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Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

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  • Summary: Linelight is an elegant puzzle game set in a world of lines.


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Linelight - Release Trailer #1
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Feb 6, 2017
    Linelight‘s unapologetically simple aesthetic is cunningly packed with a punch matched only by its intelligent assortment of variety and execution in creating a puzzle game that blossoms into something more than merely guiding colored bars on a circuit board-like winding of lines. A testament to the ever-growing puzzle genre, Linelight is nothing short of a stroke of genius.
  2. Feb 7, 2017
    Even if you don’t play puzzle games, Linelight is a shining beacon in dark times.
  3. 90
    Whether one sees Linelight as more than just entertainment, is completely subjective. Objectively speaking, Linelight is fresh, inventive, and offers a deceivingly simple premise with incredibly engaging and satisfying gameplay.
  4. Games Master UK
    May 19, 2017
    A lovely game. [Apr 2017, p.80]
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  1. This isn’t going to entertain the brainboxes who demand Stephen’s Sausage Witness before they’ll get out of their four-dimensional beds, but for a chilled puzzling time, they don’t get much better than this. It’s really splendid.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Sep 15, 2017
    Beautiful and intelligent simplicity. I would like if Metacritic would allow me to just write those four words but unfortunately I need toBeautiful and intelligent simplicity. I would like if Metacritic would allow me to just write those four words but unfortunately I need to write some more so that's what I'll do. This game is special. Give it a try. Expand
  2. Feb 12, 2017
    To sum up this game in one word: Beautiful.

    This is a superb game, which, while looking simplistic, takes you on quite an engaging journey
    To sum up this game in one word: Beautiful.

    This is a superb game, which, while looking simplistic, takes you on quite an engaging journey through many, many levels.
    The music and visuals are kept clean, they suit the game perfectly and are never understated or over the top.

    Without so much as a tutorial or explanation, this game shows you everything you need to know to complete every level and secret. Progression is a good steady pace. Couple of times you really have to stop and think, which is good.

    You do actually get quite a lot for your money too, for those thinking it's not worth the price. Either take the plunge and be rewarded or put it on your wishlist to make sure you get it later.
  3. Feb 14, 2017
    Incredibly clever, Linelight excels at creating playfulness from minimal gameplay elements. "Infuriating" and "frustrating" are often used asIncredibly clever, Linelight excels at creating playfulness from minimal gameplay elements. "Infuriating" and "frustrating" are often used as positives when reviewing puzzle games, but I'd describe Linelight instead as relaxing and comforting in the way the game teaches you deceptively simple mechanics, tests you on them, then combines them with other mechanics in unexpected ways.

    Linelight manages to create emotion and character without resorting to an unnecessary narrator or text. Pacing is excellent, balancing fast and slow moments while also balancing dexterity-based challenges with thoughtful puzzles. The soundtrack perfectly fits each level and I look forward to the new music in each world.

    If you're looking for a puzzle game that's both clever and comforting, play Linelight!
  4. Mar 10, 2017
    Simple, relaxing, and thoughtful, Linelight delivers on it's promise of a puzzle game simplified, minimalist puzzle game. It begins simply andSimple, relaxing, and thoughtful, Linelight delivers on it's promise of a puzzle game simplified, minimalist puzzle game. It begins simply and layers on more mechanics and puzzles, combining them in new ways and allows the player to grow as the game does. Thus, it is able to be played without any instruction. The puzzles are just the right level of difficulty to make them satisfying to solve without leaving you frustrated. The music is lovely as are the simple graphics. With merely the ability to travel along a line, the player is able to traverse many puzzles and interact with all kinds of obstacles they shall encounter.

    I am already eagerly awaiting a sequel.
