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Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 126 Ratings

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  • Summary: (Also known as "The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy") Experience the classic adventures of the universe's favorite Lombax, Ratchet and his robotic sidekick Clank in this classic PlayStation 2 Action-Adventure trilogy now fully remastered in high definition. Wield the original tools of destruction as(Also known as "The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy") Experience the classic adventures of the universe's favorite Lombax, Ratchet and his robotic sidekick Clank in this classic PlayStation 2 Action-Adventure trilogy now fully remastered in high definition. Wield the original tools of destruction as you travel from planet to planet unraveling their original story and explosive adventures in this PlayStation 3 exclusive. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. Aug 11, 2014
    They're fun, they play well, and they still feel like they're worth playing a decade after the fact. Throw in the whole on-the-go aspect you get with the Vita, and it makes it easy to recommend picking this up.
  2. Jul 15, 2014
    Quite frankly, each game in the Ratchet & Clank trilogy is as charming and playable now as it was when first released.
  3. 85
    The remarkable gameplay of Ratchet and Clank's first three adventures holds up in this great HD package, but don't expect a pitch-perfect port.
  4. Jul 4, 2014
    Ratchet & Clank Trilogy brings back in HD three of the best adventure games that have ever been released in PlayStation 2.
  5. Jul 2, 2014
    PlayStation Vita is a perfect console to remember the great adventures of Ratchet and Clank. Insomniac created some wonderful characters in very different planets.
  6. Jul 23, 2014
    Ratchet & Clank Trilogy is a largely successful port of the much-loved action platformer. Looking on them in 2014, though, the flaws are more apparent, and the a couple of design decisions don't translate to the Vita all that well.
  7. Jul 4, 2014
    A terrible edition: a lot of aliasing, input lag and a faulty control scheme.

See all 23 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 25
  2. Negative: 3 out of 25
  1. Jul 17, 2014
    One of the Best game series of all time: Ratchet & Clank Trilogy! As a Fan of R&C;,I don't have an Issue about this game.There is an issueOne of the Best game series of all time: Ratchet & Clank Trilogy! As a Fan of R&C;,I don't have an Issue about this game.There is an issue about glitches and crashes,but as a fan,no matter what issue they throw to this game,Im gonna give this a perfect 10.I thank Insomniac and mass Media to their Best effort even if it is not perfect but the memories and awesomeness that this series give.I will keep this game forever,and let the other gamers experience one of the greatest game of all time! Expand
  2. Jul 1, 2020
    The original Ratchet and Clank trilogy is without a doubt one of the greatest series on the PS2, accessible to anyone and with something toThe original Ratchet and Clank trilogy is without a doubt one of the greatest series on the PS2, accessible to anyone and with something to enjoy for everyone. This port has some pretty big problems, due in large part to the typical laziness of ports not being repaired. It all runs fine, but you will be regularly inundated with model errors, aspect ratio issues in cutscenes, and lag in a few areas that tax the game. This port is still rock-solid, especially for anyone that wants to enjoy the old trilogy again, but be aware some things just cannot be like the old days. Expand
  3. Jul 5, 2014
    After several other HD collections, the Ratchet and clank trilogy has come to the Vita. The trilogy includes all of the content of theAfter several other HD collections, the Ratchet and clank trilogy has come to the Vita. The trilogy includes all of the content of the original releases except for the multiplayer of Ratchet 3 Up your Arsenal.
    The trilogy has been ported by Mass Media inc, the studio responsible for the not so well received Jak and Daxter port to the Vita last year. However the Ratchet and Clank port runs much better at a solid 30fps, in addition to that the games do not suffering from any bugs, glitches or crashes which made people so angry with Jak and Daxter on the Vita.
    Even though the games run smoothly, the games do unfortunately look dated graphically, these games are 10 year ago and it shows. The cut scenes are the worst offenders because just like the ps3 version they are not in HD and instead, as a compromise, the aspect ratio has been altered in an attempt to improve the visual quality, this may seem bad but it is nowhere near as horrible as the pixelated mess which was the Sly collection on Vita. But it is still disappointing though as the picture quality does not do justice to the high quality writing and story of each of the games. The in-game graphics are in HD but due to outdated textures and polygon count the games ultimately looks like a bunch of shiny ps2 games, they don’t look terrible but they don’t look great either. Although the games don’t look great, the fun and fitting soundtrack sound good on the Vita.
    Graphics are not everything though and the gameplay of the trilogy is just how you remember it, excellent. The variety of weapons at Ratchet’s disposal makes the games extremely fun and enjoyable for anyone no matter their age or skill level. The controls are solid with the back-touch pad only being used for minor actions such as strafing and crouching. It’s cool to see how each instalment improves upon the last, one gameplay element I which was added to Ratchet 1 and 2 is the control scheme of Ratchet 3 which allowed for better aiming and even a First person mode. The games are also a little too easy for my liking and there is only one difficulty setting but that’s only a minor issue though.
    The Ratchet and clank trilogy provides an enormous amount of value for a budget release, with each game having around 10 hours’ worth of story content each and that’s not even mentioning the collectables and the trophy lists for each game, that means there are three platinum’s for the price of one, but there is no cross-save meaning that there are no double platinum’s.
    Overall you should definitely pick up these classics right away if you’re a Vita owner and especially if you have never played these games before; better yet the trilogy is cross-buy meaning that if you buy it digitally than you also get the ps3 version for free. With that being said the Ratchet and Clank trilogy gets an A grade. So don’t let Mass media’s last port scare you off and relieve the adventures of Ratchet and Clank on the Vita.
    If you liked this review be sure to subscribe and if you think I could improve in any way let me know by commenting below, thanks for watching.
  4. Dec 3, 2014
    From a huge ratchet and clank fan. it's great to say that this port is fantastic, with only a few problems. in the first game, some of theFrom a huge ratchet and clank fan. it's great to say that this port is fantastic, with only a few problems. in the first game, some of the music in the planets wont play (for example, the boss theme for the blargian snaggle beast won't play. just the regular music) as well as 30fps, rather than 60fps. the ps2 game had 60fps, but the vita one doesn't. Mass media did a good job this time, makes up for the mistake that was the jak and daxter collection. Expand
  5. Jul 27, 2017
    I love these games, and this is a great port of them for on the go. I was afraid at first, cause it was being released by the same people whoI love these games, and this is a great port of them for on the go. I was afraid at first, cause it was being released by the same people who released the Vita version of the Jak & Daxter collection (which was bad), but they improved here. The frame rate obviously isn't as good as on PS2 and PS3, and the controls take a little bit to get use to, but overall, it's a great way to play them on the go. I just wish there was a North American physical copy of the game. If there is, I wish I could find it. Expand
  6. Dec 30, 2014
    Unlike FFX and God of War, this series hasn't aged well in terms of game design. The levels have very little variety in terms of platforming,Unlike FFX and God of War, this series hasn't aged well in terms of game design. The levels have very little variety in terms of platforming, and the developers tried to mask that with annoying mini-games in the 2nd and 3rd entries. The lack of check-points can also cause some rage-inducing moments, particularly in UYA. Port-wise, the games are playable and you should go through them fine. I've encountered sound cut-offs but it was very rare. The cut-scenes are unedited but that is to be expected when you slap together a collection for some quick profit.

    It's a shame because I really enjoyed the PS3 series, but the original 3 are pretty rough around the edges.
  7. Dec 23, 2022
    To anyone who gives this version of Ratchet & Clank Collection good reviews, you're an idiot. All of you.

    Controls: 3/5 The Controls are
    To anyone who gives this version of Ratchet & Clank Collection good reviews, you're an idiot. All of you.

    Controls: 3/5

    The Controls are almost identical to that of the Original PS2 Versions and the PS3 HD Versions. Only difference is, you use the Rear Touchpad in Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal to Strafe. While there's nothing wrong with it, it can be finicky. This makes Boss Battles and Enemy Encounters difficult.

    Now, where the Controls really falter, is during the Spaceship Sections of Going Commando. They're just too finicky and nothing like the Original PS2 Versions or the PS3 HD Versions. This makes dogfighting in space just downright terrible and not fun. Also, in the name of all things pure and for the love of God, DO NOT get me started on the Ring Races with Ace Bunyon. I get a headache just thinking about it and I can feel one coming on, because I'm mentioning it in this review.

    Graphics: 2/5

    This is where the Ratchet & Clank Collection for PlayStation Vita definitely falters at the most. If you honestly thought that Jak and Daxter Collection for PlayStation Vita was bad, you haven't seen nothing yet. Ratchet & Clank Collection is far worse. This is completely unacceptable, Mass Media. The PlayStation Vita is a very powerful Sony Handheld. Treat it like one and give it the respect that it deserves, not no garbage like this.

    Also, the Cutscenes should've been way better than this, not compressed and low resolution.

    Frame Rate: 1/5

    This is one of the most crippling problems about this version of the Ratchet & Clank Collection. It's simply unbearable and is headache-inducing. Plus, it makes things like Ring Races a chore to do.

    Audio: 2/5

    Audio is okay, but it would be better if it didn't sound like it was glitching out or getting stuck on a loop. Good job, Mass Media.

    Value: 1/5

    If you grew up with Ratchet & Clank like I did, then I simply cannot recommend this version of the collection. Stick to the Original PS2 Versions and the PS3 HD Versions. They're the only way to do this trilogy justice. The Ratchet & Clank Collection for PlayStation Vita, Digital or Physical, is a hot pile of garbage. Plain and simple.

    Final Score: 1/5

See all 25 User Reviews