Marvel's Spider-Man


An enraged Venom roaring in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 1
Tony Todd Confirms Voice Lines for Scrapped Miles Morales Symbiote Story in Spider-Man 2

Horror icon and Venom voice actor Tony Todd recently revealed that Insomniac only used about 10% of his recorded voice work in Spider-Man 2.

Tom Holland' Spiderman with Spider-Man 2 Game shots 1
The Perfect Ending for MCU Spider-Man Lies in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Just like the video game version of Peter Parker, the MCU Spider-Man also deserves a happy ending of his own.

An enraged Venom roaring in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 1
Spider-Man 2 Players Make Venom Fully Playable with New Exploit

A reddit user reveals a different way players can use Venom in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

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A Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Suit May Hint at Miles' Future

One of the most expensive suits in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 may hint at a dark future for Miles Morales, given his new role in Insomniac's Spider-verse.

Spider-Man and Miles Morales in front of corrupted Spider-Man logo 1
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Proves Superhero Video Games Are Alive And Well

Marvel's Spider-Man 2's massive critical success is more than enough evidence to prove that the superhero game genre is alive and thriving.

Spiderman 2's Venom and Sam Raimi's Spiderman 3 1
Spider-Man 2 Director Explains Why Venom Is Impervious to Fire Unlike in the Comics

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 director reveals the simple, straightforward reason why one of Venom’s key weaknesses wasn’t adapted from the comics.

Miles Morales as the Amazing Spider-Man.  1
The Next Marvel's Spider-Man Game Will Focus Solely On Miles Morales

The storytellers behind Marvel's Spider-Man 2 reveal that Miles Morales will be the main Spider-Man in the franchise's next PlayStation game.

A portrait of Spider-Man looking over his shoulder against the New York City skyline 1
10 Most Impactful Deaths In Insomniac's Spider-Man Games, Ranked

Insomniac's Spider-Man games are a blast, but they also have some seriously dark Spidey content, including the deaths of many important characters.

Miles Morales sitting on a rooftop with Game of the Year award on the side 1
Why Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Probably Won't Win 2023's Game of the Year Award

While many fans might want Marvel's Spider-Man 2 to win 2023's Game of the Year award, the latest Spider-Man adventure has plenty working against it.

Miles Morales key image in front of two screenshots of Miles Morales 1
Why Insomniac's Next Spider-Man Game Needs to Be Miles Morales 2

While it might make some sense for Marvel's Spider-Man 3 to be the series' next installment, a Miles Morales sequel would benefit it even more.

Stan Lee Statue Man-Spider and Norman Osborn Mural from Marvel's Spider-Man 2 1
Marvel's Spider-Man 2: 10 References To Spider-Man Comics

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is full of references to Spider-Man comics, some of which players need to go out of their way to track down.

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Players Discover Bug That Fixes Endgame's Eternal Afternoon

Fans of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 find a workaround for the game not allowing them to change the time of day after completing the story.

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2: What Happens After You Beat the Game?

Players will find some additions to Marvel's Spider-Man 2 once they finish the story, including a higher difficulty and an extra side mission.

A split image featuring Doctor Strange, Venom, and Daredevil from Marvel comics 1
10 Characters From Insomniac's Marvel Universe Who Deserve Spinoff Games

The Marvel universe is full of awesome heroes that developers could use for future games — it's time they branch out from Spider-Man and Wolverine.

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Glitch Lets Players Do the Naruto Run

A hilarious bicycle glitch from Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has everyone's favorite web-slinger mimic the famous Naruto run from the titular anime series.

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Insomniac's Spider-Man 2 Venom Arc Fixes Sam Raimi's Biggest Mistake

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 packs a lot in but a key arc involving a scary villain reveals what Sam Raimi should have done with his third Spider-Man movie.

A split image of Laura Kinney as Wolverine, Ms. Marvel, and Kate Bishop as Hawkeye 1
10 Young Marvel Heroes Who Deserve The Insomniac Miles Morales Treatment

Marvel has a host of awesome young heroes like Brawn, Ms. Marvel, and Wolverine, and they deserve their own games like Insomniac's Miles Morales.

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How Insomniac's Spider-Man 2 Teases Spider-Man 2099 Spinoff

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has a side mission that opens the doorway for a Spider-Man 2099 spinoff that can even connect to Sony's animated movies.

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Spider-Man 2 Redeems A Sinister Villain — And Upgrades Peter Parker In A Big Way

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 turns a ruthless franchise villain into a hero and in the process, it gives Peter Parker his most important power-up.

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Should Spider-Man 2 Have Been Cheaper Because of Its Shorter Length?

Spider-Man 2's comparatively short length has ignited a debate over whether more bite-sized games are still worth a full $70 price tag.

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