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Mixed or average reviews- based on 107 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 52 out of 107
  2. Negative: 45 out of 107

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  1. Sep 28, 2018
    Destiny 2: Forsaken was an impulse buy for me. Wasn't sure if I'd enjoy it, but I can say that ultimately I did.

    Destiny 2 has set the bar very low for DLC; Curse of Osiris and Warmind, to put it lightly, sucked. Bungie doesn't seem to understand how to tell the story of Destiny's universe without excessively long exposition and a stack of cards that give you the really juicy stuff, but
    Destiny 2: Forsaken was an impulse buy for me. Wasn't sure if I'd enjoy it, but I can say that ultimately I did.

    Destiny 2 has set the bar very low for DLC; Curse of Osiris and Warmind, to put it lightly, sucked. Bungie doesn't seem to understand how to tell the story of Destiny's universe without excessively long exposition and a stack of cards that give you the really juicy stuff, but nobody's actually going to want to read.

    Story was nothing to be amazed at. I felt that the driving forces behind the story were ultimately hollow, and didn't ring true for a majority of the enemies fought. Speaking of enemies, the Scorn are a very welcome addition, the first enemy type that ISN'T A COPY FROM THE BASE GAME OF DESTINY 1. They are a real pain to defeat, though, and I feel like the faction really ups the ante from any of the other five.

    The new areas feel far more barren than other Destiny 2 areas, and that's saying something. Destiny has plenty of barren areas. Somehow, Bungie managed to one-up themselves in the worst way in that sense. Missions are still long, tedious and repetitive, and I'm sure this review sounds hopelessly negative.

    There are, of course, positives. Your light level rises rapidly throughout the DLC, giving you a sense of accomplishment at every turn, and I can say that Destiny 2 hit it out of the park with the addition of Gambit, which is the most fun I've had with Destiny, period. The price point is a bit of an issue, and I hope they fix that soon, but overall, it is an enjoyable experience. Would I recommend it over most other RPG shooters? No. Go play Borderlands if you want a loot-based shooter, it's superior in every way. But is it serviceable, and a positive addition to the base game of Destiny 2? Yes. The price is far too high, but should it go on sale or drop in any way, pick this up. It will provide you numerous hours of entertainment, until you finally realize Bungie doesn't know how to do a post-game grind whatsoever.
  2. Sep 7, 2018
    Destiny 2: Forsaken offers a solid story and a very intuitive new game mode in "Gambit". The new weapon class of bows adds a fresh new way to defeat your opponents in PvE and PvP. The main problem comes with the final boss fight. *SPOILERS* The fight starts out solid with you killing the final baron. The problem is if you have two people the fight is very difficult. Bring in a third andDestiny 2: Forsaken offers a solid story and a very intuitive new game mode in "Gambit". The new weapon class of bows adds a fresh new way to defeat your opponents in PvE and PvP. The main problem comes with the final boss fight. *SPOILERS* The fight starts out solid with you killing the final baron. The problem is if you have two people the fight is very difficult. Bring in a third and its a breeze. You run through hordes of enemies afterwards to get to the final fight. The fight you expected with Uldren turns out to be a fight with a floating monster that is nothing short of disappointing. The boss is just another bullet sponge that isn't very challenging to defeat. After you fight the monster you are treated with a cutscene where you appear to kill Uldren, but it isnt what you wanted when you saw him kill Cayde. Expand
  3. Sep 21, 2018
    Reality check review:
    Was vanilla Destiny 2 bad and a step back from D1? - yes
    Is Forsaken a good expansion and is the content worth 40$ - yes
    Is it ok to have new players pay 60$ for a game with 3 DLC and day one players 120$+ - No
    Is an Annual Pass (second season pass) a money scheme - yes
    Will it be worth to buy Destiny 3 - probably yes after a year at a discount price with all the DLC's
  4. Sep 9, 2018
    Simply breath-taking. It's an amazing expansion and it breaks me to see that 90% of the negative reviews are from people who want to hate on Activision or haven't even played the campaign yet. The Narrative is unlike anything we have previously seen on destiny, the feel of the came is crisp (the new weapon system and TTK changes make sure of that), and for the first time in destinySimply breath-taking. It's an amazing expansion and it breaks me to see that 90% of the negative reviews are from people who want to hate on Activision or haven't even played the campaign yet. The Narrative is unlike anything we have previously seen on destiny, the feel of the came is crisp (the new weapon system and TTK changes make sure of that), and for the first time in destiny history, there is a pvp-PvE mode. Just because Bungie made massive screw-ups (the curse of the disappointment and a less disappointing Warmind) we need to remember that they orchestrated one of the greatest franchise of video game history Halo. Let's not forget that they also made The Taken King, which it is seen and Destiny 1's savior. What I am trying to say is that Bungie is capable of creating an iconic and Forsaken is nothing short of a masterpiece. Oh, and for those oblivious who say that the expansion is overpriced and that you have to pay 150$ if you haven't got the expansions, there is a bundle that you can buy for sixty bucks that include Destiny 2, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and Forsaken. In my opinion, that IS worth the sixty dollars. Take a look at the taken king. It was also 40$ and only included 16-18 GB of content. Forsaken is ALSO 40$ and it has 47 GB OF CONTENT. That is almost enough to make Forsaken a stand-alone game. Therefore, be happy that you got a full game worth's of story, content, lore, equipment, and exotics for just 60 bucks. Expand
  5. Sep 4, 2018
    Worthless. They release a game for yet another 70€ and the servers are down. Don't release a game if you are not ready. This was the last time I bought a destiny game. What a ripoff
  6. Sep 4, 2018
    More of the same. If you quit D2 because of the shady business practices, they awful storytelling and the repetition of gameplay, Forsaken isn’t the answer. Pack it in, bungie.
  7. Sep 6, 2018
    Forsaken did what The Taken King did for Destiny 1, basically changed the game. All the mats that were worthless from each world all of a sudden have become gold, as infusing has become harder. Destiny isn't for everyone but I have a blast playing and have gotten my money's worth out of their universe.
  8. Sep 11, 2018
    le doy un 10 por los estúpidos que han dado un 0. Esta expansión es posiblemente la mejor hasta la fecha, trae la típica historia que realmente da un poquete igual pero luego llega lo bueno con la ciudad onirica que es básicamente un postgame larguísimo y lleno de secretos
  9. Sep 5, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I really enjoyed the game unlike most people, and knowing Cayde-6 as one of the more fun characters to be around it sucked to see him go, but the ending made up for all of it. You end Uldren the same way he ended Cayde and that's the most satisfying part about this dlc. Expand
  10. Sep 6, 2018
    Absolutely the best release in the series to date. Taking notes on the failures of the past, Bungie has created an update to the game that finally gives the series a serious and adult storyline. Changes to the sandbox, with its redone weapon slots, new abilities/subclasses, and completely reworked randomized rolls and relevant mod systems, have added much more depth in playstyle that itsAbsolutely the best release in the series to date. Taking notes on the failures of the past, Bungie has created an update to the game that finally gives the series a serious and adult storyline. Changes to the sandbox, with its redone weapon slots, new abilities/subclasses, and completely reworked randomized rolls and relevant mod systems, have added much more depth in playstyle that its players craved.

    Don't listen to the Bungie haters here -- if you have ever seen the potential of the series, now is the time to check out the update.
  11. Sep 4, 2018
    I thought id never come back to this game but forsaken has proven me wrong.
  12. Sep 25, 2018
    This is the reason why gaming is being ruined nowadays. So Destiny 2 launched as some of the biggest s*** ever made in Video gaming history. I bought it at launch and sold it away within 4 days(NO JOKE). So let me explain what was so wrong with that game and what is wrong with this game. So Destiny 2 was supposed to be a massive revolution and was suppose to have an excellent story. TheThis is the reason why gaming is being ruined nowadays. So Destiny 2 launched as some of the biggest s*** ever made in Video gaming history. I bought it at launch and sold it away within 4 days(NO JOKE). So let me explain what was so wrong with that game and what is wrong with this game. So Destiny 2 was supposed to be a massive revolution and was suppose to have an excellent story. The developers said something like, but not exactly, there will be so much story in Destiny 2 you will go crazy. Absolutely true BUNGIE. This game had so much s*** story it'll make you go crazy. On top of that, the microtransaction system was made to make you spend money. At this point, I have pretty much no choice but to accept these s*** systems, even though I would rather not, because fanboys would not let people who spoke out against the game. Not only that, the gameplay was so easy, like seriously you can beat it so easily. I know at this point I might as well go on the main game talk some of this **** on it, but I doubt anyone looks at that game anymore. This is the new s*** that everyone is talking about. I was hearing so many good things about this expansion and so I decided to buy it(Thank god I didn't buy the other expansions). And OMG. At first I thought they actually fixed this game...but I realized what they did later and was so disappointed. They did what they did in Destiny 1, in which they improved the game through the Taken King, but it was too late and it cost money, not a free DLC. This is what makes me realize that this game is a complete cash grab and please, if you love video games, or ever have, don't buy Destiny 2, this expansion and any other expansion. This is the review of an old timer that wants games to be great again. Expand
  13. Sep 7, 2018
    At the story alone, I laughed, I cried, I felt vengeful and glorious. They expanded the world in the biggest way they ever have. While not technically part of the expansion they released weapon slot changes, time to kill changes, and uncountable quality of life changes that make the game an absolute joy to play. I was embarrassed to admit that I still played Destiny 2 throughout year one.At the story alone, I laughed, I cried, I felt vengeful and glorious. They expanded the world in the biggest way they ever have. While not technically part of the expansion they released weapon slot changes, time to kill changes, and uncountable quality of life changes that make the game an absolute joy to play. I was embarrassed to admit that I still played Destiny 2 throughout year one. Bungie kept dragging me along with a handful of decent changes in hopes that this expansion would fix the game. It did more than that, it made this the best version of destiny to ever exist. I will say, the reason I can't give it a 10/10 is the remaining lootboxes. They break my belief in the world far too often. They are bad for the consumer and while all of that is pretty bad in my eyes the game being good makes it less obvious. They have added a lot of things to mitigate the lootboxiness of it and I'm positive that if you play a decent amount every week and use your items wisely you will get everything (just like I did in season 3). Expand
  14. Oct 15, 2018
    Highly disappointed in the amount of content, and the need to grind. Bungie can't seem to get the formula right, and this will be the last time I purchase a DLC from the Destiny franchise.
  15. Nov 7, 2018
    you cannot play this game with 2 consoles on the same router and there's no split-screen so there's no way for multiple people in the same place to do co-op, chat, party or be in fireteam. and no way to get your money back. i've worked hours with xbox live and router tech support and they all say it's the game
  16. Oct 25, 2018
    Forsaken is the latest installment in Bungie’s looter shooter Destiny 2. The story takes Guardians to darker shores, different from the sparkling, shining, virtuous tower we have come to know. If you are looking to avoid spoilers, click the X in the top right of your browser now. The first mission, is incredible. Our Guardian interacts with two different NPC’s throughout the mission, andForsaken is the latest installment in Bungie’s looter shooter Destiny 2. The story takes Guardians to darker shores, different from the sparkling, shining, virtuous tower we have come to know. If you are looking to avoid spoilers, click the X in the top right of your browser now. The first mission, is incredible. Our Guardian interacts with two different NPC’s throughout the mission, and the writing and cutscenes are some of the best they have ever done, and that is just in the first mission. There is real joy in Cayde-6, as he runs around restoring order to the Prison of Elders. He runs around the level with you. This is something that has been missing from most of Destiny’s content; interaction from the world we run through.

    Death of a Hero
    To the writer’s, and Nolan North’s credit, Cayde is Cayde until the end. (Nolan North replaced Nathan Fillion for Forsaken) Side note: There is a very real difference between Nolan North’s Cayde-6 and Nathan Fillion’s Cayde-6. The most accurate way to describe it, is that Fillion was playing Cayde, and North was playing Nathan Fillion. Fillion did leave some very large shoes to fill.

    The death of Cayde-6 was heart wrenching, and left me with a sense of loss. Throughout Destiny and Destiny 2, there has been one character that just shines, and that’s Cayde-6. When Bungie revealed his death at E3, the community was in upheaval. People who hadn’t played Destiny in months were swearing vengeance upon Uldren. This was something Bungie needed to do. They needed to get the community to become emotionally invested in their game again, and the only way to do that, was to kill the character most Guardians loved.

    The Tangled Shore
    The Tangled Shore is one of the new areas for players to experience. It’s large and full of activities. The space is designed differently from all the other playable spaces in any Destiny content. The developers at Bungie talked relentlessly about making the game feel desperate and gritty, and the Tangled Shore does that very well. It’s not a pretty space, but one that is worth exploring every inch of. Each corner of the map is slightly different than the other area, not always aesthetically, but with the enemies that are there and some of the accents. One of the more intriguing spaces is the Jetsam of Saturn, which includes wreckage from the battle that happens at the beginning of the Taken King. There’s a crashed Hive dreadnought in the area, and it brings some nostalgia with it. Running around the Tangled Shore feels like a space western; the characters, the scenery, and the voice acting all combine to make this a good experience.

    The Dreaming City
    The Tangled Shore is great. The Dreaming City is easily one of the most beautiful gaming spaces I have ever visited. If one is looking for comparisons, it feels like a Rivendell in space. The sky boxes are gorgeous, and there’s something to see in every direction. The first time you visit, you are surrounded by fog. As you venture forward, things become visible, and it’s breathtaking. My first adventure was to help Petra take back the Dreaming City, and speak to Mara Sov. Once this objective was completed, I was free to roam the area; and roam it I did. There are so many corners to explore, so many doors that won’t open. Areas that seem to be unreachable, are, if you have the right tincture. Explore this area, there are so many more secret things to find. The Dreaming City will change on Friday, as Bungie has stated that when the raid, Last Wish, launches, things are going to change. While I won’t be in the running for World’s First, I will be running around to see what is new.

    Destiny 2: Forsaken is worth the price of admission. While we have only reviewed the story here, there’s much more to explore. The story is one of those parts that makes this a great DLC from Bungie. There are missions and cinematics. Each Baron is their own mini adventure mission. The story does not drag on, and is challenging especially in the first play through. The Barons are unique, with personalities ranging from insanity to religious fervor; each fight is different. There is humanity in the Baron’s leader though. As you fight the leader of the Barons, The Fanatic, he tears through the facade of Light an goodness that the Guardians stand for. He taunts us with the words, “You enjoyed killing my friends!” and even our Ghost isn’t sure of our motives in the end.

    As I mentioned before, this is something that was sorely lacking in Destiny’s story. Humanity. Feeling. The lore has returned. Context can be found in the Grimoire again. For the first time, in some time, Destiny is headed in the right direction. Want to see the story for yourself? Playlist here. 8/10 and the second and third play throughs are good too.

    Review by KleeWee from the Mulehorn Gaming crew.
  17. Sep 13, 2018
    After about a 4 month hiatus from Destiny 2 because Osiris sucked so much, I was pleasantly surprised by this DLC. Like most AAA companies, they promise this and that and don't typically deliver on every "promise". Most of them are met in Forsaken. The story itself took me roughly 6-8 hours to complete because I had to keep grinding to up my power level to take on the next baron.

    After about a 4 month hiatus from Destiny 2 because Osiris sucked so much, I was pleasantly surprised by this DLC. Like most AAA companies, they promise this and that and don't typically deliver on every "promise". Most of them are met in Forsaken. The story itself took me roughly 6-8 hours to complete because I had to keep grinding to up my power level to take on the next baron.

    With that, every baron is unique in their own way which entails for thrilling boss fights. Sadly though, at the right power level, you can end them quickly with your super. Hopefully Bungie follows what they did in Forsaken for future DLC's so we never have to endure Osiris again. Also hoping they kill off the rest of the vanguard because I can't stand Ikora and I hate Zu Zu Vala. Operation Piccolo is no longer a go.

    Overall, I'm very impressed with what Forsaken has done and introduced for the future of Destiny. The only downfall is that I wish we got a lot more new/unique gear other than year 1 re-skins.
  18. Dec 15, 2018
    Turns out that a lot of people on here are really hard to satisfy, unfortunately the only way this game is going to give the user a mind blowing experience is if the user has both a really good 4k TV, and the Xbox One X. You see, Destiny 2 on the Xbox One X is in my opinion the best version between console, and PC. You see, I can say this because I have all 3 versions between Xbox One X,Turns out that a lot of people on here are really hard to satisfy, unfortunately the only way this game is going to give the user a mind blowing experience is if the user has both a really good 4k TV, and the Xbox One X. You see, Destiny 2 on the Xbox One X is in my opinion the best version between console, and PC. You see, I can say this because I have all 3 versions between Xbox One X, PS4 pro, and a decent gaming PC. I found that the Xbox enhanced version on the Xbox One is by far better, even at 30fps, it doesn't behave like your playing at 30fps because of all the enhancements that Microsoft has done to it, not to mention the controls are a lot better on the One X. I will say that Bungie has done a huge turn around with forsaken, and offers a more immersive world to play in. It also sets a new bar for how Bungie will be able to create the 3rd installment. Now, anyone who leaves a really bad review on here about this game, you are either impossible to please, or you never even gave this game a fair shake. Either way, this is a very good game, with a lot to do, and the developers are always bringing new things to the table, I give it a 10 out of 10. Expand
  19. Aug 3, 2022
    This doesn't exist anymore afaik in the current game... even though you're allowed to buy it...
  20. Nov 13, 2019
    A great game, with a wonderful ambiance, excellent gameplay, a host of weapons and content that borders on the absurd, a fantastic game with a vast, rich and extensive gameplay, whether cooperative, single or competitive, a Bungie show, hi Microsoft, I miss a good Halo ...
  21. Jul 28, 2019
    Wow, this expansion left me nothing but satisfied. The campaign is amazing and all the maps included left me exploring for hours. The characters are all great and the missions are diverse and mixes up the play style. I loved almost everything about this expansion except I feel the villains motives could have been better explained because I found myself confused in moments. ForsakenWow, this expansion left me nothing but satisfied. The campaign is amazing and all the maps included left me exploring for hours. The characters are all great and the missions are diverse and mixes up the play style. I loved almost everything about this expansion except I feel the villains motives could have been better explained because I found myself confused in moments. Forsaken fulfills everything I want in Destiny 2 and makes the game worth it. Expand
  22. Nov 26, 2018
    Destiny 2: Forsaken is the best Destiny has ever been, even better than Taken King(which is saying A LOT). The new destinations are AMAZING, The Tangled Shore is a wonderful, dangerous, lawless area that I've felt we've needed in a long time, the feeling that the rules don't matter, and just running around not having to take orders from Zavala or Ikora makes me feel like the ultimate badDestiny 2: Forsaken is the best Destiny has ever been, even better than Taken King(which is saying A LOT). The new destinations are AMAZING, The Tangled Shore is a wonderful, dangerous, lawless area that I've felt we've needed in a long time, the feeling that the rules don't matter, and just running around not having to take orders from Zavala or Ikora makes me feel like the ultimate bad ass that guardians really are. The Dreaming City on the other hand is a beautiful, gorgeously worked area, I love that theirs a feeling of incompleteness to the area, and that we still don't know all of its secrets even after weeks of playing in it, they amazing design of the place makes it look like a giant geode, and lets be honest who doesn't love geodes. Next we have the campaign, I've heard a lot about the fact that it only has 5 story missions, but there are also the adventures in the tangled shore that have you hunt down 6 of the 8 barons, i loved the difference in each fight, and I was honestly surprised with some of the encounters, all though i was so hoping to actually fight Uldren in the the final fight, i was pleased to find out that we did actually kill him, the story was quite amazing and i can't wait to see what they do for the next DLC. Now we get into the raid, this is THE BEST raid to have ever been created in destiny history, its so intricate and we still don't know stuff about it, people having been searching for ever but no one has found the 15th wish, the design and the encounters are very complicated, i myself haven't even dared to enter the raid because of how complicated it sounds, the weapons and Armour have such beautiful designs to them, and its amazing on how they did this. there is some much more about Forsaken that i could rant on about, but honestly just go play it, i guarantee that you'll enjoy it. Expand
  23. Feb 15, 2019
    Destiny 2 in the base game, is a barren wasteland, content wise, you litteraly only have Red War to sustain you.

    Forsaken changed that, adding many new and intresting dynamics and characters. It is littearly the Base Game again. It offers Gambit, 2 new Planets, new Supers, 700 max power and the previous DLC's.

    It enchaces the Destiny 2 expirence
  24. Jul 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Oh no, Cayde is dead? Why did Nathan Fillion leave Bungie? The story is too short. Expand
  25. Sep 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the game got a lot better new enemies no more double primary the launch of a great raid in the last wish a way better campaign and story telling with caydes death symbolizing a more grim and dark story. random rolls are back making content repayable and overall forsaken is one of the best dlcs bungie has made in my opinion and the pvp got a lot shorter tk making it fell more like a fps Expand
  26. Jan 11, 2021
    This DLC is fantastic. 3-4 new maps, Gambit mode, Dungeon, Raid, Blind well, 2 planets, hundreds of weapons. This is a fantastic DLC that grants a fun surface level casual experience and an immersive endgame that is a challenge for all. The 0 reviews know nothing, this DLC is worth the cost of a new game and is available on Steam now for 25 dollars, including 3 more DLCs. Its insane howThis DLC is fantastic. 3-4 new maps, Gambit mode, Dungeon, Raid, Blind well, 2 planets, hundreds of weapons. This is a fantastic DLC that grants a fun surface level casual experience and an immersive endgame that is a challenge for all. The 0 reviews know nothing, this DLC is worth the cost of a new game and is available on Steam now for 25 dollars, including 3 more DLCs. Its insane how cheap and quality this content is. Love this DLC, although the game isn't the best now. Expand
  27. Mar 21, 2022
    Forsaken literally saved destiny 2’s life. They added 86 new legendary guns (the most legendary guns added in a dlc) and also 24 new exotics (the most exotics added in a dlc) they also added the biggest raid Destiny’s history has ever seen and consequently the hardest one as well.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. CD-Action
    Feb 13, 2019
    I was gravely disappointed with the first expansion (Curse of Osiris), so at first I wasn’t even interested in reviewing Forsaken. Now I don’t want to part with it. It does what Reaper of Souls did for Diablo III – not only it improves the original game, but it also noticeably changes the nature of experience, transforming Destiny 2 into a new, better game! What doesn’t change is the fact that in terms of gameplay mechanics and technical execution Bungie’s game is one of the best modern first-person shooters. [12/2018, p.74]
  2. Oct 29, 2018
    Quotation forthcoming.
  3. Sep 30, 2018
    For the average player, this expansion has a much longer tail than previous iterations of Destiny 2. The variety and flexibility of activities established in the base game still work to make grinding a good time, and Gambit adds a consistently entertaining mode to the roster. The endgame, while difficult to reach, is also where the most satisfaction can be found.