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  • Series Premiere Date: Jul 29, 2010
Season #: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
MasterChef Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critics What's this?

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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. The Hollywood Reporter
    Reviewed by: Barry Garron
    The show manages to be hugely entertaining and involving thanks mainly to the judges' personalities and the ability of the producers to spot emotionally charged stories when they see them. Sometimes these elements work together.
  2. 75
    For those of you for whom too much Ramsay is never enough, MasterChef is a dream come true. But for those for whom too much Ramsay is too much, the dream might seem like a recurring one.
  3. It's not great TV, but compared with the concentrated incompetence of "Hell's Kitchen," it's delicious.
  4. Its pleasures are simple and familiar. There is the usual mix of boastful losers and shy winners, of tiresome cutting remarks and delightful delighted approval.
  5. Ramsay remains an engaging TV character who understands that a significant part of his appeal lies in the fact that we're never sure when he could explode.
  6. 40
    Even Ramsay's most barbarous fans are likely to find this formula so thin by now that, by comparison, Louise Roe looks like a blimp.
  7. 30
    There's potential in a show devoted to Average Joes achieving their dreams, but even with "Top Chef" currently in the midst of one of its weaker seasons, there's no reason to sample what Masterchef is serving.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 2 out of 7
  1. Aug 21, 2013
    It doesn't get any better than this! There's something about watching home cooks, as opposed to professional cooks, that really makes the showIt doesn't get any better than this! There's something about watching home cooks, as opposed to professional cooks, that really makes the show that much more interesting! The personalities on the show are usually quite colourful, and come on, how can one resist the drama?! Expand
  2. Sep 14, 2010
    this is a better than average show, however it would be great if the shows producers could find a new way to present it instead of copyingthis is a better than average show, however it would be great if the shows producers could find a new way to present it instead of copying every other ramsay show. My wife and I know exactly when to "take a break" because its everytime he is going to annouce sometihng, he comes the commercial break. Expand
  3. Oct 15, 2013
    This show is good for passing the time, and quite inspirational on the topic of food, but sadly it's marred by "tv-syndrome". Constant looksThis show is good for passing the time, and quite inspirational on the topic of food, but sadly it's marred by "tv-syndrome". Constant looks ahead and flashes of what just happened means the show stutters and the flow feels interrupted. If you have any interest in food you should definitely watch this show, you'll learn from it. Expand
  4. Sep 21, 2010
    I watched the whole season although I am not sure why. It was really pretty boring and the show is very predictable. I think these shows haveI watched the whole season although I am not sure why. It was really pretty boring and the show is very predictable. I think these shows have about run their course at this point. Expand
  5. Jun 29, 2017
    It is an entertainment show and not a cooking show.
    Cookingwise it is canned.
    If there is any normal person competing against weird one;
    It is an entertainment show and not a cooking show.
    Cookingwise it is canned.
    If there is any normal person competing against weird one; they will choose weird one.
    It is Gordon's show, other two judges are just for show.
  6. May 25, 2012
    The show is way too predictable, especially with the actions of Gordon Ramsay, you can easily guess when is the commercial break coming. ItThe show is way too predictable, especially with the actions of Gordon Ramsay, you can easily guess when is the commercial break coming. It also lacks surprises and excitement which I wanted in reality TV shows. A cooking show turned into a disaster........ Expand
  7. Feb 15, 2018
    I've been in on this show since Season 1, and while I do sometimes have my disagreements with the decisions made on the show, I'm not a Chef.I've been in on this show since Season 1, and while I do sometimes have my disagreements with the decisions made on the show, I'm not a Chef. I've always had a great deal of respect for Gordon, I know Aaron is no amateur, I'm not commenting on Christina. However, Season 8 Episode 18's mystery box is an absolute crime against the word "competition"

    They judge the winner based solely on appearance, not giving one whit for taste, which is arguably the most important part of the dish. You can plate a good looking meal, but if it tastes like **** it tastes like **** The fact that they judged 3 dishes, leaving everyone else twisting in the wind without so much as an ounce consideration is amateurism at best, and sheer incompetence at worst.
