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Milk Cow Blues Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. The surprise is how extraordinarily well it all fits together, songs and guest vocalists pulled from all over the landscape, all blues and all inescapably Willie.
  2. Checkout.com
    It plays like an enjoyable variety show, since, as opposed to star turns, Willie's company puts in guest appearances, creating a strange mixture of not enough or a little too much (save for Willie's solo turns).
  3. 70
    If there is one drawback to this album, it is its somewhat overproduced nature. A little too clean and a little too short, Milk Cow Blues shows glimpses of what could have been, an all-star cast jamming to Willie classics and traditional blues like "The Thrill Is Gone" and "Ain't Nobody's Business."
  4. Fortunately, for most of the album, the soft-but-solid Austin backing band assembled by guitarist/co-producer Derek O'Brien is as well seasoned as Nelson, and shares his gift for making a little go a long way. And, ultimately, the best tracks may well be those sung by Willie alone.
  5. A sterling showcase for Nelson's bluesier side ?
  6. The duets always seem like an intrusion to his musical vision, especially since everybody except Dr. John oversells these songs, singing like a cliché instead of finding their own sound. It's all the more frustrating because Nelson really does find his voice on each song here, a fact that's apparent on the three songs he has to himself...
  7. 10
    Misconceived is the polite word.

See all 10 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. JoshC
    Jan 29, 2004
    Willie is great and sounds great. I love how Willie tries to blend blues and country a little more (even though the whiteman stole the style Willie is great and sounds great. I love how Willie tries to blend blues and country a little more (even though the whiteman stole the style away and called it country) and get away from that ultra conservative genre that is so mainstream in country music. A very liberal man. Toke it up Willie! Expand
  2. [Anonymous]
    Sep 26, 2003
    CD shows how close country and blues really are...how they both generated and have lived off each other...This is definately a 10 to see one CD shows how close country and blues really are...how they both generated and have lived off each other...This is definately a 10 to see one of the greatest country singers singing with some of the greatest blues singers... Expand
  3. RusA
    Feb 25, 2005
    Not a big Willie fan but one can put up with that for the music and guest vocalists