
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Mar 17, 2014
    No matter how odd it may seem, as soon as the opening notes of the very first song ("Ievan Polkka") kick in, you're probably going to get hooked.
  2. Oct 23, 2014
    If you are a Hatsune Miku fan… well, you already bought this game. If you’re a fan of rhythm games in general, this is one of the best around and very much worth recommending.
  3. Apr 17, 2014
    You’ll need to have a certain mind-set and an ear for songs that might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA f is exactly the type of game that deserves localisation in the West.
  4. 90
    That gameplay, complimented with the excellent visual style and the charming music itself, makes for a heck of a compelling little game, that offers a load of content to boot. Portable games just don't get better than this.
  5. Mar 17, 2014
    A perfect fit for Vita, Project Diva f is a sprawling, complete-feeling package that will be of particular interest to Vocaloid enthusiasts, but which also remains accessible and enjoyable to newcomers.
  6. Mar 12, 2014
    Crisp, bright, and immensely enjoyable, Project Diva f will delight and challenge fans of Vocaloid and rhythm games alike.
  7. Games Master UK
    May 4, 2014
    A guilty pleasure for many. [June 2014, p.79]
  8. Apr 4, 2014
    Slight presentation issues aside, Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f is a good entry for newcomers to get into the music rhythm genre.
  9. Apr 1, 2014
    Hatsune Miku’s first western video game is a fun one, with some great bits of music and a charming visual style. The experience is however muddled by messy menus and stupid mini-games.
  10. Playstation Official Magazine Australia
    Apr 27, 2014
    Load times are an issue, but this tap-dancer proves to be pretty, and pretty taxing. [May 2014, p83]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 95 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 73 out of 95
  2. Negative: 10 out of 95
  1. Mar 8, 2014
    With beautiful visuals and a excellent library of songs, Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- F is one of the best in the series. Though honestly, IWith beautiful visuals and a excellent library of songs, Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- F is one of the best in the series. Though honestly, I wished it (and the entire series in general) would be on Nintendo consoles as it would actually be fitting and that it got rid of the some of the provocative materials so it get at an E10+. Full Review »
  2. Apr 11, 2014
    Beautiful visuals and good music makes this game a great game for gamers, who love rhythm games.
    They have improved the game-play and visuals
    Beautiful visuals and good music makes this game a great game for gamers, who love rhythm games.
    They have improved the game-play and visuals from the psp version and now it's perfect.
    For me, it's the first game of the genre for the PSV and I love it. I played it 50 hours so far and I think I am addicted to it.
    I recommend it for everybody, who still needs a great game for the PSV.
    There is also a PS3 version, but the handheld version is better. There is no input lag.
    But if you are a graphics whore, you should buy the PS3 version.
    I am a graphics whore. I have both versions and totally worth it.
    Full Review »
  3. Apr 22, 2014
    The First US release of a Project Diva game and the first to land on the PS Vita. This game really is a huge improvement compared to theThe First US release of a Project Diva game and the first to land on the PS Vita. This game really is a huge improvement compared to the highly addictive Project Diva and Project Diva 2nd games, which were already extremely enjoyable. This game features the classic rhythm mode in which you try to hit the notes when the symbol reaches the mark while a song goes on. The songs in the game are all excellent and unique in their own way. There is the Diva Room in which you play around with the Vocaloid characters. It is quite entertaining and a step up from Project Diva 2nd. Another new aspect of the game is Edit Mode. You get to make your own music video along with a rhythm level. You can use your own music or the game's music. This gives the game more hours of fun. Overall, Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F is a flawless game (In my opinion). I am very excited for the American release of Project Diva F 2nd, and I might not be able to wait and end up buying the Japanese release of it. I recommend this to anyone who loves the Vocaloids or rhythm games in general. Full Review »