leave much room to implement it. I enjoyed some episodes but overall I would not say that I could recommend it.
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duncan1964Mar 24, 2015
When a young man joins an oddball band, with a lead singer who constantly wears a paper mache head, he realises they could be the next big thing - if only he can contain their weirdness and try and make them more 'likeable'. An odd film, toWhen a young man joins an oddball band, with a lead singer who constantly wears a paper mache head, he realises they could be the next big thing - if only he can contain their weirdness and try and make them more 'likeable'. An odd film, to say the very least, it is trying to say something about the cult of celebrity, fame and social media, but at its heart its a film about a man with serious mental health issues. Because of this the whole thing has a underlying sadness and tragedy about it which reaches its peak in an emotional finale. A fascinating watch but ultimately borders on being voyeristic and slightly uncomfertable. Expand
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DukeJonJul 5, 2015
I was expecting a lot better than this. For me the film never really figured out what it wanted to be and, other than the mystery of what's under Frank's fake head, never really held my interest. None of the characters were particularlyI was expecting a lot better than this. For me the film never really figured out what it wanted to be and, other than the mystery of what's under Frank's fake head, never really held my interest. None of the characters were particularly likeable and behaved in ways that never really made much sense. Ended on quite a flat note as well. Expand
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lasttimeisawMay 10, 2015
One major gimmick of Irish director Lenny Abrahamson’s music drama-comedy FRANK is its star Michael Fassbender (the “it” actor presently) will only appear with a giant paper mask containing his head and never reveal himself in the entireOne major gimmick of Irish director Lenny Abrahamson’s music drama-comedy FRANK is its star Michael Fassbender (the “it” actor presently) will only appear with a giant paper mask containing his head and never reveal himself in the entire film, but spoiler alert! It turns out that Lenny cannot keep the promise and allow Fassbender’s sex appeal (his face to be more accurate) to go untapped and be concealed inside that doll head. So in the last ten minutes, when our eccentric titular protagonist Frank (Fassbender) finally reveals himself without his shield to the outside world, a mixed feeling arises, admittedly Fassbender is my favourite actor among his generation, it is a surprise to see his visage (thanks to the deceptive publicity stunt) in the climax scenes of the film, a pathos-exuding music performance of the song I LOVE YOU ALL, written by the composer Stephen Rednecks. However at the same time, a part of me wishes Lenny Abrahamson could have had the guts to let Frank do the scenes with his mask on, keep the eccentricity running until the last drop.

keep reading my review on my blog: please google cinema omnivore, thanks
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SpangleJan 12, 2015
Frank is a very quirky little film, but its uniqueness is what makes it all the more endearing. Brilliantly written and directed, Frank is a film that has a heart and a soul that is covered by its weird and, at times, off-putting exterior,Frank is a very quirky little film, but its uniqueness is what makes it all the more endearing. Brilliantly written and directed, Frank is a film that has a heart and a soul that is covered by its weird and, at times, off-putting exterior, but deep down at its core, this film truly has great emotion and is ultimately a very touching and beautiful film about this eccentric musician and his equally unique band. Michael Fassbender is absolutely stellar in the lead role, even if we do not really ever get to see his face. Domhnall Gleeson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Scott McNairy, are also all very strong here. Though a very odd film, Frank is certainly funny, heart warming, and touching, in very unique ways and is also an interesting film about people suffering from mental illnesses. Expand
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dinojay2Jun 14, 2015
A complex, intriguing movie which takes quite awhile to reveal its true themes. It also does a great job of keeping us off balance as to what constitutes "normal", and how eccentricity comes in many forms - from pretension to creativity toA complex, intriguing movie which takes quite awhile to reveal its true themes. It also does a great job of keeping us off balance as to what constitutes "normal", and how eccentricity comes in many forms - from pretension to creativity to disease. Strange, but love the originality. Expand
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TrilobiteGSep 20, 2015
A unique and tasteful perspective on music making, social media, psychosis, mental disability as a whole. Frank is a must see for the introvert, even if it does leave some arcs hanging.
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oDjentoMay 10, 2015
I think this film is pretty underrated! The direction is pretty nice in some parts and the acting is solid for comedy acting, but the laughs are hilarious. The laughs go along with the subject matter in both a hilarious and kind ofI think this film is pretty underrated! The direction is pretty nice in some parts and the acting is solid for comedy acting, but the laughs are hilarious. The laughs go along with the subject matter in both a hilarious and kind of sympathetic way. This is due to the two ways i chose to decipher the films meaning. It can be seen as a parody of the hipsters of our generation; wanting to be unique and individually noticed for their oddness but once they have any sort of following they turn against what they believed in. This also then results in the deteriorating mind of a hipster only taking a self deprecating look at themselves as they look for acceptance through not being seen as normal. On the other hand, the film can be seen as a touching glimpse into the eyes of the mentally disabled, showing they have their own creative tastes and they can become something great/iconic in themselves. It shows that they have qualities just as much as anyone else and that we should understand them and appreciate them for what they are and not try to change nor alter themselves, they must be accepted for what they are. It is the way that the directing delivers both an engaging/quirky storyline that can be deciphered seriously with the coolly delivered laughs that makes this film stand up. Well worth the watch! Expand
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FilmVirtueSep 10, 2014
It's strange story line and even stranger characters have enough chemistry to pull of a rather weird yet entertaining experience that brings back the unforgettable Chris Sievey and his music
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rukhaiyaaramritOct 6, 2014
Frank is a part road movie, part comedy, but mostly it is about music. It is about the contrast of personalities of Jon and the band he joins.

Jon, a wannabe musician, who never had it in himself, but is craving for mainstream success.
Frank is a part road movie, part comedy, but mostly it is about music. It is about the contrast of personalities of Jon and the band he joins.

Jon, a wannabe musician, who never had it in himself, but is craving for mainstream success.

On the other hand we have the mad band "Soronprfbs" led by the mysterious Frank who are actually superb in their skills but shuns mainstream popularity.

Luckily, Jon gets to join the Soronprfbs and he desperately want to get his big break, he always wanted to have, with the help of Frank and the band.

This film is a coming of age tale of both Frank and Jon, who realizes how they don't need to fake their own realities.

The film does get slow a couple of times, and is little wayward in its nature, but within a couple of minutes, it returns to the track and gets more engaging.
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diogomendesJan 4, 2015
A smart, offbeat comedic movie, "Frank" is carried on the back of its talented cast, while delivering a wholehearted story and a solid premise.

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Brent_MarchantAug 30, 2014
This dark comedy (which is often more dour than funny) is an ambitious, though largely unsuccessful attempt at a meditation on the merits of inspiration vs. commercialism, talent vs. self-delusion and genius vs. madness. Better pacing, a moreThis dark comedy (which is often more dour than funny) is an ambitious, though largely unsuccessful attempt at a meditation on the merits of inspiration vs. commercialism, talent vs. self-delusion and genius vs. madness. Better pacing, a more coherent narrative and some extensive rewriting (not to mention less misleading marketing) may have helped elevate this project to what it could have been, but what we're left with is a largely half-baked effort in love with its own tragically hip quirkiness. Expand
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tvhandySep 7, 2014
A story of societies outcasts who band together to find sanity & purpose through music. It's not until you look past the surface of these characters that you see that each and everyone is a tremendously flawed human beings.
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inaneswineNov 14, 2017
Confusing at times and relentlessly bizarre, the film is successful in showing how artists can be consumed by their craft, along with giving Domhnall Gleeson another opportunity to display his engaging acting skills.
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OpinionatedGuySep 29, 2014
This movie is a perfect example why I love music as an art.

The music that the characters are trying to create is the best part of the movie. Their dedication and their love of music as an art made me enjoy this entire movie. The movie
This movie is a perfect example why I love music as an art.

The music that the characters are trying to create is the best part of the movie. Their dedication and their love of music as an art made me enjoy this entire movie.

The movie has a quirky sense of humor which is also one of the best parts of the movie. The jokes from the script felt naturally delivered and the comedic timing is perfect.

The concept of the movie about Frank in a mask is clever and it makes the movie the way it is. Quirky and charming.

Michael Fassbender is a fantastic actor in this movie and even if you don’t quite see his facial expressions, you can sense that he is Frank, not Michael Fassbender playing Frank. Domhnall Gleeson also did a good job portraying his character Jon and Maggie Gyllenhaal, wow, her character is a **** and she did a great job portraying her, which might contribute why I like her despite she can be very unlikable with her purist hipster music attitude.

The plot was really well-organized and it did not have any dull moments during the entire movie. It was very heart-warming without trying too hard.

As regards to the themes of the movie, this movie cleverly delivered the themes about anxiety. Without spoiling too much, it explained why Frank has a mask in his head very well for me even though the full details on why he felt anxious is not clear. I am satisfied about this and it makes me think about why he has anxiety. It’s quite thought-provoking if you think about it.

As much as I like the plot, the ending fell a bit short for me. It’s quite bittersweet and the events unfolded in the middle of the movie explains the ending’s bittersweet tone. But I felt like they could have done better with how the movie would end. Nonetheless, I like it, I expected better.

If you love music as an art, Frank is the movie you should see with its quirky humor, clever concept, brilliant cast performance, heart-warming plot and thought-provoking themes about anxiety.
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ydnar4Sep 19, 2014
Frank is a wacky movie about a musician with a plastic head covering his real features. Despite all the oddities in the plot I was eager to see this film. However it did not live up to my anticipation. Frank cannot manage to hold myFrank is a wacky movie about a musician with a plastic head covering his real features. Despite all the oddities in the plot I was eager to see this film. However it did not live up to my anticipation. Frank cannot manage to hold my attention. I found the first half of the movie great but the last half continued to get more and more boring. I felt that Frank was not on display enough in the film. Domhnall Gleeson overshadowed him in the role of Jon. There is some potential in Frank but its not quite what I thought. Expand
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tvnewsguidoSep 2, 2014
Weird and fun but mostly weird.

I'm sure this film is saying important things about fame and the unique combination of elements that must coincide to make music and art - but I'm too thick to get any of that. It was just a funny weird
Weird and fun but mostly weird.

I'm sure this film is saying important things about fame and the unique combination of elements that must coincide to make music and art - but I'm too thick to get any of that.

It was just a funny weird little movie about a funny weird little band that I enjoyed watching immensely.
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CentreyMar 28, 2015
One of those good indie films. Quaint humour, mixed with good music and an odd story. I wouldn't recommend this film to people who shy away from the bizarre, but for those who do indulge the quirkier walks of life, it's a real treat.
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MeHimSep 28, 2014
I felt nothing but contempt for the movie characters and Frank in particular, the theme of the characters appeal seems to be "look at how weird and quirky we are" overall.. I if you're looking for an enjoyable film.. Do yourself a favor andI felt nothing but contempt for the movie characters and Frank in particular, the theme of the characters appeal seems to be "look at how weird and quirky we are" overall.. I if you're looking for an enjoyable film.. Do yourself a favor and avoid this title. The 3 out of 10 is for the time when someone got stabbed and then hit by a car. Expand
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NerdConsultantNov 26, 2014
this film was great at being a great story with thought provoking moments. it had an amazing depiction of mental health and the coping mechanisms people use as well as how exposed someone should be at the time. everyone delivers an excellentthis film was great at being a great story with thought provoking moments. it had an amazing depiction of mental health and the coping mechanisms people use as well as how exposed someone should be at the time. everyone delivers an excellent a performance and michael fastbender delivers the performance of his career he really should be up for best actor at the oscars Expand
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AliceofXFeb 27, 2016
Frank is one of the funniest films I've ever seen. It is, at its core, a drama film but it has some hilarious eye wetting moments. If only it could have kept that mood through out the film. Towards the end it gets too dramatic and sad andFrank is one of the funniest films I've ever seen. It is, at its core, a drama film but it has some hilarious eye wetting moments. If only it could have kept that mood through out the film. Towards the end it gets too dramatic and sad and it's way too severe a shift from the previous mood.

The only other thing I could say against it is that in the beginning it tries to create a mystery about what Frank's face really looks like. Now that could be interesting, but he is played by Michael Fassbender so I already know what he looks like. So all that seemed pointless.

But despite that and the problems of unevenness Frank is still a solidly good film. It's weird and crazy, it explores human creativity. The actors do a good job in creating a bunch of quirky characters that you love to watch while exploring their near surreal world.

Overall Frank is a very watchable movie even if it somewhat loses its way towards the end.
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virginiaproudJan 12, 2015
I was so fascinated by what I'd just seen that I had to immediately Google and learn about the true story behind Frank. There's a lot to unravel in this movie, but you can also watch it for the pure ridiculous entertainment of the premise.I was so fascinated by what I'd just seen that I had to immediately Google and learn about the true story behind Frank. There's a lot to unravel in this movie, but you can also watch it for the pure ridiculous entertainment of the premise. It's not perfect, there are moments where you are simply waiting for the next thing to happen, but I never stopped waiting anxiously to find out what would happen to Frank. Expand
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danippMar 13, 2015
Oh Michael...when you think he has already impressed you enough he comes again and surprises you. Fassbender is amazing and manages to portray Frank in a way that you'll love him too. His charater has a mental illness, uses a big head andOh Michael...when you think he has already impressed you enough he comes again and surprises you. Fassbender is amazing and manages to portray Frank in a way that you'll love him too. His charater has a mental illness, uses a big head and also has a strange way to make music. True. But you will fall in love with him and his personality. Frank steals the show and although his music is quite experimental and sometimes not very easy to enjoy, you will find a way to connect with it through the film. The other actors are stunning, specially Dohmnall and Gyllenhaal, but this is all about Frank. And Fassbender. Expand
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MattBrady99Mar 13, 2015
This has to be the most oddest, touching and funniest movie that I have seen this year. The movie is about a keyboardist looking for his big break joins an eclectic pop band fronted by the mysterious Frank - the lead-singer who never removesThis has to be the most oddest, touching and funniest movie that I have seen this year. The movie is about a keyboardist looking for his big break joins an eclectic pop band fronted by the mysterious Frank - the lead-singer who never removes his paper mâché head. This is by far my favorite movie of 2014. The acting in the movie was freaking fantastic, the writing was well written and it was new and refreshing, not like other movie these days. The main character of the film Frank played by Michael Fassbender, and I have to say frank is the most interesting character in this whole film. The other characters in the film are interesting to but I think frank is most interesting to me. Expand
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willmJul 4, 2016
Frank isn't afraid to go out of its comfort zone, but also struggles to maintain a story worth telling. The build up in the movie is very weak and guided uneasily with a somewhat weak ending although that may be on purpose. Frank isFrank isn't afraid to go out of its comfort zone, but also struggles to maintain a story worth telling. The build up in the movie is very weak and guided uneasily with a somewhat weak ending although that may be on purpose. Frank is beautifully shot and witty for the most part. It is hard to recommend this movie because of its strange story telling methods and awkward character development. However, there is a certain charm to Frank that is awe inspiring to those wanting to make a film of their own someday. Expand
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alejandro970Mar 25, 2018
A magical, mystery tour with a dysfunctional band and his vocalist, a man with a fake head. The plot is a witty blend of humor and comedy, and the songs performed by Fassbender are so bizarre as catchy.
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RewswissNov 14, 2016
Kürzlich habe ich mir endlich Frank angeschaut. Wobei es zumindest schwer fällt, Frank, dem namensgebenden Hauptprotagonisten, ins Gesicht zu schauen. Denn er trägt zu jeder Zeit diesen übergroßen künstlichen Kopf auf seinem Haupt und wie erKürzlich habe ich mir endlich Frank angeschaut. Wobei es zumindest schwer fällt, Frank, dem namensgebenden Hauptprotagonisten, ins Gesicht zu schauen. Denn er trägt zu jeder Zeit diesen übergroßen künstlichen Kopf auf seinem Haupt und wie er immer wieder selbst betont, hat er ein Attest. Was sich zuerst skurril anhört, wird hier sehr humorvoll in einer Musik-/Tragikomödie verpackt, die eine bittersüße Ode an die Liebe zur Musik darstellt. Es ist einer dieser Filme, der den Zuschauer in ein warmes Tuch hüllt, um dann unverhofft von außen den ein oder anderen Nadelstich zu setzen. Ein weiterer Clou dieses kleinen, irischen Independent-Films ist, dass Frank von Michael Fassbender gespielt wird. Es ist schon irre, dass einer der derzeit berühmtesten Schauspieler der Welt fast einen ganzen Film lang nie sein Millionen-Dollar-Gesicht zeigt. Der Film ist ein Balanceakt zwischen künstlerischer Integrität und dem Mainstream, so wie Birdman es war. Komischer, melancholischer, nachdenklicher und klüger lässt sich Kulturkritik im digitalen Zeitalter kaum zelebrieren. Ein Muss für Freunde des besonderen Kinos. The "Normal" Nerd Expand
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ourtimehascomeJan 2, 2018
Behind the roughly made paper mache mask of the titular Frank, played by a mentally ill Michael Fassbender, is little more than a shallow drama aspiring to be a quirky comedy. Like a modern Great Gatsby without the flair, charisma or theBehind the roughly made paper mache mask of the titular Frank, played by a mentally ill Michael Fassbender, is little more than a shallow drama aspiring to be a quirky comedy. Like a modern Great Gatsby without the flair, charisma or the vitality. It misunderstands such simple concepts such as mental illness and artistry. Expand
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BITESCREENJun 22, 2017
Kein Geld, keine Kontakte und die einzigen eigenen Songs gibt es schon: Schüchterling Jon gelingt der Einstieg ins Musik-Business einfach nicht. Da trifft er am Strand die unaussprechliche Combo Soronprfbs, deren durchgeglühter KeyboarderKein Geld, keine Kontakte und die einzigen eigenen Songs gibt es schon: Schüchterling Jon gelingt der Einstieg ins Musik-Business einfach nicht. Da trifft er am Strand die unaussprechliche Combo Soronprfbs, deren durchgeglühter Keyboarder sich gerade ins Meer stürzt. Ersatz muss her – und Jon bekommt seine Chance. Beim katastrophal kurzen Erst-Gig lernt er Lead-Sänger Frank kennen (Michael Fassbender) – der Tag und Nacht ein cartooneskes Papphaupt auf den exzentrischen Schultern trägt. Im nächsten Moment tüfteln Soronprfbs in einer Waldhütte ein sperriges Elektro-Noise-Album irgendwo zwischen Doors, gestörtem Kinderlied und Sonic Youth zusammen. Doch psychisch kranke Bandkollegen sowie Franks Perfektionismus sind Stolpersteine auf dem Weg zum Erfolg. Größtenteils skurrile Komödie mit messerscharfen Dialogen und melancholischem Einschlag, mausert sich Frank später zum handfesten Drama. Immens die Laune hebt jedoch Fassbender – der unter seiner Maske aufblüht und eine hochinteressante Filmfigur mit charakterlichem Interpretationsspielraum schafft. Expand
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JLuis_001Sep 6, 2017
It is remarkably accessible, but I must make it clear that it is for people with an open mind, if you want conventional cinema, here there is little of that, the movie is simple, its strength lies in part of its message, love for the art noIt is remarkably accessible, but I must make it clear that it is for people with an open mind, if you want conventional cinema, here there is little of that, the movie is simple, its strength lies in part of its message, love for the art no matter if one is famous or not, the catch is to try something different.
Honestly I had enough enjoyment, Michael Fassbender is excellent and manages to pass beyond the mask and makes an excellent character.
If you get it, do not hesitate, see it.
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DaddypancakesJan 23, 2018
One of the most underrated movies of all time, its clever, funny, dramatic, and genius. My only complaints are that the movie doesn't really have a plot and its very messy, and some of the characters felt underdeveloped. Other than that theOne of the most underrated movies of all time, its clever, funny, dramatic, and genius. My only complaints are that the movie doesn't really have a plot and its very messy, and some of the characters felt underdeveloped. Other than that the movie was flawless, don't wanna say anymore because that would spoil the movie. Expand
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amheretojudgeJun 5, 2018
a non-rhythmic musical act..

Frank As much as eerie and intriguing the concept is; which draws most of the viewers in, the plotline pushes them far away with the equal force. The script is a scattered mess that may have its trajectory in
a non-rhythmic musical act..


As much as eerie and intriguing the concept is; which draws most of the viewers in, the plotline pushes them far away with the equal force. The script is a scattered mess that may have its trajectory in mind that it does follow, but the forcibly installed sequences to spend its time and distract the audience until the moment arrives, is not only ludicrous but also off putting. Addition to that, it fails on technical aspects too, like background score and the camera work which has never been more unimpressive. The writing is sloppy and tacky around the edges and has the least intriguing conversation among questionable characters (except for the protagonist; irony) that are projected in here. Lenny Abrahamson has done a decent work on executing this sinking script and helps it sail off easily to the shore even though the editing isn't up to the mark. The performance objective is what satisfies the viewers by a great cast like Domhnall Gleeson, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Michael Fassbender as Frank himself. Having said that, it has its moments where the drama and acting is appreciative that is given a satisfying climax where Fassbender steals the show. Frank is a non-rhythmic musical act that is uneven in its self created pathology and the bubble that it all resides in.
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NinteundoJun 24, 2018
This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A story full of interesting characters and events. Shows how probably the most "normal" person in the group unintentionally tears everyone apart. Expand
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GrantD243Aug 26, 2018
Quite possibly the weirdest film I've watched in a LONG time. I was told to watch this by a friend and had no idea what to expect going in. It's an odd story that follows a man who wears a fake head and makes music with his indie band, but IQuite possibly the weirdest film I've watched in a LONG time. I was told to watch this by a friend and had no idea what to expect going in. It's an odd story that follows a man who wears a fake head and makes music with his indie band, but I was enthralled the entire time. And even though I don't make music myself, I found the characters to be incredibly relatable. I've been thinking about this one ever since I watched it three days ago and I look forward to watching it again. Expand
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MahmusSep 25, 2020
Jon wants to be a musician; there's only one problem: he sucks at it.
Frank is a musical genius; capable of coming up with a great song in a matter of seconds. He also suffers from a mental illness and always wears a giant paper mache head.
Jon wants to be a musician; there's only one problem: he sucks at it.
Frank is a musical genius; capable of coming up with a great song in a matter of seconds. He also suffers from a mental illness and always wears a giant paper mache head.

Jon really wants to be like him.

As someome with practically no musical talent, I completely relate with Jon's frustation and feelings towards Frank. Like a mix of jealousy and admiration.

I love how this film explores this feeling I often get, that because I didn't have a tragic past, I somehow don't deserve to be succesful. Like I haven't earned it. Of course, this is all ****

Initially, Jon would love to have a tragic past or a mental illness, because that way he feels he will finally succeed as an artist, like Frank.
But as it's so heartbreakingly revealed to him, Frank's condition isn't some cool quirk that made him talented, but a real illness that must be taken seriously, which is something he never did.

This movie is a truly underrated gem and features one of Michael Fassbender's best performances, and you almost never see his face.

The final scene, when they sing "I Love You All" is pure perfection and it always makes me feel like crying.
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