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  • Summary: Intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran receives a distress signal from a wrecked frigate in orbit around planet Tallon IV. Upon investigation, the frigate reveals itself to be a Space Pirate research vessel home to terrifying genetic experiments using the mysterious Phazon substance. There,Intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran receives a distress signal from a wrecked frigate in orbit around planet Tallon IV. Upon investigation, the frigate reveals itself to be a Space Pirate research vessel home to terrifying genetic experiments using the mysterious Phazon substance. There, Samus encounters her nemesis, Meta Ridley, whom she pursues to the surface of Tallon IV. It's up to her alone to explore the planet's interconnected regions, investigate its dark secrets, and end the intergalactic threat posed by Phazon.

    Experience this critically acclaimed first-person adventure like never before with remastered visuals, audio, controls, and more.
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Metroid Prime Remastered – Out now! (Nintendo Switch)
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 95
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 95
  3. Negative: 0 out of 95
  1. Feb 15, 2023
    Take an amazing game, make some sensible improvements, buff up the graphics, and you’ve got an easy game to recommend. Metroid Prime Remastered is a gold-star reissue of a game that deserves that kind of royal treatment, one that any fan of the series should hastily add to their Switch collection. And if you happen to be new to the game, know that it’s a high-quality action-adventure even compared to today’s games, a true masterpiece that I am envious you will be exploring for the first time.
  2. 100
    A stunning game. Metroid Prime was always good-looking, but the remaster pushes things to a new level without destroying the integrity of the original. Every texture looks to have been overhauled, and little lighting touches abound. Tallon IV comes to life because of this, as does Samus. The end result is a fantastic shooter that today’s games could learn plenty from.
  3. May 15, 2023
    Game makers: take note. Metroid Prime Remastered is a masterclass in how to modernize a masterpiece. Twenty years after the series made the transition to 3D, this remains a classic that has stood the test of time. The updated visuals prove that with some optimization and visual tricks, the Switch is really capable of delivering great games. In fact, this is one of prettier – if not the prettiest –Switch games to date.
  4. Feb 15, 2023
    Metroid Prime Remastered is an easy game to recommend to veterans and newbies alike. Atmosphere, environmental narrative, combat, puzzles, platforming. It does a little bit of everything, and it does it everything well, even by 2023 standards. Samus is the queen of the metroidvania genre and today she reminds us again why.
  5. Mar 27, 2023
    Metroid Prime Remastered gives a classic game a new lease on life whilst simultaneously building anticipation for the long-awaited Metroid Prime 4. For now, we all need to keep our fingers crossed that Nintendo is giving Prime 2 and 3, and more GameCube games, this level of remaster treatment. If you've only gotten into Metroid in more recent years or played Prime back in the day, this game is worth checking out.
  6. Feb 21, 2023
    Metroid Prime Remastered takes an already almost perfect GameCube classic and improves upon it even more by significantly updating its visuals and controls.
  7. Feb 19, 2023
    Metroid Prime Remastered is a faithful beat-for-beat recreation of the GameCube classic with a comprehensively polished visual makeover. It remains a solid adventure shooter, even if its straightforward approach to player progress is a little unexciting these days. I’ve certainly not hated my time with it, though I do hate its refusal to properly credit the team that worked on the original...Maybe it’s the industry’s attitude toward attribution that could use a remastering.

See all 100 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 24 out of 422
  1. May 2, 2023
    Now THIS is how you do a remaster! I was really impressed with the heavily improved visuals when I started playing it and even more so I wasNow THIS is how you do a remaster! I was really impressed with the heavily improved visuals when I started playing it and even more so I was really happy to see that it was running at that buttery smooth 60FPS. This game looks even better when playing on the OLED model. I truly believe that the other Metroid prime games need to be ported to the Switch even if not given this level of graphical improvement. This really is one of the best remasters I have ever played Expand
  2. Feb 17, 2023
    Metroid Prime Remastered is an example of a remaster done great, and leaves little reason to return to the original game outside ofMetroid Prime Remastered is an example of a remaster done great, and leaves little reason to return to the original game outside of speed-running tech or the currently missing Fusion Suit extra. There are two major factors that contribute to the success of this remaster, the controls and the graphical updates.

    The controls have been completely re-hauled with dual stick controls and gyro compatibility both in and out of lock on modes. There are multiple other controls modes as well, one mirroring the classic control scheme, Wii control schemes, and a hybrid between the two. The controls feel very natural, and apart from some fight with my own muscle memory, are a joy to use.

    The graphics have been updated massively as well. This is much closer to a remake than a typical remaster with updated models, geometry, textures and lighting improvements across the whole game. While this changes some visual aspects from the original, it stays incredibly close to the original. The much moodier lighting helps many areas feel closer to their original concept art and I can't say there was a single area I ran into that felt worse than the original game, which in my experience, is a rarity for remasters in general. The graphics and colors especially pop on an OLED screen, and provide great contrast especially in darker areas of Tallon IV.

    The game looks great whether docked or played in handheld mode. The framerate is a solid 60fps with the exception of one momentary dip during a flying pirates death that resulted in a half-second frame drop that I have been unable to reproduce in subsequent playthroughs.

    With very smart upgrades, and respect to the original source material, Metroid Prime Remastered not only stands closer to a remake, but sets the bar for what I believe a remaster should strive to be. I can only hope if Metroid Prime 2 & 3 ever make their way to the Switch, they're treated to a similar level of polish as the first entry. If Prime Remastered is anything to go by, I think the Prime series has a bright future in Retro's skilled hands.
  3. ffp
    Feb 9, 2023
    Nintendo really just shadow dropped one of the most acclaimed games from the gamecube era with a complete visual overhaul, new models andNintendo really just shadow dropped one of the most acclaimed games from the gamecube era with a complete visual overhaul, new models and textures, absurd amount of controls customization, colour blind support, Gamecube controller support and is chargin only 40 usd for it ?
    Colour me impressed.
    In comparison with the lackluster "remaster/HD/deluxe" editions like skyward sword, pikmin 3, mario kart 8, this feels like a remake. The game looks like Prime always did in my memories.
    This level of care, love and effort is rare to see in the gaming dev atmosphere nowadays. Retro studios really put all the work into making this version the MUST GO to play this masterpiece

    metroid fans eatin' good
  4. Feb 13, 2023
    This is how you do a goddamn remaster, baby! Even if you are not a metroid fan, i think that this is the great introduction to the series.This is how you do a goddamn remaster, baby! Even if you are not a metroid fan, i think that this is the great introduction to the series. Unlike Skyward sword, this game is much cheaper, which is very good for my money situation. So please, buy this game. You will not regret it. Expand
  5. Feb 10, 2023
    Amazing, atmospheric, a beautiful example of taking a 2D game into the third dimension. Visually, it flourishes with superb art direction,Amazing, atmospheric, a beautiful example of taking a 2D game into the third dimension. Visually, it flourishes with superb art direction, giving each area a unique colour pallet. Wonderful soundtrack, combining electronic synths with a choir to produce a resounding success! Expand
  6. Feb 10, 2023
    Fantastic remaster of an already outstanding game. The graphical upgrade is rather impressive considering the Swith's dated hardware.
  7. Mar 17, 2023
    Не знаю с чего и начать, игра просто, даже не стоит упоминания о себе, я прекрасно понимаю что критикам нужно на что-то жить и нинтендоНе знаю с чего и начать, игра просто, даже не стоит упоминания о себе, я прекрасно понимаю что критикам нужно на что-то жить и нинтендо продавать свой свищ, но продавать игру разработанную Retro Studios и изданную Nintendo для Nintendo GameCube 19 ноября 2002 года, она и свое время никого не поражала. Тухлый шутер спиноф некогда крутой метроидвании, в данном амплуа себя показывает лишь блеклой пародией. Конкурирую с в жанре шутеров, она проигрывает практически всем игра вышедшим за последние 20 лет. Гейм дизайн двигался, и не малыми шагами, скажу я Вам. Игра имеет проблемы и очень серьезны:
    - истории нет от слова совсем;
    - главный герой просто 0, никто и нигде (немая Самус молчит всю дорогу, абсолютно не повествуя игру);
    - возрождение противников на пройденных локах, а возвращаться нужно и это бесит
    - бектрекинг тебя постоянно долбят, вернись обратно, и не раз;
    - шутерная механика, просто никакая, игрна не создавалась изначально мастерами шутерного дела, а студией казуальщиков которым от силы 2д или карточные мобильные помойки варить
    - баланс оставили прежним, затянутые и однотипные локации в которых приходится по долгу убивать однотипных врагов
    - ценник, просить те же деньги за игру 20-ти летней давности, просто свинство.

See all 422 User Reviews