
Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Sep 28, 2021
    Sable lacks the same level of polish as Breath of the Wild or other AAA open-world titles. But as an indie game made by a small team, Sable is an unforgettable adventure that can elicit a deeply personal connection to the player.
  2. Oct 14, 2021
    Sable is a beautiful game, with an astonishing soundtrack and artistic vision, that show us the journey of self-discovery of our young protagonist through an exotic planet, full of sand, mountains and spaceships.
  3. Sep 22, 2021
    Sable it's a wonderful adventure that, at first sight, can seem slow and with frustrating aspects (slow pace, world apparently empty...), but its universe will hook you up with lots of mysteries to unfold and the main character's journey. All that with an unique audiovisual and aesthetics that will leave you wanting more, even with evident faults.
  4. Sep 28, 2021
    Sable, with its sci-fi desert, reflective soundtrack and reverent respect for architecture, could so easily have valued aesthetic over impact. But the actual feel of the game experience itself is the oasis in the middle of a desert of incredible ideas and inspiring design choices. Sable concocts a warm world full of delight and character at its edges, and leaves the gaps in between intentionally blank for you to fill with your own stories – and it’s quite unlike anything else you’ll play this year.
  5. Sep 27, 2021
    There's a melancholia to Sable, wrapped up in the ruined cities and gigantic skeletons dotting its landscapes, but this is balanced with an infectious core of positivity running through the game. What it lacks in drama, it more than makes up for with sheer creativity and grandeur, leaving you with a sense of serenity much-needed and appreciated in these bizarre times. However, it all circles back to the joy of discovery: you might not know exactly what you’ll find as you peel back the layers of Midden, but it’s bound to be interesting.
  6. Sep 22, 2021
    A few rough edges do not stop Sable from being a one-of-a-kind adventure about finding yourself while alone in the big wide world. I hope Sable can fix its technical issues soon, because what’s underneath is a game full of discovery, tiny nuggets of wisdom and a plethora of ways to customise your insanely cool hover bike.
  7. Sep 29, 2021
    In Sable, all parts intertwine in a perfect manner. Alone the technical deficiencies currently impair the experience.
  8. Feb 28, 2022
    Sable clearly has its share of flaws, but it makes a pretty good argument for style mattering more than substance.
  9. Sep 22, 2021
    A thoroughly enjoyable and relaxing voyage of soul-searching self-discovery, Sable is also a rewarding jaunt across an otherworldly desert that involves climbing, hoverbiking, and gliding. And rather good it is, too.
  10. Oct 4, 2021
    Sable is one of the latest games to get a day one release on Xbox’s Game Pass service so it’s almost impossible to not give it a recommendation for anyone with a subscription, but on the whole, I was somewhat let down. The game has some of the most visually stunning graphics I’ve seen, but the gameplay gets repetitive. Exploring the desolate expanse on your own terms is not as fun as it sounds; however, a compelling series of quests and wonderful writing throughout are just enough to keep you hooked and justify the price of admission if you’re already a Game Pass subscriber.
  11. Sep 29, 2021
    Sable does so much well that it’s a shame that these issues consistently distract from its stunning world. This is the sort of game that may be easy to recommend in a few months after a few patches, but I can only rate the game as it is. There’s still a lot to like here if you’re willing to put up with some frustration along the way. Just know that if you purchase it now, you’ll be dealing with a less than smooth ride.
  12. Sep 22, 2021
    Perhaps it's the writing, or those aforementioned best moments, or more likely some potent combination of factors, but Sable is special. I can feel it, still, hours after putting the pad down; the sensation of riding a geyser to a mountain peak, the crack of the crystal pillar under my avatar's feet. That golden sunrise breathing warmth back into this world. At the risk of repeating myself, it absolutely deserves to be played - just maybe not right now, and not quite like this.
  13. Sep 22, 2021
    A visual tribute to Mœbius, Sable seduces first of all with its captivating features and colors. He is also granted an exploration rich in great freedom and some gripping mysteries. But the sawtooth technique is terribly lacking on the trip. And the universe lacks a certain consistency, struggling to engage us completely during its long stroll.
  14. Sep 22, 2021
    Sable’s unique art style, memorable characters and quests, and engaging open-ended formula are going to stick with me for a long time. But the numerous technical issues, wonky camera, and bland puzzles all make this otherwise compelling odyssey a lot rockier. Those issues can be frustratingly frequent distractions, but when they did manage to fade into the background I found myself mesmerized by Sable’s bizarre world of creepy worms, masked weirdos, and hoverbikes.
  15. Sep 22, 2021
    With its striking art direction, haunting soundtrack and focus on exploration, Sable is a great journey about understanding yourself. Frequent stuttering and some bugs bring the experience down though.
  16. Sep 22, 2021
    It offers an otherworldly break from the busyness of life, and, when you do return to Earth, you will do so with a smooth landing, and without stress.
  17. Sep 22, 2021
    It breaks my heart to criticise Sable so. The first few hours are truly remarkable, packed with moments of beauty, creativity, and childlike wonder, but the more you play, the more the mask slips. Despite the technical issues, it's testament to the abilities of the small team that it has been able to create a world so inventive and interesting, if one whose sparseness starts to work against it once the initial sightseeing tour is over. It's a crying shame, though, that those who want to see everything that this captivating setting has to offer — whether through inherent completionism, chasing achievements, or simply being drawn in by the lush playground itself — are those who will suffer Sable at its worst, even if the highs should still prove strong enough to carry you through the lows in the end.
  18. Sep 22, 2021
    Despite its gorgeous graphics and a superb soundtrack Sable still featureS too many collision bugs to deliver the oniric adventure it is supposed to. Only those who will excuse its many technical flow will enjoy a true chillful and arty open world, with many surprises and enigmatic nomads to meet all the way.
  19. Sep 22, 2021
    A stunning visual style can’t hide the fact that Sable is not only uninterested in guiding its players but it doesn’t really care about entertaining them either.
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  1. Sep 29, 2021
    Most video games are about “beating” them, giving you an objective to satisfy or a quest to complete. Sable doesn’t need you to complete it. That might be why the game’s best moments don’t happen along some questline but are experienced only through dogged exploration.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 47 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 47
  2. Negative: 15 out of 47
  1. Sep 30, 2021
    No me gusta el estilo artístico, aunque eso es personal. La idea de perderte con tu motillo me gusta, pero me parece injugable con losNo me gusta el estilo artístico, aunque eso es personal. La idea de perderte con tu motillo me gusta, pero me parece injugable con los problemas de rendimiento. Si lo arreglan lo terminaré y cambiaré la nota 100%. Full Review »
  2. Jul 16, 2022
    I love the world they've built, I love the art style, I liked the story, and I liked the overall gameplay. But good lord, this is one of theI love the world they've built, I love the art style, I liked the story, and I liked the overall gameplay. But good lord, this is one of the most terribly optimized games I have ever played.

    At the very least on consoles. Running this on an XSX, you won't convince this game can't run at near 4K 60FPS without much struggle at all. But this game barely chugs along half the time. You wanna pan the camera, yeah that'll cost you about 25-30 FPS, and it's egregious because this happens frequently. You can see the game run the way it's supposed to when in a very tight space. It looks great and plays smoothly, but the second you enter the open world or a medium-sized room, it gets unbearable at times. I stopped playing a little over halfway through because the frame dips were pissing me off so much. And as egregious as they are right at the very beginning, they get so, so, so much worse.

    The physics also get pretty ridiculous. You drive over a plant or pebble on your bike? Sometimes, no issues. Other times, though? You drive within two feet of a pebble or plant, you're about to do 5 backflips for no apparent reason. This was annoying, but it didn't annoy me too much. It made me laugh more than anything. The reason this game is getting a 4 is for the performance. It is terrible.
    Full Review »
  3. Mar 16, 2022
    Voici un étron indé particulièrement carabiné… difficile en effet de faire plus moche, à part bien sûr de la plateforme pixel lard /pixelVoici un étron indé particulièrement carabiné… difficile en effet de faire plus moche, à part bien sûr de la plateforme pixel lard /pixel larve en 2D… vu qu’ici, on est quand même dans un monde 3D ! un environnement désertique mais en 16 couleurs seulement, voire beaucoup moins en fait (on peut les compter).

    On ne sait pas trop ce qu’on doit y faire, ni comment le faire, vu que tout est sévèrement buggué ou bien pas fini, non implémenté… une sorte de jeu en version beta avec dans la version française des pronoms dégenrés (ou multi-genrés ?) systématiquement : on n’a que du « iel » ou du « luiel » (?!?) à chaque dialogue. Allez y comprendre quelque chose…

    De toute façon, la jouabilité est catastrophique, tout comme la technique à la masse de cet étron indé boulotté par deux caves. Ainsi, si le jeu est estampillé X|S, il tourne comme une patate sur Series X et saccade donc en permanence : une daube aussi laide qui tourne comme un tas de merde pareil, j’avais encore jamais vu ça ! bravo les blaireaux, vous êtes des champions de la nullité !
    Full Review »