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How to construct URI object with query arguments by passing hash?

I can generate query with: '', query: "a=#{hash[:a]}, b=#{[hash:b]}")

which generates

however I think constructing query string for many arguments would be unreadable and hard to maintain. I would like to construct query string by passing hash. Like in example below:

hash = {
  a: 'argument1',
  b: 'argument2'
  #... dozen more arguments
} '', query: hash)

which raises

NoMethodError: undefined method `to_str' for {:a=>"argument1", :b=>"argument2"}:Hash

Is it possible to construct query string based on hash using URI api? I don't want to monkey patch hash object...

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up vote 3 down vote accepted

Just call '#to_query' on hash.

hash = {
  a: 'argument1',
  b: 'argument2'
  #... dozen more arguments
} '', query: hash.to_query)


If you are not using rails remember to require 'uri'

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to_query is a Rails only method. It does not exist in Ruby. – marc_ferna Sep 19 '16 at 5:39
@marc_ferna questions has ruby on rails tag. You can include : ActiveSupport in non-rails projects – Filip Bartuzi Sep 30 '16 at 7:42

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