Questions tagged [algorithm]

An algorithm is a sequence of well-defined steps that defines an abstract solution to a problem. Use this tag when your issue is related to algorithm design.

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5358 votes
43 answers

What is a plain English explanation of "Big O" notation?

I'd prefer as little formal definition as possible and simple mathematics.
Arec Barrwin's user avatar
  • 61.6k
4887 votes
62 answers

How do I check if an array includes a value in JavaScript?

What is the most concise and efficient way to find out if a JavaScript array contains a value? This is the only way I know to do it: function contains(a, obj) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++...
brad's user avatar
  • 74.3k
4180 votes
38 answers

How can I pair socks from a pile efficiently?

Yesterday I was pairing the socks from the clean laundry and figured out the way I was doing it is not very efficient. I was doing a naive search — picking one sock and "iterating" the pile in ...
amit's user avatar
  • 176k
2707 votes
32 answers

What does O(log n) mean exactly?

I am learning about Big O Notation running times and amortized times. I understand the notion of O(n) linear time, meaning that the size of the input affects the growth of the algorithm ...
Andreas Grech's user avatar
2063 votes
14 answers

What is the optimal algorithm for the game 2048?

I have recently stumbled upon the game 2048. You merge similar tiles by moving them in any of the four directions to make "bigger" tiles. After each move, a new tile appears at random empty position ...
nitish712's user avatar
  • 19.6k
2043 votes
29 answers

What is tail recursion?

Whilst starting to learn lisp, I've come across the term tail-recursive. What does it mean exactly?
1900 votes
23 answers

Image Processing: Algorithm Improvement for 'Coca-Cola Can' Recognition

One of the most interesting projects I've worked on in the past couple of years was a project about image processing. The goal was to develop a system to be able to recognize Coca-Cola 'cans' (note ...
Charles Menguy's user avatar
1670 votes
22 answers

What is the best algorithm for overriding GetHashCode?

In .NET, the GetHashCode method is used in a lot of places throughout the .NET base class libraries. Implementing it properly is especially important to find items quickly in a collection or when ...
bitbonk's user avatar
  • 49k
1444 votes
58 answers

Removing duplicates in lists

How can I check if a list has any duplicates and return a new list without duplicates?
Neemaximo's user avatar
  • 20.2k
1275 votes
49 answers

Easy interview question got harder: given numbers 1..100, find the missing number(s) given exactly k are missing

I had an interesting job interview experience a while back. The question started really easy: Q1: We have a bag containing numbers 1, 2, 3, …, 100. Each number appears exactly once, so there are 100 ...
polygenelubricants's user avatar
1223 votes
7 answers

Ukkonen's suffix tree algorithm in plain English

I feel a bit thick at this point. I've spent days trying to fully wrap my head around suffix tree construction, but because I don't have a mathematical background, many of the explanations elude me as ...
Nathan Ridley's user avatar
1153 votes
49 answers

Calculate distance between two latitude-longitude points? (Haversine formula)

How do I calculate the distance between two points specified by latitude and longitude? For clarification, I'd like the distance in kilometers; the points use the WGS84 system and I'd like to ...
Robin Minto's user avatar
  • 15.1k
1084 votes
10 answers

What is tail call optimization?

Very simply, what is tail-call optimization? More specifically, what are some small code snippets where it could be applied, and where not, with an explanation of why?
majelbstoat's user avatar
1037 votes
10 answers

How can I find the time complexity of an algorithm?

I have gone through Google and Stack Overflow search, but nowhere I was able to find a clear and straightforward explanation for how to calculate time complexity. What do I know already? Say for code ...
Yasser Shaikh's user avatar
1008 votes
66 answers

Count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer

8 bits representing the number 7 look like this: 00000111 Three bits are set. What are the algorithms to determine the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?
976 votes
24 answers

Big O, how do you calculate/approximate it?

Most people with a degree in CS will certainly know what Big O stands for. It helps us to measure how well an algorithm scales. But I'm curious, how do you calculate or approximate the complexity of ...
sven's user avatar
  • 18.2k
860 votes
19 answers

How can building a heap be O(n) time complexity?

Can someone help explain how can building a heap be O(n) complexity? Inserting an item into a heap is O(log n), and the insert is repeated n/2 times (the remainder are leaves, and can't violate the ...
GBa's user avatar
  • 17.6k
839 votes
41 answers

How do I generate all permutations of a list?

How do I generate all the permutations of a list? For example: permutations([]) [] permutations([1]) [1] permutations([1, 2]) [1, 2] [2, 1] permutations([1, 2, 3]) [1, 2, 3] [1, 3, 2] [2, 1, 3] [2, ...
Ricardo Reyes's user avatar
793 votes
6 answers

How do I determine whether my calculation of pi is accurate?

I was trying various methods to implement a program that gives the digits of pi sequentially. I tried the Taylor series method, but it proved to converge extremely slowly (when I compared my result ...
Ishan Sharma's user avatar
  • 6,555
761 votes
36 answers

Sorting 1 million 8-decimal-digit numbers with 1 MB of RAM

I have a computer with 1 MB of RAM and no other local storage. I must use it to accept 1 million 8-digit decimal numbers over a TCP connection, sort them, and then send the sorted list out over ...
724 votes
38 answers

Generate an integer that is not among four billion given ones

I have been given this interview question: Given an input file with four billion integers, provide an algorithm to generate an integer which is not contained in the file. Assume you have 1 GB ...
717 votes
78 answers

Expand a random range from 1–5 to 1–7

Given a function which produces a random integer in the range 1 to 5, write a function which produces a random integer in the range 1 to 7.
716 votes
31 answers

How to check if a number is a power of 2

Today I needed a simple algorithm for checking if a number is a power of 2. The algorithm needs to be: Simple Correct for any ulong value. I came up with this simple algorithm: private bool ...
configurator's user avatar
705 votes
30 answers

How do I create a URL shortener? [closed]

I want to create a URL shortener service where you can write a long URL into an input field and the service shortens the URL to "". Instead of "abcdef" there can be any ...
caw's user avatar
  • 31.1k
656 votes
13 answers

What is the difference between a generative and a discriminative algorithm? [closed]

What is the difference between a generative and a discriminative algorithm?
unj2's user avatar
  • 52.3k
654 votes
33 answers

How do you compare float and double while accounting for precision loss?

What would be the most efficient way to compare two double or two float values? Simply doing this is not correct: bool CompareDoubles1 (double A, double B) { return A == B; } But something like: ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 6,581
642 votes
77 answers

Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n

I want to write a function that takes an array of letters as an argument and a number of those letters to select. Say you provide an array of 8 letters and want to select 3 letters from that. Then ...
626 votes
19 answers

How to replace all occurrences of a character in string?

What is the effective way to replace all occurrences of a character with another character in std::string?
big-z's user avatar
  • 6,892
591 votes
28 answers

How do you detect Credit card type based on number?

I'm trying to figure out how to detect the type of credit card based purely on its number. Does anyone know of a definitive, reliable way to find this?
Andrew Edvalson's user avatar
577 votes
13 answers

Why does Java's hashCode() in String use 31 as a multiplier?

Per the Java documentation, the hash code for a String object is computed as: s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1] using int arithmetic, where s[i] is the ith character of the string,...
jacobko's user avatar
  • 8,780
576 votes
12 answers

Algorithm to detect overlapping periods [duplicate]

I've to detect if two time periods are overlapping. Every period has a start date and an end date. I need to detect if my first time period (A) is overlapping with another one(B/C). In my case, if ...
J4N's user avatar
  • 19.6k
575 votes
5 answers

A simple explanation of Naive Bayes Classification [closed]

I am finding it hard to understand the process of Naive Bayes, and I was wondering if someone could explain it with a simple step by step process in English. I understand it takes comparisons by times ...
Aeonitis's user avatar
  • 5,887
573 votes
15 answers

What is the most efficient/elegant way to parse a flat table into a tree?

Assume you have a flat table that stores an ordered tree hierarchy: Id Name ParentId Order 1 'Node 1' 0 10 2 'Node 1.1' 1 10 3 'Node 2' 0 ...
Tomalak's user avatar
  • 333k
569 votes
53 answers

Best way to reverse a string

I've just had to write a string reverse function in C# 2.0 (i.e. LINQ not available) and came up with this: public string Reverse(string text) { char[] cArray = text.ToCharArray(); string ...
Guy's user avatar
  • 65.4k
567 votes
18 answers

What algorithms compute directions from point A to point B on a map?

How do map providers (such as Google or Yahoo! Maps) suggest directions? I mean, they probably have real-world data in some form, certainly including distances but also perhaps things like driving ...
A. Rex's user avatar
  • 31.7k
555 votes
30 answers

Check if all elements in a list are identical

I need a function which takes in a list and outputs True if all elements in the input list evaluate as equal to each other using the standard equality operator and False otherwise. I feel it would be ...
max's user avatar
  • 49.8k
553 votes
13 answers

Why do we check up to the square root of a number to determine if the number is prime?

To test whether a number is prime or not, why do we have to test whether it is divisible only up to the square root of that number?
Pan's user avatar
  • 6,475
519 votes
8 answers

What is Constant Amortized Time?

What is meant by "Constant Amortized Time" when talking about time complexity of an algorithm?
VarunGupta's user avatar
  • 6,137
505 votes
14 answers

What is an NP-complete in computer science? [closed]

What is an NP-complete problem? Why is it such an important topic in computer science?
505 votes
5 answers

What's the Hi/Lo algorithm?

What's the Hi/Lo algorithm? I've found this in the NHibernate documentation (it's one method to generate unique keys, section, but I haven't found a good explanation of how it works. I know ...
DiegoCofre's user avatar
  • 5,053
472 votes
29 answers

How to detect a loop in a linked list?

Say you have a linked list structure in Java. It's made up of Nodes: class Node { Node next; // some user data } and each Node points to the next node, except for the last Node, which has ...
jjujuma's user avatar
  • 22.2k
469 votes
15 answers

What are the practical factors to consider when choosing between Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS)? [closed]

I understand the differences between DFS and BFS, but I'm interested to know what factors to consider when choosing DFS vs BFS. Things like avoiding DFS for very deep trees, etc.
Parth's user avatar
  • 4,779
466 votes
18 answers

How does the Google "Did you mean?" Algorithm work? [closed]

I've been developing an internal website for a portfolio management tool. There is a lot of text data, company names etc. I've been really impressed with some search engines ability to very quickly ...
Andrew Harry's user avatar
  • 13.8k
463 votes
20 answers

How to implement a queue using two stacks?

Suppose we have two stacks and no other temporary variable. Is to possible to "construct" a queue data structure using only the two stacks?
Nitin's user avatar
  • 15.2k
461 votes
57 answers

Generating all permutations of a given string

What is an elegant way to find all the permutations of a string. E.g. permutation for ba, would be ba and ab, but what about longer string such as abcdefgh? Is there any Java implementation example?
GurdeepS's user avatar
  • 65.5k
452 votes
14 answers

Best algorithm for detecting cycles in a directed graph [closed]

Is there an efficient algorithm for detecting cycles within a directed graph? I have a directed graph representing a schedule of jobs that need to be executed, a job being a node and a dependency ...
Peauters's user avatar
  • 4,783
445 votes
10 answers

What is stability in sorting algorithms and why is it important?

I'm very curious, why stability is or is not important in sorting algorithms?
DarthVader's user avatar
  • 53.4k
445 votes
12 answers

Image comparison - fast algorithm

I'm looking to create a base table of images and then compare any new images against that to determine if the new image is an exact (or close) duplicate of the base. For example: if you want to ...
meade's user avatar
  • 23k
439 votes
13 answers

Why do we use Base64?

Wikipedia says Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data that needs be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with textual data. This ...
Aakash Goel's user avatar
  • 91.3k
438 votes
5 answers

Difference between Big-O and Little-O Notation

What is the difference between Big-O notation O(n) and Little-O notation o(n)?
Jeffrey Lott's user avatar
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