Joe Matt

The Joe Matt Interview

In this extensive interview from The Comics Journal #183 (January 1996), Christopher Brayshaw speaks with the cartoonist Joe Matt (1963-2023) about his career to date.

Joe Matt

Seth on Joe Matt, 1995

From The Comics Journal #183 (January 1996): Christopher Brayshaw followed up his Joe Matt interview with a conversation with the Peepshow cartoonist’s friend and fellow cartoonist, Seth.

Tim Sale

The Tim Sale Interview

In this 2008 interview from TCJ #291, Joseph McCabe talked to Tim Sale about the latter’s art for Batman: The Long Halloween, drawing the Marvel “Color” series (although he’s colorblind), providing drawings for the TV show Heroes and more.

Tony Millionaire

“I Draw Swell, Drunk Or Sober. Unless I’m Really Drunk For Three Days”: An (Old) Interview With Tony Millionaire

In this conversation between Tony Millionaire and John Kelly from 1999, the cartoonist explains how he got his start, his time spent hanging off the roof of a cab, how autobiographical his comics about an alcoholic and suicidal crow are, and his love for all things nautical. Next week, we’ll present an all new conversation between Kelly and Millionaire, picking up right where this one leaves off.

The Frank Thorne Interview

CW: This post contains explicit, drawn pornographic images. In this conversation from The Comics Journal #280 (January 2007), Frank Thorne talks about a cartooning career that ultimately spanned more than 60 years. He worked in genres such as SF, sword and sorcery and history on comic books and strips — most notably, on Marvel’s Red Sonja title — before following his bliss.

Rationality and Relevance: Dennis O’Neil

This interview was conducted in 1978 and 1980 and released in full form in The Comic Journal #66 (September 1981). Among the many topics they cover, young Gary Groth and Mike Catron ask Denny O’Neil about the potential for the art form – specifically, beyond the mass audience and the superhero genre – and talk about a promising new writer O’Neil is editing, Frank Miller.

A Denny O’Neil and Matt Fraction Conversation

This conversation from The Comics Journal #300 (November 2009) is a snapshot of a moment just before smartphones became ubiquitous and before the MCU/Batman/superhero movies would glut cinemas. Matt Fraction and Denny O’Neil compare and contrast their experiences writing for characters such as Iron Man and Batman, share tips on craft and more.