The Witness Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: You wake up, alone, on a strange island full of puzzles that will challenge and surprise you. You don't remember who you are, and you don't remember how you got here, but there's one thing you can do: explore the island in hope of discovering clues, regaining your memory, and somehow findingYou wake up, alone, on a strange island full of puzzles that will challenge and surprise you. You don't remember who you are, and you don't remember how you got here, but there's one thing you can do: explore the island in hope of discovering clues, regaining your memory, and somehow finding your way home. The Witness is a single-player game in an open world with dozens of locations to explore and over 500 puzzles. This game respects you as an intelligent player and it treats your time as precious. There's no filler each of those puzzles brings its own new idea into the mix. So, this is a game full of ideas. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Oct 6, 2016
    The Witness has an abundance of content, and even after 25+ hours I feel I have barely scratched the surface of the secrets the island holds for me.
  2. Sep 13, 2016
    The Witness has a power and pull that carried me throughout the more than 40 hours it took to complete it for the first time, and that, even now, beckons me back to confront the mysteries I left unsolved. Its graceful combination of tangible goals, obscurity, and freedom creates ample opportunity for small victories and grand revelations alike.
  3. Sep 23, 2016
    They really don't make 'em like this any more. The Witness is an amazing game that you'll love to hate for its challenge, cursing it, wondering why you made the purchase, and then something will click for you, and it'll become one of the best games you've ever played.
  4. Sep 16, 2016
    The Witness is an example of superlative game design. Carefully crafted and mentally challenging. Everyone should dive into this world, it is the perfect game for several players to sit on a couch and solve. It will make your head hurt, it will tease your brain more than any game before it, but it also delivers satisfaction in solution better than anything else before, and perhaps after it.
  5. Sep 25, 2016
    The Witness is one of the most emotional roller coasters you will find in gaming today, and on top of that, it's one of the most cerebral and intellectually challenging games you will probably ever play. Completing this game will require the comprehensive ability to decipher keys which in turn will teach you solutions, and you will need to combine all of this together with the ability to adapt on the fly because every single puzzle is different. Would I pay $39.99 + tax for this game? Regrettably no. Sadly, the game does do a good job at giving you a lesson in isolationism, and while that is unique, the game itself doesn't feel like one flowing cohesive experience with any sort of point. If this game was priced at $24.99 or below though, it would be a must buy every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.
  6. Oct 5, 2016
    An unique experience with mountains of puzzles to solve, a great look and an intangible mystery to discover, but lacking on the storytelling side and with a sometimes unbalanced difficulty progression.
  7. Sep 21, 2016
    A colossal achievement in puzzle gaming, with a very cleverly conceived setting and story, but the lack of variety and reward becomes stifling.

See all 11 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 15
  2. Negative: 4 out of 15
  1. Sep 25, 2016
    As many have said before, this game is absolutely brilliant. In essence it's a smartphone game about drawing a line from a starting point toAs many have said before, this game is absolutely brilliant. In essence it's a smartphone game about drawing a line from a starting point to the finish. But put that in a huge open world with beautiful colours and landscapes, intelligent puzzle design and challenging you every step of the way. Some puzzles can be frustrating if you don't understand them but when you do, that sense of satisfaction keeps you playing on and on. Slightly pricey at first glance, but when you realize how much work and thought has gone into the game you will be astonished, it's definitely worth it. Expand
  2. Sep 25, 2016
    It's unfortunate that many people might skip on this game because they think it is a mobile app in a pretty but unnecessary world. And fromIt's unfortunate that many people might skip on this game because they think it is a mobile app in a pretty but unnecessary world. And from the trailer, it's understandable people may think that.

    Though this is not true and anybody who says so did not play for more than an hour. This game needs its 3d environment or else many of its puzzles would either be unsolvable or simply not exist. So why don't the trailers try to explain this? Because unlike say Portal, many of the puzzles are easily spoiled and showing them gives away big answers that could be used to solve other puzzles.

    In The Witness, you are dropped in a open world surrounded by hundreds of puzzles with no instruction on how to solve any of them. This game doesn't want to make you feel smart because it believes that you are smart. The game gets hard, very hard, but solving everything is satisfying and I never felt cheated. As the game is all about rules, rules which aren't ever broken or changed. If you think the game is wrong, you didn't understand the rules that were given.

    Also, know that this game is puzzle after puzzle after puzzle. With very little story, The Witness is only for those who really like puzzles. Each of these puzzles managing to bring in an interesting new concept while building from others. Not a single puzzle out of the 600+ felt repetitive to me. It may sound like it may get old fast, but it doesn't. When I was 40 hours in, 50 hours in, 60 hours in, I was still discovering things that change the way I played and how I looked at its future puzzles. There is so much cool hidden stuff that continued to surprise me, because everything in the game has reasons behind why it exists and why it is where it is.
  3. Dec 19, 2016
    The Witness is not for everyone. It is a game that presumes you are a thorough, intelligent detective who wants to be challenged. If youThe Witness is not for everyone. It is a game that presumes you are a thorough, intelligent detective who wants to be challenged. If you don't like being stumped or getting stuck, then you'll quickly become frustrated. But if you are willing to think hard for several minutes, scratch your head, give up, move on, and then suddenly awaken to the epiphany that cracks a tough challenge, this game is for you.

    The puzzles in The Witness are delightful, and the game has this remarkable way of teaching you piece by piece how to solve challenges without stating any instructions. The challenges are also built into the environment in ways that are extremely clever. (Anyone who thinks this is a mobile game has not played it seriously.) And there's also an air of mystique that comes through, as if the mission of the game has a much deeper spiritual and philosophical meaning.

    I enjoy RPGs, shooters, and adventure games mainly. The Witness is unlike anything I've played before. And it is easily now among my all time favorite games. It made me feel like I did twenty 25 years ago playing The Legend of Zelda, uncovering a secret passage. It is a marvel of brilliant game design. It is full of experiences that touch profundity. It is a truly original work forged with passion and brains that deserves and repays the player's sustained efforts. Try as hard as you can to not look up cheats and spoilers. Sometimes the answers will come easily. Other times they will baffle you. Don't give up. Keep searching. The clues are there, waiting for you to find them, waiting for you to awaken to the mysterious logic and language built into the world of the game.
  4. May 1, 2018
    Uma direção de arte incrível,muito boa para apenas um jogo de Puzzle,mas esses são os únicos destaques do jogo,se você procura uma progressãoUma direção de arte incrível,muito boa para apenas um jogo de Puzzle,mas esses são os únicos destaques do jogo,se você procura uma progressão de level relativamente boa,esqueça,o jogo não te pega pelas mãos,explorar é necessário para achar os painéis de lazer e entender como os puzzles funcionam,demora tempo e é necessário dedicação para passar sem ajuda de um guia.
    é ótimo BASEADO em sua PROPOSTA,mas não agrada a maioria dos jogadores,principalmente pela dificuldade que o jogo proporciona.
  5. Aug 7, 2017
    This is a puzzle game but was a little to obtuse for me. I had to look up a lot of solutions - I wasn't very patient most are solvable.This is a puzzle game but was a little to obtuse for me. I had to look up a lot of solutions - I wasn't very patient most are solvable. Overall I felt time remorse when playing it as there didn't seem like there were "rewards" for solving puzzles and a lot of the puzzles could of been done on a tablet.

    - Solid visuals
    - Most puzzles are interesting and solvable

    - Some puzzles were too obtuse
    - The "rules" for solving puzzles weren't always clear to me
    - Lifeless environment
  6. Mar 13, 2019
    This game is fine. But that's really all it is.
    It has great and interesting puzzles, however, the game is generally a waste of time , most
    This game is fine. But that's really all it is.
    It has great and interesting puzzles, however, the game is generally a waste of time , most puzzles are easy, movement is slow, and certain puzzles are just impossible to solve and have no general correlation with puzzles that seem to have similar patterns/themes. I never did finish the game, not only because of these impossible puzzles but also just from the general slowness of the game. However, the puzzles that didn't insult your intelligence or purposely waste your time were fun to solve and the environments were gorgeous, this game is great to just relax and look at for a while. In all, a great game that was hindered by the developers trying to be pretentious.
  7. Apr 2, 2018
    Alors, l'étron indé du jour est un "jeu" (?) qui consiste à résoudre des **** labyrinthes en traçant des traits pour débloquer desAlors, l'étron indé du jour est un "jeu" (?) qui consiste à résoudre des **** labyrinthes en traçant des traits pour débloquer des interrupteurs qui actionnent l'ouverture de portes et comme il existe de nombreux interrupteurs pour chacune des putains de portes (et de grilles), on comprend aisément que le développeur se targue de proposer rien moins que 500 labyrinthes dans son étron de pseudo-jeu à la mords-moi-le-noeud !

    Au fur et à mesure que l'on ouvre les portes, on se balade en vue subjective dans ce "monde" en 4 couleurs criardes et de mauvais goût pour tomber sur d'autres interrupteurs qui ouvrent d'autres putains de portes... Les sons sont aussi minimalistes que l'absence de musique, de voix ou de but ou d'intérêt tout court... ça sert à quoi au juste ? on ne sait pas... ou plutôt si, on en a une très vague idée. Oui, ça sert à que dalle. Ou à perdre son temps et son argent dans ce truc qui est vendu au prix public conseillé de 40 boules !

    Ce n'est même pas un "concept" de jeu vidéo, ni une ébauche, c'est du remplissage de branleurs et du foutage de gueule pur et simple. Mais plus c'est gros et plus ça passe auprès d'une frange très limitée de bobos la bouche en coeur et l'air béat : "c'est de lard", c'est de la couleur sans la couleur, c'est un "génie" ! on se croirait dans le sketch des Inconnus...

See all 15 User Reviews

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