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Mixed or average reviews - based on 70 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: Immortals of Aveum is a groundbreaking new single-player, first-person magic shooter, created by Ascendant Studios and released by EA Originals, that delivers a visceral, cinematic campaign.
    Made by the creators of Call of Duty and Dead Space, Immortals of Aveum is set in an original
    Immortals of Aveum is a groundbreaking new single-player, first-person magic shooter, created by Ascendant Studios and released by EA Originals, that delivers a visceral, cinematic campaign.
    Made by the creators of Call of Duty and Dead Space, Immortals of Aveum is set in an original fantasy universe engulfed in magic, rife with conflict, and on the verge of oblivion.
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Immortals of Aveum | Official Launch Trailer
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 70
  2. Negative: 1 out of 70
  1. Aug 25, 2023
    If you like the general style of first person shooters but feel they need a bit of a fresh change… this will likely be just what you are looking for. A lot of fun and a beautiful spectacle to take in. Highly recommended!
  2. Aug 21, 2023
    Immortals of Aveum boldly attempts to deliver an epic cinematic experience about a war involving magic, and it succeeds in its ambition. Fast-paced combat that places the game firmly in the shooter genre combine with satisfying platforming and puzzle-solving to make for an adventure that stays focused on its linear story while offering extra secrets for those who want to explore beyond its core narrative. There’s some repetition here and there that can be frustrating, but when you’re blasting colourful magic spells across battlefields of enemies like a violent fireworks display, it’s hard not to be impressed. Visually stunning with an excellently committed cast, Immortals of Aveum is a satisfying adventure and an impressive debut from a studio clearly not afraid to defy expectations.
  3. Aug 22, 2023
    In some ways, Immortals of Aveum can be seen as a wasted opportunity to give shooter fans a memorable experience with an outstanding graphics. Instead, Ascendant Studios' debut game turned out to be just a good first-person shooter that entertains without being boring, thanks to a surprising RPG component and gameplay that excellently does its job of entertaining players. In addition to a decent story and a not particularly long campaign, Immortals of Aveum also has to contend with a less-than-stable frame-rate and other flaws that do not allow it to be one of the best shooters of the last years.
  4. Aug 23, 2023
    Immortals of Aveum is a great shooter with nice and fast gameplay, nice world building and a fairly interesting story. It doesn't do much wrong, but just lacks soul to become your new favorite FPS, unless you were really waiting for a Call of Duty with magic and dragons.
  5. Immortals of Aveum is a solid first effort from a brand-new studio. It’s not without its troubles, of which there are many, and it absolutely does not land half of the concepts it’s trying to pull off, but there’s a glimmer of a great game in there. If nothing else, it’s worth playing just to see somebody do something different in a triple-A space that so rarely innovates.
  6. Aug 21, 2023
    As far as first tries go, there's plenty to admire with Ascendant Studios' debut effort. Immortals of Aveum offers something to build on, both in terms of its own lore and for this up-and-coming studio as a whole.
  7. Aug 21, 2023
    Mixing repetitive, imprecise combat with annoying characters and a landslide of nonsensical, proper noun-stuffed lore, Immortals of Aveum is almost so bad it's good. If only.

See all 71 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 18
  2. Negative: 5 out of 18
  1. Sep 2, 2023
    This game deserves a better evaluation, it's a very fun game, the graphics is phenomenal, EVEN with that damn FSR 2.0 it looks so so good.This game deserves a better evaluation, it's a very fun game, the graphics is phenomenal, EVEN with that damn FSR 2.0 it looks so so good. Story is very nice and written by Michael Kirkland, famous writer that gave life to Morrowind and Oblivion. Gameplay is fun, challenging, colorful and i don't understand so many low ratings. This game is a solid 8 8.5, it has some defects and some bugs here and there, but a honest experience. I hope for a Sequel! Expand
  2. Aug 24, 2023
    This game has got everything i like. Super-duper story. Very movie like game. The Story is ready to use in a great movie. NIce graphics (evenThis game has got everything i like. Super-duper story. Very movie like game. The Story is ready to use in a great movie. NIce graphics (even on rtx3050 and works well on low and dlss), nice models, great locations. Good filling during exploration and fights.
    Some small bugs like few time i lost cotrol on keybort (after dead keybord was working fine). one time was missing a part ofmap so it was immposible to go furhter and the same dead fixed problem.

    But compparing to DEAD SPACE remake (rather pooooor remaster) and jedi survivor this game is like Greek's amrosia
    For me it is a one of the best games i ever played.
  3. Aug 25, 2023
    This game took me by surprise. First off, graphics are anmazing and the world is beautiful. The combat is extremely addicting and very solid.This game took me by surprise. First off, graphics are anmazing and the world is beautiful. The combat is extremely addicting and very solid. Has such a nice feel to it and might be one of the best fps games we’ve gotten in years. You can see traces of Halo, destiny and some Doom in there, but still is able to be original and it’s own thing. I can not stress enough how fun the combat is in this game. Highly recommend! Expand
  4. Aug 23, 2023
    Review for Immortal of Aveum:

    I absolutely love the combat in this fps/fantasy game! It's incredibly fun and keeps you on your toes with
    Review for Immortal of Aveum:

    I absolutely love the combat in this fps/fantasy game! It's incredibly fun and keeps you on your toes with its fast-paced action. The visuals throughout the game are stunning, creating a captivating world to explore. While the story may not be groundbreaking, it's still entertaining and keeps you engaged. It reminds me a bit of Marvel's Eternal, which adds to the excitement. I can understand why this game might receive mixed reviews, as it combines elements from both Call of Duty and Destiny. However, if you're a fan of fantasy games, I believe you'll thoroughly enjoy Immortal of Aveum.

    - The combat is a blast and keeps you engaged.
    - The visuals are breathtaking, creating a mesmerizing world.
    - The characters are cool and add depth to the gameplay.
    - Fun puzzles.

    - The storyline is mediocre, but still manages to entertain.
    - Once you finish the game, there isn't much replay value.

    The final verdict for Immortal of Aveum would be 7 out of 10. The game offers an enjoyable experience with its captivating storyline, stunning graphics, and immersive gameplay. Additionally, it features some very fun puzzles that are not too challenging, adding an extra layer of excitement to the overall gameplay experience.
  5. Sep 3, 2023
    Immortals of Aveum is a doom like game that takes a diffrent approah with its setting, a weird hybrid between steampunk and fantasy with aImmortals of Aveum is a doom like game that takes a diffrent approah with its setting, a weird hybrid between steampunk and fantasy with a slight si fi style

    its idea and world is great bur the game overal feels lackluster

    +setting is fun and intressting
    +easy to pick and play if you wanne shut your brain off

    -diffuculty on normal can be rough
    - very boring lvl design
    -not many weapon types
    -main character feels dull and boring
    -skill tree state upgrades feel weak and barley worthwhile
  6. Aug 27, 2023
    Very poor game. It's hard to say anything good about it. It can only be recommended if it becomes 90% cheaper.
  7. Aug 26, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jogo muito ruim mal otimizado gráfico tosco
    Jogo horrível repetitivo não tem graça nenhuma

See all 18 User Reviews